With the right people, mate. I'd rather go and watch a movie all by myself then having around a bunch of retards who talk on their phones or chat loudly during the movie. It just spoils the fun.
To add to the experience, after watching a movie alone in the whole theather, I am sure I enjoy it much better that way. Sit wherever you want, how you want, nobody disturbs you. It's pretty much the best thing for loners.
So no, it's not pathetic. Most of the times you're better off that way.
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Agreed, never got the "loud" friends problem so i didn't think of it at first ( didn't go a lot of times to movie theaters anyway ).
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I don't think I have any friends loud like that and if I had, I wouldn't go see a movie with them.
But I encountered some seriously annoying strangers. Like that two kids with their grandma - I thought the kids would be loud at first, but I was totally wrong. It was that old woman, sneezing, coughing and talking loudly ALL the time and the kids actually tried to hush her. Apparently it was her first time in a movie theater. I was unable to focus on the movie and got seriously annoyed.
That was one of my worst cinema experiences.
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I never understood why people have a problem with this. I mean, are you going to the movies to chat or to actually watch the movie? I've probably gone to the movies alone more times than I went with friends and/or girlfriends and it never bothered me. But to each their own, I suppose. Just invite someone to go with you if it upsets you, I guess :)
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Nah. I used to go to cinema alone quite often since they gave me bonuses like free tickets etc. the more often I went there and sometimes it's hard to find people to go with.
I probably wouldn't go see a comedy and definitely not a romantic movie alone, but thrillers / action movies are pretty cool when nobody disturbs you, especially if it's some time after the premiere so there aren't as many people in general.
Also most of my friends dislike 3D movies (they make their eyes hurt) while I kinda enjoy them, so that's another reason why I dont mind going to cinema alone.
So yeah, I think it's completely fine.
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I always go to the movie theater alone, not like you need to talk while watching.
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Luckily my friends are really quiet during movies. We don't say a word until the movie is over and then on the ride home we talk about how awesome the movie was and the funny parts and what did not make much sense. I love that moment when we share our opinions on the movie.
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I'll be honest, I'm that guy who hasn't done this before. It's not like I don't have people to go with (Although that could be possible, it all depends)but I only go with my family because... Yeah, never went alone and I don't really go with friends.
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Sadly, I don't have Netflix and... You pay for Hulu, don't you? Either way, one of these days I'm going to do it because I'll end up not giving a shit if no one wants to see a movie with me. Let's be honest here. Who doesn't like going to the movies in general?
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First movie I seen alone was Star Trek: First Contact. Loved it!
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Better than going with a woman, worse than going with a dude.
It's always best to go with your best friend, someone who knows the post-credits scene of Marvel movies.
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I feel sorry for you if every woman you know can be considered bad company for watching movies. I think I had bad experience being in cinema with my female friend only once and it's only because she kept asking "what happens next" (we had class "trip" to watch one of the Harry Potter movies nd I'm a fan of book series)
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They keep talking, they keep asking questions, they keep sleeping and they're never interested in the movie.Whenever I try to watch something with a women we either end up having sex or she falls asleep.Or both.
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Well, atleast you have 66% chances of having a nice end.
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You gotta find some better girls to hang out with then, like one that likes Marvel/DC/comic books and/or enjoys the same movie genres as you do (how can you expect anyone to be interested in something they are unlikely to watch on their own?)
From my experience guys with friends (usually group of 4+ guys) just can't stay silent during the movies and then they feel offended for about half of the movie because a girl told them to shut the f** up (sadly after that chattering starts again)
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I laugh when I see people leave when the credits roll of a Marvel movie.
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Going to the movie with friends is fun for every part except while watching the movie. It's not bad, we just do not talk or do anything besides watching the film which is what we're supposed to do. The talk on the way home is the best part.
I did go see a movie alone once and it was Inception. None of my friends are interested given the premise (confusing, multi-layered plot) but the experience was not bad.
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go and cut yourself, whining about it on the internet makes me kinda angry. Get a hobby like sports or a bookclub (use the internet), then you'll get nice people to know. But stop this ooh watch me I'm such a derpy derp werp... god dammit. Im not even a flamer type but I do hate whiny little attention whores as hell.
(I'm the kick in your butt you need to get up, use it wisely)
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Are you referring to me? If so, I just asked if the nice folks here view "going to the movies" alone with a negative connotation... since that stigma certainly does exist. I never said how I feel on the subject, or anything about my life.
You certainly do seem to have problems though, in any case.
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First of all, are you actually saying this gentleman reacted appropriately to my question? If I were taking sides in a fairly innocent discussion, I can't say I would sidle up to the poster with the tact and subtlety of a school shooter.
Second of all, based on the replies thus far (keeping in mind that it's a discussion board for gamers so a certain appreciation for isolation is expected), there are people who do feel uncomfortable going to the movies alone. There are people that in their entire lives, never have gone alone, myself included. There IS a negative stigma about it, a stigma that I am/was aware of. I absolutely acknowledged that in my question. Anything you think you pulled from it that might indicate how I personally feel is completely on you.
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Had to send a friend to ER because he cut himself earlier this year. Not quite an interesting experience. Also, the drug he took after that makes him super excitable that I had to endure for months. No, you don't want someone to cut themselves.
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Of course if you go with friends or family the experience is better, but there is no problem going alone (though i've never went alone) as long as you don't care those assholes laughing at anything, and if it's a superhero movie I recomend you going on ours where you think less childs will be.
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no that's perfectly fine. Going to a movie theatre alone in a video game is pathetic :)
I win.
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I'm a fan to the art house film or movies that need thinking, mostly I watch movies by myself. Tried asking others to join me, but they always doze off after 30 minutes.
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My friends have terrible taste in movies, in the end i feel just as pathetic watching crap like "Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" with them as i would feel seing good movies alone. Still it bothers me more when couples go see movies like "12 Years slave" and start making out while a torture scene is happening
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Honestly, people who say or think that way are just playing into a stupid and irrational social stigma. You watch movies or TV alone at home sometimes don't you? So why not go enjoy a new movie in the theater by yourself if that's either what you feel like doing or the way it just works out? Nothing wrong with it at all.
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Don't think I ever went alone, but I don't see anything wrong with it. After all you're there to watch a movie so I don't see why an alone experience would be different (I don't tolerate chatting or other disruptive behaviour around me).
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Kind of pathetic, or no?
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