What do you like in gaming

Game Selection?
easy ui/store?
Trading cards?

If your one of these people (like me) who loves Steam and doesn't use Epic - then what would need to happen to ether site for that to change? or if you use both why do you use steam more? If not and you use Epic more why? is it the free games or something you hate on the Steam side?

Would 100% revenue for dev's help - https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/23/23843018/epic-games-store-first-run-developers-revenue

or does this anger you more as you hate exclusives for Stores and apps?

8 months ago

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no one could really overthrow Steam when it has such an established library + easy access for indie developers, a proper profile system with achievements, friends, community page with tons of game-related content etc.

Epic could keep trying to bribe the player by giving free games but it's a dead end model

8 months ago

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Personally, there's absolutely nothing they can do. I built my games collection on steam and that's where I'm staying, every other feature that they have is just an added bonus, not a deciding factor. People are creatures of habit and convenience that's all there is it.
100% rev split for devs even if its just temporary is applaudable, but in the end its not actually done thinking about the devs and I think everyone understand this, its just another exclusivity tactic.
Which once again goes against the good old market competition, no matter how they try to spin it, its been years of this and they still don't get it.

8 months ago

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i still find it weird that they are still giving games away because surely the more games you already have to play the less you are going to buy/spend on new one

8 months ago

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its 101 marketing....you want to be on the same market that is in the hands of a few big companies? you need to somehow get the attention, thats where they shine.

8 months ago

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People don't switch to a client where they don't own games.
The freebies add more games to the users library and when they have more on epic as on steam they are much more tempted to buy in the future on epic as on steam.

I know a bunch of young people, 14-17 yo, that played a lot on epic and they don't know steam. They don't have games on steam and all new games that they buy are on epic.
So the goal of epic fit for this, young, people and i assume the "next generation" will much more used to purchase their games not only on/for steam as it is the case in "our generation".

I think epic planned to invest a lot of money and for a long time, till they have a advantage from it.
And i assume they underestimated how difficult it would be to break the "steam only" interest of a lot of people.

8 months ago

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I think epic could start gifting more of old classic games. So those who have nostalgia for them will start using epic client much more often. This can help in epic tactics on drawing attention from steam.

8 months ago

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That doesn't really fit with their model (we'll call it the naive hope model) that by giving away games for free, they'll build an Epic client base with kids who are just starting gaming now and haven't been hooked by Steam yet so that one day... you know... in the distant future when all of us old dinos are dead and our great grandkids are gamers, Steam is nothing but a distant memory...
or something.

8 months ago

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8 months ago

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Oh they have some, for sure (I spent so many hours with Earthworm Jim) but they're not the ones they're going to give away for free, or at least not as a rule until they run out of games to give away which should be any day now considering how their freebies have been going.

8 months ago

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I built my games collection on steam and that's where I'm staying

Here's an idea for Epic (I know it will never happen!): allow users to add games they already purchased on other stores

GOG once had a program called GOG Connect where you would connect your Steam account, sync your library, and it would grant you select games you already owned from Steam to your GOG account for free.

It was discontinued.

8 months ago

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Honestly, if I could migrate most of my library (and delete some games that Steam doesn't allow me to delete), including my achievements and play time, I'd switch to Epic easily.

8 months ago

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The thing is Epic needs to work on it's launcher. It's very slow and doesn't have community features and it's painful to navigate. I'd love to buy indie games on Epic, since they get a much bigger cut there than on Steam, but Epic has no marketing tools, there is no discovery queue, or a useful search engine or some tool that helps you find game based on other games you liked. I do like that Epic isn't full of low effort anime porn games or jigsaw shovelware like Steam is lately and their prices are usually better in my region than Steam's.

8 months ago

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i did try other launchers like Epic in the past and never go a good time out of them they just seem slow and sluggish compared to Steam

8 months ago

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Extremely slow. I played a free epic game, an extremely small one, and I never noticed how fast steam loaded, with all the features it has till I tried epic.

And also, all those people in epic randomly asking you to be his friend, I don't mind. Having to click on them to cancel them, when I'm trying to play a game, it's a bother

8 months ago

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What they do not want to notice here, a lot people don't have high-end machines, as can be seen on Steam hardware survey. However they code their launchers like everyone have good PC, because it's easy and cross-platform out of the box (like Valve did with Chromium / Electron with Steam). Don't know about Epic's launcher but I assume it would be similar.

