just cause you have no skill and suck at the game. The pro CoD players at tournaments clearly have skill if they are competing in paid tournaments
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also happens to eastern dota scene, but man that's so bad to watch. That's why a soundproof booth separating teams are needed sometimes.
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lol, then you must be jealous, they get paid so much money to play this "no skill" game, sucks to be you
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Money isn't everything in life. If you are so worried about what other people make, you are going to have a bad time. I'm only jealous of Starcraft 2 pro players, and that's because of their skills, not because of how much they make.
I don't know what's worse, watching those kids or reading the stuff their fanboys come up with.
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LOL?! Banana, you are a brainless man. just cause you're biased against call of duty doesn't mean it takes no skill to play, i bet you're just mad cause you got owned by kids and they t-bagged the crap out of you and made you rage quit. You know, just cause you have no skills doesn't mean everyone else doesn't.
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the first "word" already was "LOL?" that shows us how mature you are.
Huntercopper, get lost seriously. you are argueing like a 12 year old, thats all.
go play your CoD and accept other peoples oppinion! grow up and dont act like a douchebag.
when people dont like CoD, accept it!
learn what tolerance means.
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saying lol is immature now? how so? btw you are such a hypocrite, here you are telling me to go away and telling me to learn tolerance when you can't accept my views or tolerate what i say, go suck on that you dumb cow. And i'm not even arguing, i'm stating the facts, he sucks at COD. You should be the one pissing off
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Yeah, that's clearly it. It has nothing to do with the fact that I've played quake and for years and I know the difference between a game that takes skill and a game with no learning curve intended to provide instan gratification. I enjoy CoD as well, but it's far from being a game that requires skill. You can keep insulting all you want, it's not a very strong counter argument though and all it does is make you look like an immature cunt.
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ouch man, that was really uncalled for, i mean sure i'm immature sometimes but calling me a cunt is too far. i don't understand why you are fighting with me if you also play call of duty, we should unite and defend call of duty together. Also an apology for hurting my feelings would be nice too.
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I don't get those "no skill", "easymode" arguments. I like shooters, but I suck at them. I think that headshotting another player while you're bunnyhopping around a corner takes some skill. The same for learning how to exploit chokepoints and popular paths. Sure, it's no ARMA, but it still something you have to learn and spend time on.
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If you'd played games like quake you'd know the difference between an FPS that requires skill and one that doesn't. It's definitely one of the easiest FPS games out there. Weapons have no recoil, it's pretty much one shot one dead with most weapons, you get things like UAV's telling you the possition of your enemy, there's no 'fancy stuff' to learn like rocket jumping, air strafing and such. There's no 'headshotting while bunnyhopping', you can just as effectively bodyshot them and bunnyhopping isn't really a thing in CoD.
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Then you played a different COD than me, or H/C mode only. Quake had no recoil and you could survive a lot of hits from the basic machine gun.
In COD/BF normal, players are bullet sponges, unless you headshot (some skill in aiming required, I lack it). Recoil is there, but some players seem to be adept and countering it and know how to use bursts.
Maybe bunnyhopping isn't really a thing in COD, but while playing MW1/2 I routinely witnessed players jumping when negotiating a corner to confuse the opponent and make it harder to hit them, all while landing headshots. You can't tell me that's something everyone knows how to do.
I'll admit that killstreak bonuses and various perks and features that mark and reveal enemies are making the game easier, but that won't prevent unskilled noobs from getting killed.
For me, Q]|[ and UT'99 were not inherently more skill based. They offered different tools and possibilities and were easier in some aspects, more difficult in others. MW3/BF3 don't have hitscan weapons, for example, you have to lead faraway moving targets, there's some bullet drop. On the other hand - no rocketjumps, ridiculous perks etc.
tl;dr I'm not defending those games as good, but they still require some skill and time to get good at.
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+1 When I played MW2 AFTER CoD 1(Had missed out on the others),it was MIND BLOWING.And then I made the Jump to Black Ops 2-MINDFU*KED.
Obviously,those who complain are the ones who go play every yearly release,and/or suck at it.Or maybe its just their opinion.
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Because people are allowed to enjoy things you don't like.
EDIT: Also because there aren't many other FPS choices. Bf3 is crap as well, quake takes actual skill, tf2 is a totally different game, cs:go is crap, blacklight is alright but different style as well, NS2 is very team dependant. And I'm pretty much running out of FPS games.
