Hello fellas. This is going to be a very tough one.

I'm looking for a new game to play and I would love to have your help. I'm looking for an adventure game, single player is preferred. I'm extremely hard to please unfortunately, I get bored very easily because of my ADHD... I know this sucks, that's why I'm asking for some help. Most of the games I've tried on the following list have very difficult (at least for me) gameplay, a lot of stuff you need to know and learn in order to progress. I can try to get into them, and I can, but it's not easy for me.

Here's what I've played, from what I remember:

All of Wolfensteins - Loved them all with all my heart, loved the story as well.
Most of Assassin's Creed games - I played everything until Odyssey. I adored most of the games.
Uncharted - Can't remember which one was it, but I really enjoyed it
Rise of Tomb Raider - Made it to about half of the game
Kingdoms of Amalur - Reckoning - Can't remember this very well but I know I sank a few good hours on it and I liked it.
Fable - Don't know which one as well, but I liked it. Did not make it to the end.
Sleeping Dogs - Spent about 10 minutes on it and gave up out of boredom, sorry...
Guild of Wars 2 - Not for me, tried it. Very confusing and overwhelming at first.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Could not get used to the map and the constant dialogue, a friend of mine recommended it to me but it was not a good choice.

Also, first person or third person games are the way to go for me, if that helps in any way.

I've heard of Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen but have yet to try.

I know this is hard, but I think it's better to ask for opinions than to constantly buy, download and try hundreds of different games.

Thanks in advance for the help.

1 year ago*

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alan wake 2 . you not gonna regret it

1 year ago

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as a fellow ADHD person...
Path of Exile... its a dopamine generator, slaying thousands of monsters in minutes, valuable loot drops, etc...
truly F2P... but you will want to spend a good $20-60 if you get into heavily for stash tabs/some cosmetics

I always recommend going into ARPGs blind for the first character, after that following a guide is highly encouraged(especially in POE)

1 year ago

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Oh yes, PoE I totally recommend! But I fear it can be overwhelming if you start now. I recently picked the game up again after something like five years not playing any league, just some sparse events here and there. Well, sometimes I don't even know what I'm supposed to do. Something that is natural to someone who played the league that introduced that specific mechanic, may become incomprehensible for players who started later or simply missed that league. However, most of this content is optional and provides an extra challenge, all you need is endgame maps.

1 year ago

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if you state the titles you didn't like and what you didn't like about them, it will give a better parameter to help.

1 year ago

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Having played some of the games you mentioned (Amalur, Fable, some Assassin's Creed) as well as ADHD, I think I get what you mean.
The only thing that comes to mind right now is Prototype, the first one especially, but also Prototype 2. They're more action than adventure but I found them really action-packed, the movement and skills are great fun and it doesn't get boring very quick. I've last played them many years ago but I remember them fondly.

1 year ago

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I think that might be a good suggestion actually! Seems I have both on Steam, I'll try them out.

Thank you!

1 year ago

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As you love Wolfensteins and they are shooter with a good story, maybe you should have a look at Bioshock or Borderland games series .
Maybe also Far Cry series as it is like Assasin Creed with gun.

1 year ago

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I know I tried Bioshock years ago but it didn't stick. Would something like Fallout be a good idea as well?

Thanks for your reply.

1 year ago

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Fallout are good game, you can have fun with it. But it is big RPG game, so there is a lot of lore and other kind of distraction.
You should try one of them, maybe fallout new vegas, or fallout 4.

1 year ago

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I'll +1 on the Far Cry games, since you liked Wolfenstein and Assassin's Creed.

Fallout is probably not that good, since you got bored by too much dialog in Kingdom Come and Fallout does have a lot of story. Plus a lot of hoarding, inventory management, even building. Don't get me wrong, I liked Fallout 4 a lot, but it was also rather tedious, even using console commands.

I haven't played Far Cry 6 so I don't know about this one, but I liked the other ones.
I'd recommend Far Cry 5 or New Dawn, without doing the others before: FC5 doesn't bring a lot compared to FC4, and FC4 doesn't bring a lot compared to FC3, but still they all improved over the previous ones, in particular for the convenience of moving around the map.
As far as I remember, I liked the gameplay and story of of New Dawn better, but I found FC5 much less grindy/repetitive, so for ADHD maybe FC5 is better. Or I guess you can get both in a bundle, too.