Core feature is playing games and it should be fast, others are icing on the cake.

8 months ago

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~30€ / hour salary for playing using their DRM


8 months ago

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would have to improve the client/site(why can't I view my owned games on the site STILL) significantly, allow me to tie my steam and EGS accounts together(so shared libraries, save data, achievements, etc...), cross platform chat.

even then I question if I would move over.

8 months ago

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Epic could clone Steam 100% down to the UI and backend and still people wouldn't switch. Steam is a religion cult

8 months ago

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Except they never will cause they don't even attempt to be even 10% as good feature wise-the only thing they did to enter the PC market is buy exclusives and give out freebies. And they still do only that. How many years it took them to add a fucking shopping cart? Even shit like Uplay has more features than Epic. Steam is leading in PC gaming space cause it's literally the only client that is constantly improving and adding new shit. Other companies only play the exclusivity card and shit out another barely working bare bones client on the market. It's called critical thinking and picking the best option on the market-guess what client on the market is the best one? Nice Epic shill talking point though (Steam is a cult/religion!-barely working bare bones Epic is so objectively good though!)

8 months ago*

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Thank you for proving my point =)

8 months ago

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Sorry that documented facts are religion/cult in your mind. What are you doing in this crazy irrational cult called STEAMgifts with your 4000games Steam account BTW? We might sacrifice you to lord Gaben,run to the rational atheists of Epic!

8 months ago

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Sad thing is you're not joking... angry snowflake o.o Blacklisting me is pointless when you don't even make any giveaways btw =)

8 months ago

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Sorry to butt in here but you're not making any sense at all. It is true that Epic has close to no features which were described in previous poster's point above, yet you just handwaved his entire post without making a single counter-argument, acting like your point was somehow proven, proceed with personal attacks and even judging him based on giveaways which has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion. You are acting like an asshole and you never even argued for your original claim (how are you so sure that people would not switch if Epic actually had Steam's features)? If Epic actually did any effort to incorporate features, they might get better results rather than setting up "what if" hypotheticals and then attacking other users.

8 months ago

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The 'user' called for my sacrifice and I called them angry in response. Instead of discussing the point, you and the other user resorted to ad hominem insults. Adding a cute 'sorry' doesn't make it any less of an insult btw. Nor did I judge their giveaways, so another fallacy in your comment. That's the thing, there's no point discussing anything with fanatics especially when they're all flared up in their fervour. But, thanks for making the stupidest comment I've read today =)

8 months ago

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They would have to improve the platform utility so much more, even better than Steam. Regular free good games are nice, but it doesnt go a long way alone. One opportunity that Steam has dropped is the big sales fun or creativity from 10 years ago.

8 months ago

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i like the trading car and inventory items - i also love it when we get a retro game coming back from the dead maybe something from ps1 or Mega drive

8 months ago

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As more for the devs (or publishers) as better.
I like epic exclusives because i would anyway not purchase the games in the first year, in no shop, so it don't hit me and it is good for the devs/publishers. And it is good as customer that steam have a, small, competitor, only this way they must do something over short or long to hold their customers (better prices, better client, better events etc...).

For me are GOG the only real competitor to steam because they offer not only a leasing license (as steam does) and instead a DRM free game that you really own. On top, no keys that get revoked years after the purchase, no devs/publisher that use utopic prices for their trash shovelware etc..
And they implemented now the -90% deals and "pick by yourself" bundles, that i recommended them in one of the last surveys (maybe a coincidence but it feels good and hit my taste :o) ). I think with such steps they can get the needed attention and customers to be a, small, competitor to the overwhelming "each time some discounts, events and bundles" on steam and all the key selling shops.

8 months ago

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Steam kept improving the client for years before Epic arrived. Epic didn't motivated them to do jack shit. You don't see Steam buying out exclusivity deals and giving out freebies in 2023 do you? They easily have the cash to play the same scummy game yet they don't even bother. They march to the beat of their own drum.