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You are comparing a lot of single player games to a game that most people buy for the multiplayer though.
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Yeah, great, thanks for your useless contribution, but as I said, it has nothing to do with what I was talking about.
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KF, borderlands and postal 2 have nothing to do with what we are discussing here. As for the other 3 they are dead except for red orchestra 2 which isn't far from it either with 2k peak players.
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So looking forward to Rise Of The Traids.
You are sorta right, I cant really remember the last time I got immersed in a competitive shooter, think it was UT2003...maybe?
I hope the mods keep it alive, someone already recreated the Quake 1 maps for it...good start.
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I'm kinda of on the fence about RotT, I don't like the graphics on it. What I love about quake and tf2 is the simplicity of the graphics. There's not much to be distracted with and you can just focus on killing stuff.
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I actually like the way they did the graphics, its not to much but also not super outdated. You have to remember at the time those graphics were amazing also.
I think it will be a good game honestly, will have to see though.
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Tribes Ascend is kinda terrible now and has pretty much 0 dev support, they dropped it in favor of Smite even though its unbalanced as shit now and not worth the download time, hopefully they hand over dev tools to the fans to mod it and make it superior. honestly the beta(Been in it since day 1) was a better game.
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yeah, BF3 TOTALLY didn't have any gun/map packs... at all.
No. Not a single one. Nope. You didn't have to shell out a ton of money after the initial $60 to play on any server because everyone had switched over to the new gun/map packs. Nope. That didn't happen.
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Let's be fair and take that in context: "If buying a $60 map/gun pack is your thing then go for it." BF3 didn't have $60 map/gun packs. It had $15 map/gun packs.
You could argue that BF4 is itself a $60 map/gun pack, but that's another discussion altogether.
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It is pretty repetitive imo but I do know plenty of people who either play it because they genuinely like pretty much any and every fps and/or because everyone else owns it so they have people to multi with.
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cause adults don't play call of duty? just cause people are playing a game you don't like doesn't mean it is a bad game
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That's a valid answer. But it doesn't really address the intent behind the question does it?
Having only played half an hour of MW2 (an infuriating half hour at that), I can only really guess as to what the appeal is. But my guess is that CoD is the ultimate popcorn entertainment. A quintessential power fantasy that doesn't challenge its audience on any level but provides generous doses of instant gratification. In other words it's casual.
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What kind of answer did you expect? People play the game because they like it. Why do they like it? Because it's easymode and allows them to show off their e-peen and mad aiming skills. That's about as far as it goes.
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For the most part the game makes them feel empowered, It makes them the taste of being in the military without actually being in the military. With almost sacred cult of the military that we have they just feel more masculine, more heroic, more elite.
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I would agree if it was a serious question instead of a 'why do people like things I don't?' kind of question.
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It's easy. That's why. Guns have no recoil, killing others is simple, etc. CS:GO and BF3 are more complex, and CS:GO especially has a higher learning curve (because recoil actually exists in that game). People aren't playing it for a great FPS experience, they're playing it because it's easy to get into and satisfying to kill other people in.
If you're a person who has that higher skill level and appreciates a more challenging FPS, you probably don't see the joy in CoD yourself, but people who are more casual and don't want to explore higher skill/commitment sink their time into CoD.
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I think most of the hate comes from the people that would gloat about their '360noscopes lol pwnd u'.
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yeah, the only real problem I have with CoD fans is that a lot of them tend to think they're "hardcore gamers." The idea that they can pull some tricks in CoD or that they're good at CoD, and because it's a high-profile game that any criticism of it is completely invalid.
The fact is that CoD is an incredibly casual game, and all of the competitive-ness is fabricated by the playerbase itself. I had classmates in middle school who would tell me shit about how the games I played sucked in comparison to CoD. It's that kind of mentality of the fanbase that makes me hate CoD probably way more than it deserves.
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The correlation is entirely your own. I'm not trying to imply anything positive or negative in my assessment as 'popcorn entertainment'. Hell, many of my favorite games/films are popcorn entertainment (Pacific Rim, anyone?).
Though I would be the first to admit that I hate the franchise, but because of its effects on the rest of gaming industry and culture, not because the thirty minutes I spent playing MW2 MP made my blood boil due to my inexperience.
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Battlefield has bright color schemes, b movie storylines, crappy game play, and it's actually a really easy game to be good at. requires no skill. I'll stick with Call of duty.
