i know some of you know that just a few days ago i got scammed none the less i learned a good lesson

but now i am here for some help on trading and tips since i am new

i know someone mentioned steam rep but what site is a good one for checking rep?

what is the best way to trade? and well other tips to watch out for that might be a scame

anyhow i can not stop people from posting whatever they feel like as a response i would though prefer constructive replies over just random jokes or other none sense

anyhow thanks to anyone who is willing to help

this is the one site i found for Rep

this that a good one

i know there is steamtrade site here but are there good groups on steam themselves for trading?

10 years ago*

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From here u can take a look on the trades and reputations on their profiles, one thing people usually do is : who got more rep goes first , that in case if u are trading steam keys.. obviously u will not trade with someone with negative feedback on their profile.

Watch out for the impersonators that set their steam profile as private and put fake names in attempt to fool you.

I've got 78 rep in there and never had any problems

10 years ago

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how do i know if they are impersonator? and fake name?? as i think that may have been what happened to me to beguin with all his profile had tons of trades and good rep

10 years ago

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Simply compare his profile with steam trades profile, if it does match then it's the real dude.. if it doesn't then it's an impersonator. Those type of people usually set their profile as private. they copy the name and picture from the guy that got tons of reputation and try to scam. You can easily prevent that, just be cautious next time.

Edit: Ah and do not rely on the comments on steam profile chatbox, it's easily manipulated.. everyone can post any message in there and they can delete the negative ones. So as I said steamtrades is a good place where u can check the feedback from the traders.

10 years ago

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Install the enhanced steam add on for your browser and use the links to their ST profile. Never use a link they send to you.

10 years ago

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well one tip that could help is to stay CALM at all times don't let yourself be rushed. "look both ways before you cross the road" if you have trader buddies you could also ask what they think of a trade before you make a suspicious one.

10 years ago

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I usually use steamtrades rep only unless other people have massive amounts of rep or on another reputable site. Profile Rep isn't worth sht

10 years ago

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yeah i found that out,did not stop me from getting scammed

10 years ago

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I doubt you got scammed by people with 100+ reps on steam trades

10 years ago

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Well you could learn to think for yourself..

10 years ago

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and that relates to this how? other then spamming my thread?

and i do think for myself but i am not like you and know it all because you are implying that i do not think for myself and there for that is why i made this mistake?

either way thanks for your help,here is a tip for you,do not think to hard that hamster might fall of its wheel

10 years ago

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1) only trade using he Steam trading window
2) if it sounds too good to be true, it's probably an attempt to scam you

also read this: http://www.steamtrades.com/forum/tIA8K/trading-guide-humble-advice-from-yours-truly

10 years ago

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^^^ This!


10 years ago

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install Enhanced Steam in your browser. this allows you to check certain profile links for a guy yourself. e.g., if someone adds you and gives you a link to his steamtrades profile with 500 rep, how can you be sure that this is really his profile? the only way is to check if this steamtrades profile is really linked to his steam profile. one way would be to use the steam profile link on steamtrades. the better/faster way is to use Enhanced Steam. open his profile on steam, copy the address (right-click, copy page url) open it in your browser and press the link to his steamtrades profile (and there is a steamrep link, too, which you should also check every time). this way you have nothing to fear from impersonators.

some more advice:

  • try to trade only with high-rep people. especially with steam keys. you don't have a lot of rep yourself, so people will ask you to go first. go only first with people you are sure about.

  • rep is not everything. i would trust a 10 rep guy with a 2 year old steamtrades profile more, than a 100 rep guy who got all his rep in 1 month. there have been cases (humble bundle cc fraud), where guys got extrem amounts of rep in a very short time. i am very careful with everyone who is on steamtrades for 2 months or less.

  • don't let someone rush you. if he says he has no time and you have to hurry - he is maybe trying to trick you.

  • if it's too good to be true... if someone offers you DayZ for 2 TF2 keys, this is an obvious scam attempt. don't just hope for the best, avoid trading with those people.

  • if you want to be really, really safe, don't trade steam keys, only gifts. that way you can always get your stuff back in case of a scam. although i must say, i traded hundreds of steam keys and never had a problem.

10 years ago

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