8 months ago

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they where the only ones on the market so you cant even compare it

8 months ago

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Nonsense argument. Yes Steam came into scene in 2003 and everyone rightfully hated it back then...but why are people acting like a billion dollar corporation like Epic should be judged by 2003 standards? IT TOOK THEM YEARS TO ADD A FUCKING SHOPPING CART. They are behind everyone on the market. Origin or Uplay might've debuted in better states a decade ago than Epic did. At least Uplay improved over the years. Where is real progression on Epic client? Will they add forums in 2030? What about another 50 features they don't have? Estimated time of arrival 2045?

8 months ago*

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just like your previous comment, absolut stupid

and again trying to argue using forums, achievements, 50 more features? hahahahah

8 months ago

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As i wrote "sooner or later" they need to do something, when they have big enough competitors.

And steam done a lot at the "begin" for their customers but i am sure not many will say that they do now a lot to pleasure their customers.

8 months ago

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"that they do now a lot to pleasure their customers."

AKA endless stream of freebies? People get really brainwashed on those Epic freebies. Why aren't other stores/clients judged on the same metric? Only used agaisn't Steam? "Oh man I'd use GOG Galaxy but they just don't do a lot to me as a customer...like giving out a free game weekly" Almost as if it's a manufactured talking point. "Valve doesn't care about their customers but Epic cares so much they give out never ending freebies out of the goodness of their heart!"

8 months ago

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I think you are "brainwashed" because you wildly assume stuff, based on sentences that i wrote but never in the way you (obvious) (mis)read them, and throw a lot of stupid stuff around (that have not much to do with the sentences that i wrote).

I don't think a "discussion" with you would bring something, besides wasted lifetime, so have a good day.
I prefer to do with my lifetime more useful things.

8 months ago

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yeah he is, cant even argue properly with facts

8 months ago

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GOG does remove games from accounts, even years later, its just they do NOT notify you in any way [no notification feels criminal here].

That is, if the user even noticed or figured out their accounts are missing games.
I ONLY caught the missing games because I was going back over years and years of my gog emails, and noticed I bought a game twice for my own account and investigated.

Long story short, gog rather lose out on $5-10 by not restoring my missing games, or missing my continued shopping there, I was a collector, was working towards buying every game on gog... thousands and thousands of $ I took to steam.

8 months ago

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Only use Epic for freebie games that i don't have on steam (some games like Bloons TD 6 / F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch / RUINER / Kao the Kangoroo ...)

But can't even see using Epic at 100%, same for Steam, use both for having more games in library and available to play for the cheapest price ...

8 months ago*

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Steam would have to die. EPIC is and will be a fine secondary platform, but it really should be exceptional - provide everything in a better manner. Which it doesn't IMO.

8 months ago

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I wont even look at the store until I hear they get forums for the games, user reviews, and the ability to gift games. They could get thousands of exclusives and I still wouldn't care until they add those things. That wouldn't get me to switch, but I'd probably be willing to start buying some of their exclusives on occasion.

8 months ago

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A much better client (like, one that doesn't require a background service to be running at OS startup, to begin with - AFAIK that's what Epic now does and is the reason I haven't updated my Epic client in ages) and dropping the horrible hCaptcha as well as the mandatory 2FA would be a basic requirement for me. When this is all done (not likely to happen anyway), we can see about other details.

100% revenues for devs looks like an interesting concept, but let's be realistic for a minute, these platforms provide a service to the devs, like hosting their huge poorly space-optimized games, processing payments, dealing with (some of the) customer support, etc, so it's only fair if they do take a share to cover their costs. And this exclusive thing is actually one of those "other details" we could talk about once the core issues I listed are dealt with. I'm really not inclined to support a company that tries to undermine the competition by operating at a loss like that (100% dev revenue share for exclusive is exactly this), but at the same time it's not a big issue as long as Epic is not in a dominant position.

8 months ago

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there where always exclusives on each platform or app, competition is important for the free market and we are just used to use steam because they had the monopoly for years....they arent better nor worse than epic....

8 months ago

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"Monopoly" that never stole games from other stores via bought-for-exclusivity. You Epic shills are hilarious.