1 year ago*

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As Fanch and LFPG said - Fallout does have quite a rich lore. But you can of course just blast through the story. New Vegas, 3rd or 4th - all are a good choice. But if you want something good looking that you can avoid concentrating at - Fallout 4 could be the best bet. It has good shooting mechanics, world is beautiful and you can simply follow missions and enjoy the world and combat.

But I definitely also suggest Far Cry. That one is as simple as it gets. Combat, crafting and story is very easy to grasp and doesn't require note taking to follow through.

Honestly - anything from Bathesda is a good bet IMO. I dont have ADHD but I have issues of concentrating and keep on downloading new games but losing interest after 30 minutes. And since my favorite genres are also 1st or 3rd person then usually Bathesda games work well - so that includes previously mentioned Fallout series, Skyrim as well tbh, Doom, Ghostwire, Prey, Dishonored.

Maybe trying out Witcher 3, Long Dark, Death Stranding also works. These three are usually quite easy to pick up even after not playing them for months. Witcher obviously has ridiculously huge lore but its similarly to FO4 for me - the world is beautiful, combat is great, story is cool.. you can just blast through as well.

Some other suggestions that come to mind:
Just Cause series (2nd, 3rd and 4th parts) are also quite interesting. Open world GTA like game where you can blast everything.
Homefront The revolution - this one just keeps coming back to me. Easy to get into, great gameplay, pretty cool story
Mad Max
Saints Row (3rd and 4th)
Dead Rising (all parts, but I liked 3rd )
Subnautica - yeah, its a survival game with crafting and exploring, but its now overwhelming IMO
Frankly COD and Battlefield are straight up easy to get into. both SP and MP

1 year ago*

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Yea, I think I agree about what you said about Bethesda. Couldn't really get into the newer DOOMs (although I do love DOOM 64) but I guess I'll try Fallout. I do have Fallout New Vegas so I guess I'll start with that one.

Thank you for the reply!

1 year ago

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The Shadow of Mordor games and Batman/Arkham franchise are two good AAA series that can be had pretty cheap and are alot of fun.

Fallout 4 is another good one. The series has other good games (some would say better) but 4 is a more polished, user friendly experience.

The most recent Hitman series was a blast to play but might not be everyone's cup of tea.

As for something a little different I'm always a fan of promoting Ring of Pain when given the chance. I put over 200 hours into that unassuming little game that I won on here. Its just so easy to play a few runs, put it down and come back later for more.

EDIT - will also recommend the suggestion of the user above me of the Borderlands series. If you just pick one, probably go with Borderlands 2.

1 year ago

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Oh I LOVED the Batman series and indeed I've played both Asylum and Arkham City.

Is Shadow of Mordor "easy" to get into?

1 year ago

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Its basically Batman meets Assassin's Creed set in the LOTR universe. Since you liked both those game series I'd say its a strong chance you'll like this one too.

1 year ago

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Downloading now and going to try it.

Thank you!

1 year ago

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Hopefully you enjoy it!

1 year ago

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Play Super Hexagon. You don't need more than a minute per level, so short attention span should not be an issue - and it's really fun! :)

1 year ago

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Max payne series specially max payne 3.
Mass effect series specially 2 and 3.
Splinter cell conviction and blacklisted.
Skyrim legendary edition( its a very long game)
Saints row 3 and 4
Tom clancy's Ghost recon series from future soldier to breakpoint
Watch dogs series.
Battlefied series specially battlefield 1(2016)
Spec ops: The line.
Red dead redemption.
Fallout 4.
Counter strike 2.(multiplayer game)
Shadow of war and shadow of mordor
These are my personal favourites.

1 year ago

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I must say watch dog series is great, rarely hear about it but it really is nice. + on mad max,vampyr,fallout & battlefield

1 year ago

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Yep these are the most addicting games in my 20yrs of gaming.

1 year ago

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Honestly i havent spent as much time as I would like to on them as I slowed down, but i did 100% mad max (soooo tedious...) and played watch dogs obsessevily while younger though the others need more time in them

1 year ago

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I second spec ops, skyrim and the shadow games.

Spec ops is not available anymore as far as I understand? something with licensing?

1 year ago

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I wonder if you might like Torchlight and Torchlight 2. They are reliable dungeon adventurers in the Diablo vein, and very popular. I recently came back to Torchlight after years away and am digging it once again. Fun, lots of action and rewards, easy to get into. Third person solo play, maybe watch the trailers and see if they appeal. I don't know how ADHD would make them feel, just tossing them in as an idea.

