Age of Empires Definitive I and II bundle for $11.99 (60% off) with Humble Choice sub:

If you purchase separately, Age of Empires Definitive I or II are $7.99 each...still at 60% off
So what gives...Nothing really, the bundle is just cheaper to start with :-D

Anyway, I think its a great bundle at $6 a piece. Lowest price was $4.99 on Microsoft store if I remember.
Lowest I remember for Age of Empires II Original was 3.99 on Humble

4 years ago*

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Ha, so what is this called?

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4 years ago

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Still too expensive... Skip from me.

4 years ago

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I doubt it will go much lower anytime soon, unless they get bundled. Microsoft is notoriously stingy with outside deals...Still better than Activision tho:

4 years ago

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14,99€ in Germany, so 17,57$...

4 years ago

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Are you looking at it with or without Humble Choice subscription? It's showing 11,99€ for me with Choice Classic.

4 years ago

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Yep, €14.99 is definitely without Choice subscription discount. However, I still don't get to €11,99 even with the discount from Choice. It's €13.49 for me. Not that I'd buy it either way, I hate Microsoft....

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4 years ago

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Depends on your subscription. If you have the € 17.99 sub, you get a discount of 20 % - if you adjust the slider accordingly where you can choose how much you give to charity and the amount of your dicount.

4 years ago

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Ah, thank you. I didn't know about the slider ... seems like it was set to 10% discount and 10% to charity by default. Now the game is down to €11.99 for me as well. I still won't buy it though :-) And I still prefer shopping elsewhere... :-P

My subscription's the Classic one, btw.

4 years ago

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I paused my subscription so that would explain it.

4 years ago

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Hm... I doubt the price will drop much further anytime soon but then again it would probably just sit in my libarary like the Bandurs Gate collection from Fanatical.


4 years ago

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Compromise and buy just AoE2 for 8€. ;)
The first one isn't worth it, even for only 4€.

4 years ago

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Compromise and buy just AoE2 for 8€. ;)

Naw 😅 I think I'll completely pass and rather play some of the stuff I already have.

I've recently installed and finally played a little bit Grand Theft Auto 2 (not much point in bragging I own it on Steam if I've never even booted it up) or maybe give Papers Please! another go. Wasn't fast enough on my first attempt so they all died despite some painful Triage. Or maybe even Baldurs Gate. I never played any of those.

The first one isn't worth it, even for only 4€.

That sounds harsh although I have to admit I'm looking at AoE through the nostalgia glasses because it was one of first RTS games I played as a child beside Command & Conquer.

Is is that simplistic? I mean 4€ are barely a pack of cigarettes. Those are 5,20€ nowadays 😅

4 years ago

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Already have the original and the HD version of 2 so it's a skip for me. I'm interested in the definitive edition of 3 though.

4 years ago

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bought it. for 12€
wise decision

4 years ago

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Was it one key or two? I have AoE I as definitive already but I was thinking maaaaybe if I get two keys I can give one away.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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That's a shame XD

4 years ago

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I got AoE for $4 on Steam, so maybe the complete your collection thing on Steam will have a good sale coming up later, not in a hurry anyways, only getting it for nostalgia.

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by magicmase.