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Wait, did you said crappy gameplay? wtf man?
BTW, when i was playing CoD I always had pretty big kill streaks, I have also tried BO2 on a free weekend and yeah, it requires no skill. But I'm playing BF for 1 year and well, if I get a 4 kill streak then I'm happy as fuck. It requires skill. You won't learn driving a jet in 5 minutes. You won't learn anything about how to play it wise in 5 minutes. In CoD you can learn that in some minutes... Found a good gun, get lots of kill streaks and that's it.
I'll stick with BF
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Wait, did you said crappy gameplay? wtf man? BTW, when i was playing BF I always had pretty big kill streaks, I have also tried BF3 on a free weekend and yeah, it requires no skill. But I'm playing COD for 1 year and well, if I get a 4 kill streak then I'm happy as fuck. It requires skill. You won't learn driving a rc-xd in 5 minutes. You won't learn anything about how to play it wise in 5 minutes. In BF you can learn that in some minutes... Found a good gun, get lots of kill streaks and that's it.
I'll stick with COD
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I still like cod? Mainly due to me and my girlfriend play it together:-P
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Actually, it does - because everyone wants piece of that cake, everyone makes exactly same cake. Which means less cakes I like...
Still waiting for new fast FPS with rocket jumps... Hopefully Rise of Triad will be playable, otherwise there will be nothing until TF3...
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The most time I have ever spent in any CoD or Battlefield (multiplayer) is 20 hours. It gets really repetitive. The only non-repetitive fps that I have ever played is TF2, once I get bored of playing a class, I simply switch to another one (I don't mind playing any of classes in TF). Anyway, the last CoD I played was Modern Warfare 2, I played 20 hours SP and the same time MP, got bored, uninstalled and never installed again. But obviously there are people who like to buy those games over and over again and I don't really care, it's their wasted money, not mine.
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I've always despised playing Heavy and Medic in TF2. If you aren't already a pro, people hate you. (But I really don't want to touch TF2 ever again)
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I once charged in Turbine with a brand new strange bonesaw. I exited the game with over 50 kills and a lot of angry teammates.
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Different games. Payday is more like killing floor and left 4 dead.
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Man, this is the Internet, we all need to slap people's face with our opinions and bitch if people are different or don't like them.
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I don't like CoD either but god forbid someone likes something you don't like hey?
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as the nostalgia critic says
"maybe people dont know what´s best for them, and by constantly giving them the same crap they´ll never know what´s different so they will just keep asking for the same crap"
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Nostalgia Critic is conniving self righteous prick.
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was that neccesary, did that somehow contributed to this debate? no, case closed.
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His quote didn't bring anything to this debate. On the contrary, he imposes his sense of taste upon others as the ultimate truth. Call of Duty is not crap. In fact it is good at what it does. It is good looking game with compelling game modes. You may not like it, but that doesn't make the game crap.
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im not imposing my sense of taste as the ultimate truth, all im saying is that some of the fanbase just receiev the same game over and over because they think that is the best for them, withouth knowing any better, obviusly there are people who truly like the game, or see it as a fairly average way to spend time with friends as i do, as for the game is crap, the game itself aint crap, is the fact that ativision milks this franchise by sending its companies to a "new game" exactly like the other so that people have to drop their old cod game and are force to buy the new one if they want to continue their experience.
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'Without knowing any better.' You're talking like they're toddlers. Have you ever thought that some people know exactly what each sequel is and don't want incredibly drastic changes? Look at the huge changes from Sanctum 1 to Sanctum 2. A good deal of the fan base was pissed because it wasn't exactly the same game with different levels. And look at L4D1 and 2. They're the same exact game with one feature added in, and people like them. And absolutely no one is forcing them to buy the new ones so they don't get dropped. On Steam alone, the most recent 3 are on the top 100 played list.
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all im saying is that some of the fanbase just receiev the same game over and over because they think that is the best for them
That can be applied to any activity or form of entertainment. It also has a negative connotation. The phrase implies that there are better things but the devotees are too ignorant to realize that.
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i stand corrected
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For me, I've been a CoD player since CoD2, so why stop now?
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Its a brogame. People buy it to play it with their bros splitscreen. I do it on 360 cuz thats how I roll. I never played online.
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It has a repetitive sh*t gameplay with weak story and with outrageous price, why are you doing this people?:S just because it's popular, or what?
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