8 months ago

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so Steam has no Exclusives? btw epic is just 2.2 million USD behind Steam in Sales in 2022. you know nothing my friend.
i am also not defending Epic as i dont even use it but i leave my 2 cents on threads that are so stupid that you cant even eat so much that you need to puke while reading this

and yes, they had the monopoly for years

8 months ago

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Steam didn't payed for exclusives at any time. If some random indie decides they are only gonna publish themselfs on Steam only it's by their choice and they weren't forced/bought to do so. So yes Steam accumulated thousands of random indies that aren't anywhere else for example. "Exclusive" but not in a sense that anyone asked or forced or bought them to be so. Funny enough but nobody used the "monopoly" buzzword till Epic came along with it's army of shills and talking points. Nobody clamored and shouted and demanded to play "exclusive game from Big Bad Steam Monopoly" on Origin or Uplay and other competitive stores and clients before Epic. Are you counting stuff like Half Life is exclusive? I mean so is Fortnite. Games they developed themselfs are not bought-for exclusives.

8 months ago*

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Being paid to play on it, I guess :D (and a lot more than what we can earn with steam cards / skins loot+steam market -- csgo and others = not in cents !). It will bring friends too eventually?

Steam is where I have my library and friends. An easy all-in-one. I don't know why I should go elsewhere.
It's like chat apps - I heard that in US, iMessage is broadly used - here in France it's essentially Whatsapp and Messenger, I don't know why I would migrate on Telegram or iMessage if people I interact with and messages history, groups etc aren't there.

8 months ago

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fyi, iMessage is specifically an Apple Mac / iPhone thing, so it's not just another chat, not everyone can use it.
You might be able to use the basics of iMessage on non-Apple devices? but it's not designed for them.

8 months ago

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Yeah I know, I experimented it on my iPhone.
It's just I heard it was a popular app to chat in the US (maybe the market share for iPhones in the US is big lol), I don't know if it's true. Here, even iPhone to iPhone, chats are essentially on Whatsapp or Messenger.
But that doesn't matter, my point is more : why should I migrate to EGS or Origin or Ubisoft Connect if games and friends are on Steam, it's like why would I want to migrate from whatever-chat-app where I have friends and stuff to another app where there is nothing and no one to talk?

8 months ago

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yep, sorry.

8 months ago

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oh no worries! 🙌

8 months ago

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Looks like desperation on Epic's end. Apparentely publishers lost interest to release their games exclusive on Epic's store. I would assume it's because they sell much better on Steam after the exclusive period.

Epic's big mistake was and is that they focus on the publishers and not the customers. That's why they aren't doing too well.

8 months ago

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But...but apparently almost features-less store/client IS ALL ABOUT CUSTOMERS? What about their freebies,don't they love and care and respect us so much??? That's what I been told anyway by totally impartial people spreading the good message of how great Epic is for the industry and gamers. They are the shining beacon of light in the darkness of Steam Monopoly ™ !

8 months ago

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I had a dev explain to me in early 2019 that 'gamers go where the games are'. Turns out it's the other way around (and was before). Epic got it backwards from the start and never addressed the real problem: From the customers perspective it's just another storefront. GOG at least has the 'no DRM' going for it. A few exclusives won't fix it, but hey let Tim throw some more money at it until he figures it out.

8 months ago

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Yup,the real competition/alternative to Steam is GOG. Too bad gamers care very little for DRM-free,I imagine that store going down sooner rather than later.

8 months ago

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I made Epic but never play it. Simple answer would be:
My games have been here on Steam for a decade.

I played a lot Valve's games in the past. As I made Steam when I was kid, Steam wallet was easier to reach than international transfer. Even now I don't play them much, but sometimes. Unless they (or someone) pull me to Epic with a good free long-lasting game, there is no way I could get rid of Steam. GTA V might do, but I wasn't lucky enough. As time passed, I could have owned more good long-lasting games on Steam, then it might be harder to change in the future.

Also, thanks to all kind people on Steamgifts (includes you) who give new games to keep me playing on Steam.

8 months ago

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your always welcome :)

8 months ago

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Nothing. It's not about "I hate epic" or "I love steam". It's about how Epic has pulled way too many skeezy, BS or scummy moves over the years. I do not support that kind of thing. Steam isn't completely innocent but unless I'm mistaken the worst they have did was some microtransaction in CS and Dota2? They have done a lot more for the customer then Epic has and would ever do.

8 months ago

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i got ARK for free from epic,
played it for over a hundred hours ,
paid for it on steam and all the DLCs too,
epic did not support modding, joining server needed extra steps, it was annoying for both me and my friends.

i play another game, i can't know for how long, i don't know what i achieved, i don't know who have or want this game to talk to them about it, there's no one to ask about any problems i might have with the game, this is probably as close as you can get to play a pirated game, except that pirated game support modding.

