Do you think Valve should continue making games?
He is Gaben, undercover. He wants to know if he we will buy HL3.
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Not sure what you want to achieve with this thread, but okay.
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I was looking for this in the poll Thanks captain :D
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Perhaps the point of this thread is to say to everyone, including me, who is somehow still hoping to see Half-Life 3 before they die, to abandon all hope, let it go, etc.
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Valve was a great company create great games: Half Life, Portal, Team Fotress, Counter Strike, Left 4 Dead...but now only is a machine to make easy money with esl of game Cs Go and Dota and Pass/items Cs Go, At the moment Valve only interest make easy money, not create games. why?, in my view, is losing quality valve, today only care about making easy money and not try to make games, they have sufficient resources in the market to make money, Therefore dont want to create new games.
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Interesting that you list those games as to why Valve were a company that made great games.
Half Life is the only game in that list that was originally developed there, the rest were acquired after already showing potential.
Portal - Based on Narbacular Drop. The team were acquired by Valve.
Team Fortress - Originally a Quake mod. The team and IP were acquired by Valve.
Counter Strike - Half Life mod. The team and IP were acquired by Valve.
Left 4 Dead - Developed by Turtle Rock Studios who were then acquired by Valve.
Without Valves money, these games may have struggled to become as good as they are, but Valve themselves are no longer a games development company, but a publisher & financier. That is not necessarily a bad thing.
You mention that you don't think they want to make new games. I completely agree with this. I especially don't think they want to make HL3 as the risk of releasing it is just too high for them.
For instance, could it ever live up to the hype and impossibly high expectations that have built up over the last 8 years? It's very unlikely (when has a game or film managed it?), so it is likely that they will disappoint a lot of people and if the game isn't almost perfect, they risk damaging their reputation.
What are the potential rewards for Valve? Financial? Recognition? Reputation? They don't need the money and they are already recognised and held in high regard.
I really don't see it ever happening. I hope I am wrong, as I was a big HL fan, and they release it as a project of passion rather than holding it back due to business sense. I'm just not expecting it.
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If you're right, they are not originally Valve games but this company was whom the impulse to what today are and respect Half Life 3, I think it will not hit the market due to the high expectations they have for 2, the product should be a lot of quality for the public not negatively criticize the title and this day I think Valve or Gabe Newell not interested in experimenting with a title that could worsen its image, and if I were Gabe Newell, Half Life 3 only create if he had a title good enough to overcome 2
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How dare you under estimate GabeN?!?1?1?1?!?1??!?!?!?1?1?111
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nope, those were CS 1.6 and CS source and CSGO and some other old one but it was never CS3
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It's 1.6 and I think 1.7 or 1.5 irk and CSS and CSGO not CS3
Oh and I so am not a numb skull, I got tested!!1!!11!!11
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Alright then.
hl1(and its many side stories)
4 Half-Life games.
But what we like to discuss is that there was never a HL3(pay attention to the 3). I don't remeber that there is any CS3(pay attention to the 3).
Or there is a number 3 on the name, or we don't care.
Also, from 2 to 3, there is 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.000001;...... Infinite numbers till 3.
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thanks for this informative thread! now, if only we had an "Understanding ZeoMause" guide.
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Actually, to be making a correction, it is "Is this guy a idiot?" So... please do not call someone and idiot if you can't make a proper sentence. Also, this is just to make a point that Valve is not a fluent game company to make games that much anymore.
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Valve is one of the best game markers on the market. They always develop very successful games. They should focus on games MORE than on anything else IMO. We don't need no steam machines, Steam OS and shit like that. We need good games. Bring on that Portal 3 and HL 3.
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Do you realise that these games are always good, because it takes long to develop them?
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I personally think that if you force a team of developers to make another game, it will automatically be crap. Valve will make more games if they want to.
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Valve does not make a ton of money on Steam. Even while they do not take 10% off every sale but 10% of sales of virtual items in community market. They take 30% of games they sell (but CoD might get a discount) but how much games do they sell? Not that much.
First of all, let's say CoD. Newest one sold over 18 million copies. Activision earned about 30 $ out of each copy. (not counting the DLC) this sums up to 540 million dollars.
And how much has steam earned? First of all - PC edition of CoD:AW sold in 300 000 copies. Steam earns about 18 $ out of each one of them. It turns to about 5,6 million dollars. A lot? I don't think so.
It shows clearly that Steam earns about 1% of the sum of money which earns a game developer.But there is a lot of catches on the way.
You see, the total game industry generates about 82 Billion dollars Revenue. About 17 billion is Hardware, 21 Billion are mobile games. 8 Billion are console exclusives. (not the entire console market, but it's just the games which are available on a single platform, excluding windows) So the rest is 35 billion. And Steam might get 1% out of this... So 350 million dollars isn't that bad, right?
But you need to split this money between Steam, Origin, uPlay, GoG, games sold independently (like Star Citizen), Green Man Gaming, GamersGate... The list goes on and on. Steam is the biggest fish in this pond, but it still gets only about 1/3 of it. (estimate) This equals about 120 million dollars a year. (I rounded it up) Minus the running costs of course.
Meanwhile Activision spends between 80 and 100 million dollars to develop each one of CoD Games. Another 100-150 millions to advertise them. In return it turns out that they earn around 300 millions per each CoD. That's a single game - and without counting the DLC.
Let's take different example. Portal 2. It sold about 3 million copies on consoles, and Valve got about 90 million dollars out of it. That's about 75% of what is net income of Steam. Of course there are costs of creating the game, but Steam doesn't work by itself either.
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Hello, my name is Zeo Mause. I am here to tell you somethings that you need to know about Valve. First to start off Valve is a video game development and digital distribution company. So... that means they make games and distribute games that people say they need published. The company's HQ is in Bellevue, Washington and the founders are Gabe Newell and Mike Harrington. Now... lets get into the facts.
1.) Valve is a gaming company with a management of Steam. Steam is one of the best game internet-based digital distribution, digital rights management, multiplayer, and social networking platform out for PC.
2.) Valve makes TONS of money on Steam. Steam alone for them gets them money. How? Valve gets profit from each game that gets sold on their community. Example would be, Call of Duty, Valve gets 10% profit as the company of the game gets 90%. Now, not to hurt anyone's feelings but Valve seems to be retired from the gaming business. They are more into software, technology based VR systems, and their own systems than anything else. (Common sense)
3.) Valve makes money also on items for their games. Such as TF2 and CSGO and other games they have developed.
4.) Steam is the main priority. Just saying.
That is it for the facts for now. If you have facts please tell.
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