You have to agree to be recharged monthly, and it's full price after the first month.
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Yes, you are on a "pre-contract" monthly subscription, but you have the right to cancel at any time, so I believe that nothing will prevent you from taking, redeeming this month and canceling the next, most of the monthly subscription services work like this: monthly charge on such day unless you cancel before.
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It's 75% for one month at full price. In Europe: 4,50€ instead of 17,99€. You can gift one month and use the coupon.
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Where should I use this coupon ? I am getting $ 12
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If you go to this page ( and click on "Subscribe now", the coupon applies automatically.
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No, you won't have a problem. But I would suggest you to wait until September 4th, when new bundle will be revealed and an extra game will be added to the current one. Your next autocharge date will be at the end of September, so you have plenty of time for that
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No new game revealing for August Choice. They already revealed all the games.
Subcription also gives extra -20% off on Humble Store so you might want to wait at least after 15-20 September if there will be something tempting on Humble Store.
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There's plenty of ways around that, with just a minimum of effort. For a more thorough example, one could go to an internet cafe [or library, school, etc] and use a VISA gift card for payment, effectively leaving no tracks at all. Not that I'm making a value statement on that either way, just saying there's not really any fear of bans for those who are actually dedicatedly exploiting the system, unless they're very, very bad at it.
So it's less "they ban accounts for that" and more "they ban you if you don't try very hard to hide that you're bypassing the system". Steam key activations can't be tracked, either, so you don't even have to be careful on that end of things.
In conclusion, "new customer" digital promos really do feel quite uncomfortable for pre-existing customers, given that they're basically punishing you for being an honest, pre-existing purchaser, while rewarding everyone else for not being such.
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I think VISA gift cards don't work. As well as paypal balance (if you don't have actual credit card linked to your paypal, not even bank account works). I totally didn't try it myself but I have seen a fair amount of people offering to pay extra on paypal and their reasoning is that Humble Bundle won't accept their payment due to these reasons.
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VISA gift cards work exactly like normal VISA cards. Since they function exactly like a VISA card, they're accepted anywhere VISA is. Are there actually places that restrict them specifically? I've never encountered any restrictions before, and the whole, heavily marketed sales gimmick for the gift cards is that they can be used anywhere VISA cards can be, so that'd be a bit odd in light of that.
And no, your next statement should definitely be inaccurate, as I myself use paypal without any cards linked to it, and have done so with Humble from the very start. Perhaps there's a legacied status in effect? Though I'm not sure how that'd apply, since I'd expect that all Paypal sends out to Humble is whether the account is verified or not.
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who got banned and what for?
Never heard soeoen get banned on HB before.
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To be frank, many of them actually traded keys, which is against their rules so not really surprising for getting banned. I do believe its idiotic that you can't use gifting without being in risk group as being flagged as trader, but many of the criers actually broke rules and got banned due to trading instead of using gift links. They where flagged as traders due to gift links.
And I don't really agree with your statement about old users not getting anything. First of all - classic plan....... How is that not being good to old costumers ? And you get coupons now and then. This month I got $4 off and paid something around 7 EUR for 12 games. And my next month will be for 11 EUR, but for the new costumers much expensive and less games. So how is this being good to new users and neglectful for old users ?
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They increased price of monthly (choice) giving some "off" to old users isnt benefit xD make something alot more expensive than before and then give some " but u can get it cheaper... IF" is silly. Awful business practices. (read cheaper as same as before but we act like we giving u some artificialy created "discount")
All their "promos" are ALWAYS just for NEW users/subscribers.
Even u trading keys, and what? U bought games/keys and they are yours and u can do totally anything u want with em. If u want use them, trade them, sell them, giveaway them, print to paper and throw from window... its absolutely your choice.
You bought ur game keys with legit money and they are simply yours, they have no rights to telling u what u can do or not with them. What they do is.. rather no comment.
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Your statement of old users getting nothing still doesnt make sense. New users got fucked over by getting increased price and less games. Old users werent affected. if anything we got a better deal because we can actually see the games we buy beforehand at the same price and actually get more games.
Whether it was good or bad business practice is different topic.
So god damn what that you think you can do with them what you want ? They literally can tell you what you can do with them as they already have. They have it right there in the rules you cant trade the games you buy from them. I believe you should have total freedom over the keys because you bought that. But just because we think something should be truth doesnt make it. They still have a rule that you cant trade the games you buy from them. End of the story. If you dont agree with their TOS dont use their service. But if you break a rule they have set, dont blame them for getting banned.
I agree HB is being complete dicks with banning users and not allowing them access to their keys. But it's their rules. If you can launch a lawsuit and prove they are in the wrong and they change the rules - good for you. If not there is no ground going around internet and acting you are above rules.
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yeah, hate that popular business model
still you can unlink your payment, wait for 48hours and pay with new account ;)
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So you can still cancel now this month and get the discount? And then immediately ressub if you want?
Instead of many others who canceled July and got discount
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So you got the coupon afzer canceling subsrciption now, this month? Really interesting, not sure if I should go for it, I'm on Classic plan.
Does anyone know if you can pause months with the 10$ for 6 months promotion, or it will be 19.99$ if you pause?
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I got the email too but whenever I try to subscribe I get this message saying the price of the item in my cart changed and I´m redirected to main site.
I was a subscriber in the past and last HB Choice I bought wast last year.
Guess no US$ 5 HB for me.
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I thought I got a good deal when I subscribed for $10 a few months ago. The last two months were already quite lackluster for me. And I have even less expectations for September when they sell their stuff for the measly amount of $5 now, which is less than most bta regular bundle tiers cost.. How could they possibly add quality games for that price? Maybe I'll just unsubscribe, but we'll see.
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I paid one year of monthly last year, when they changed the business model. And y think i won't get it ever again if they continue like that.
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With this promotion for $5 do you get all 12 games like they said for August only or do you get the standard 9 games with Premium?
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As usual older customers get nothing. I'd have been happy with like 5$ off of this month or something... sigh.
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Perhaps. If they plan on reselling it, number of accounts is something a potential buyer would look at.
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If this gets them new users, great! But this will sure drive away the existing ones.
I'm a classic subscriber and I have never received this kind of offer, so why should I just not create a new account and pay using a prepaid card?
Well, we'll see what the future has but I'm guessing this Choice is going away soon...
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