1- make the launcher 10 times lighter.
invest in something similar to gog galaxy or playnite, something that helps me play all my games but it belongs to your store and i have access to the below features.
2-you need a community, they will never become an actual store without a community to support the store.
a community, reviews, discussions to keep people interested.
3- a market and game keys, there's a cult behind the steam market, over a million deals daily and a ridiculous amount of keys of the most random games being traded daily.
4- since you already take less money from publishers, might as well ask them to give the customers better offers than the ones they have on steam, the vast majority of gamers don't care or don't even know who develops or publishes a game or how much money they're making.

for me personally, if i see epic looking similar to steam i might start buying my games on epic just because steam's been really annoying and caring about their customers for many years now and i think it will make them put actual effort into their store if they see competition.
i don't care what platform my games are on as long as they're nice to play on.

8 months ago

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Somewhere out there, an Epic executive is reading all these comments and taking notes.😅

8 months ago

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They can only improve 😜

8 months ago

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I was hoping that in 2019. It took them 3 years to implement a shopping cart. Always remember ;)

8 months ago

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High quality bundles with low prices, similar to EARLY humble and bundle stars ones. They've made me using steam, they might make me using epic.

8 months ago

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I don't know why people take sides in the petty squabbles between billionaire oligarchs and their corporations or nations. Obviously Steam is more convenient and so that's where I play most PC games, but I don't really care if a game is an Epic exclusive either. I've got no problem playing games there. Or on GoG. Or Itch. Or wherever.

8 months ago

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Steam could completely shut down and I wouldn't touch Epic. I'd go back to piracy or quit gaming altogether (and both of those options are extremely undesirable).

Epic Games Store offers nothing and, no matter how many token improvements they make, it will continue to offer nothing.
Steam isn't perfect of course (nothing is) but at least most of its major fuck ups can be chalked down to external pressure (laws or publishers demanding/asking for things), the risks that come from trying new things, Valve's chaotic internal structure or people exploiting the shit out of pretty much anything nice they add (Remember when major sales had cool events linked to them? Or when we could gift between regions without having to worry about price differences? Yeah, people abused those into the ground. So I guess I'll sum up this point to "them having to deal with general human bullshit".). Steam has spend 20 years of trying new things and taking risks to progress from a clunky piece of shit to an actually reasonably nice to use video games distributor.
Epic Games Store's very existence is to make money for its shareholders. All actions it takes are because Epic's analysts say that those actions will make the most money (it has already been mentioned in this thread that the freebies are an investment in order for EGS to attempt to root itself into the younger generation). No matter how much PR bullshit it spews, It doesn't care about the users, the developers or the games- those are just pieces to manipulate for more money. I consider Epic to be an enemy of games as an art.

So, TL;RD: Gabe Newell has managed to convince me that he's probably maybe not a bad guy. Meanwhile, pretty much anything Tim Sweeney says in regards to Epic Games Store just makes him sound more and more like a massive liar.

8 months ago

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Fun subreddit if you've never seen it:

8 months ago

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I use both (I use all launchers not just these two).
I play the free games on Epic, I've just finished Death Stranding there which I would have never bought otherwise. I also buy games on Epic when they are cheap enough.
I stay on Steam because it is the best launcher social-wise and I have many games I haven't played yet.
If it was up to me, GOG would be my main launcher but I can't afford the prices there so I keep my purchases to the minimum.
All in all for the consumer who just wants to play games above all, Steam is simply better because of bundles and trading but Epic is better for direct purchases so using both is a win-win.

8 months ago

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I'd leave Steam & Epic in a heartbeat for GOG, if that was possible. Maybe someday, until then I'll keep using them all.
Loads of people dislike Epic, but it's a needed alternative to Steam. Gamers and developers both benefit from Steam not having a monopoly, that's beyond dispute.

8 months ago

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i do think while it is ok games still pay higher prices on Epic like on Steam as the extra split for devs on Epic does not mean lower prices for gamers on the platform (at least most of the time and not enough to use it)

8 months ago

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Steam stopping selling games / being that much more expensive than GOG / Epic.

The biggest reason I'm still using Steam is my already existing library and the bundle deals.

8 months ago

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