1 year ago

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Perfect game for you, bioshock collection, and trust me it is NOT overhyped like I came in thinking, i was spoiled atleast 6yrs before i tried the series and boy was it so good even with that knowledge, if I had come in with 0 knowledge I know itd be the best game ever to me. I love recommending it to people who haven't tried it yet because some games really do live to that hype

1 year ago

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Ever tried the newer DOOM games? They're mostly demon slaying action with a splash of story.
The Metro 2033 series is also pretty good. More story than DOOM and a bit more of an immersive post-apoc adventure-y shooter.

1 year ago

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It's a tough one indeed... You might enjoy Cruelty Squad, since it's weird enough to basically force you to learn the rules on the go. You might also enjoy Post Void, it's not adventure but it's a short, fast fps that will hold your attention. Last but not least, Hotline Miami 1 and 2. Ultraviolent, fast and fun, but top down. I'm not sure if they cover how much adventure-y you'd like your game to be, and each one is fairly short but cheap so you can jump from one to another

1 year ago*

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I really liked Control. It's really fun to beat up guards with furniture/concrete pieces, while collecting and reading lore about X-files/SCP-like items and how they work. I felt really at home in the slightly Lynch-inspired world and story.

1 year ago

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Witchhand is worth $12 for a good 8~16 hours of shuffling cards.

1 year ago

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Chinese Parents - easy gameplay, collecting traits is dopamine inducing.
Rain World - hard game, but satisfying to explore it. You have to survive in an post-apocalyptic eco-system as a tiny creature.
Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - tons of achievements, tons of mods, 600+ hours of gameplay to unlock everything.

1 year ago

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Witcher 2, 3,
Fallout 3, New vegas,4,
Mass effect,
Watch dogs,
Deus ex human revolution, mankind divided
Spider man

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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DOOM (2016) and DOOM Eternal are both amazing. I enjoyed 2016 more, but I think I'm in the minority with that opinion.

If you have a Playstation, you can't go wrong with the first 3 Uncharted games. First one hasn't aged as well as the rest, but it has a special place in my heart. 2 & 3 are a lot better than 4 & Lost Legacy.

Far Cry 3 and 4 are both a lot of fun and very easy to get lost in.

Horizon Zero Dawn is another one that's easy to get lost in due to the amazing world and fun gameplay.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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If you get bored easily of too hard games, then maybe you should try something like "easy to play, hard to master" f2p. I personally played World of Tanks since 2010 till 2012-13. I can say it is fun, was at least, and have a very good depth as you need to gradually learn about different tanks and their specifics. I even more liked to play it for free, than when i paid for a 1 month premium and all that month i played this game not taking it seriously, since i was not punished for losses. I dropped it when i understood that it is taking too much of my time, and the fun started to fade.
Maybe as a difference - i heard War Thunder also good in that genre. GL to you and have fun!

1 year ago*

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I also suggest Witcher 3 -- just make sure NOT to go for every little cache in the map.

1 year ago

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Why not? :D

1 year ago

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Well, if one enjoys that... save the money and click on all question marks below, it is just as much fun and it takes less time.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???
? ? ? ! ? ? ? ?
? ???? ?? ? ? ? ? ?

Cheers?? Cheers???? Cheeeeeers! :D :D :D

1 year ago

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I would recommend getting an additional hard drive and installing multiple games on it that you might enjoy. Then rotate so you don't get bored.
Its what I've always done. Since its just for games you don't need an expensive SSD. Any 7,200 rpm hdd with a good cache will do.

For 1st person I would recommend:
Generation Zero,
Far Cry 3, 4, 5,
Deus Ex HR & MD,
Dishonored series,
Metro Series,
Bioshock Series,
Mirror's Edge series
Dying Light
All are single player games you can enjoy at your own pace.

1 year ago

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Wild Hearts- amazing game, addictive gameplay, ok story, creative monsters, Beautiful everything.

1 year ago

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you're a lot like me in terms of the games you like. i would highly suggest project Project Zomboid

It's a pre-release indie game with hours of high-octane content and it's fully moddable with a steam workshop. it's still releasing big updates and is a singleplayer and very difficult open world survival game.

1 year ago

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Maybe it would be the wisest if only other people ADHD made suggestions. I, for example, would recommend the Yakuza series. Not very complicated gameplay, tons of optional subquests and great characters and stories. But I have no idea how this would suit you.

1 year ago

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