13 years ago*

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hmm.. I like that you have a good heart and want people to thank the submitters for it, but this can result in the abuse of what you suggest as people could still just comment gibberish just to get the enter giveaway button unlocked. Also, if you were the person giving the gift, would you rather have people thank you without any obligation to do so (and so probably coming from their hearts), or because they are forced to write something in the comments section and the most logical thing to comment is to say "thank you"...??

13 years ago

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Let's say i win a game from you, redeem it and don't say thanks, kind sucks, i know it's the "Internet" but still, and if someone comment gibberish, well mark it as tard ! People like that are what i hate, they want all and not even thanks for someone spend his time and money.

13 years ago

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Again, I love you for your heart and thoughtfulness, but I (personally) would prefer to get a thank you from the gift receiver out of the deepest sincerest part of his/her heart rather than because they were forced to by some system :) I feel the most sincerest expressions of thanks/gratitiude and all other forms of human emotion expression are priceless and I would prefer them over an insincere, give me my gift please thank you any day.... if this means I won't get thank you's when people enter my giveaway or even by the winner of the giveaway when he receives his gift from me, so be it.

13 years ago

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I agree. Also old.

13 years ago

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I thank 99.x of the giveaways so far. Even if I know my odds are pretty much impossible. Because they took the time to do it.

Only ones I haven't thanked on are the obvious fakes. 1 day old account, no activity, high value game that they don't have, and -sadly- Russian. That said I don't just judge the Russians on their country of origin and have thanked many who stand up to examination. (I check every gifters profile before entering).

Even if it's slightly questionable, they still get a thanks from me. Because that's what this site is about. Giving. Items or gratitude.

It should also be about kicking people in the nuts who try to ruin that. But I'm not in a position of power :)

13 years ago

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I agree with this. 90% of the giveaways I have lost, have been to people with not a single comment. When I actually have money to start doing giveaways, it is going to majorly annoy me when someone who doesn't even take the time to give me a simple "Thank you" wins.

13 years ago

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I thought you were supposed to comment when you enter one anyway?

13 years ago

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I didn't like the forced thanking the first day I came to Steamgifts, and I still don't like it. People should thank a gifter if and when they feel like it, not because rules forces them to. Everyone can write "Thanks.", but I'd prefer when they write something worth reading.

13 years ago

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"but I'd prefer when they write something worth reading."

What can you do? Apparently some people here like to get spammed.

13 years ago

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Hey, you can prefer to thank a gifter if and when you feel like it. I fully support that. I should be able to gift a winner if and when they've thanked me. I fully support that, equally. If you want a full-on conversation to happen in your giveaways, then by all means, go for it. I wouldn't personally put the bar quite so high, though. Just a "ty", or "thanks" or even, "take my extorted thanks, you bastard!" Just something to show that they gave a damn.

13 years ago

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This is pretty much how I feel about it. By the 3rd page of "THANKS!" I just don't feel like it means shit anymore.

13 years ago

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Likely, but still, it's that single flicker of effort that they took. Little things can make the biggest difference.

13 years ago

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Definitely not, as it'll no doubt encourage meaningless comments just so people can enter.

13 years ago

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my thoughts exactly :(

13 years ago

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Most comments are just meaningless 'thank yous' anyway.

13 years ago

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As opposed to the countless meaningless clicks to enter...

13 years ago

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i always thank the gifter after i actually get the gift, and i would also be pissed, if i'm not even thanked for that. but as a gifter i don't want to get a thousand of "ty" comments on my giveaway. i would be lazy to read through them. your suggestion would just lower the good/bad comment ratio. so i would prefer it to stay as it is. making postcount important always leads to floods of offtopic. there should be some other way.

13 years ago

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People let's be realistic! Every giveaway would have more than 200 "Thank you" comments! We cant force anybody to be nice.

PS. I entered 200 giveaways and I posted 250 comments. Nice statistic! ^^

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want page after page of "THx!11" "Thank you!" "You're the best! :)"-posts clogging up the giveaways. It's completely unnecessary and has little to no meaning since this is, after all, only the internet. If someone has, say, questions about the giveaway, they'll be buried between the meaningless posts.

If everyone really must have those random thanks, someone should implement a thank you-button or something that you can just click. Unless this is actually about racking up the post count or something along the lines of Myspace/Facebook/whatever "OMG! I have more friends than you!"-thing to make one feel better about themselves.

Nothing personal, I just can't see the point of it.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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So you can't see the reasoning behind it. No problem. If it isn't your giveaway, why give a damn? Personally, I'd like to think my giveaway was going to go to someone that had no problem taking the tiniest of steps beyond pressing a clicky. Doesn't harm you, doesn't harm me, and doesn't harm Tibet. So who'd be complaining?

13 years ago

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what's the difference?

13 years ago

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Personally, I'd rather see 1000 people enter the giveaway and 50 of them making constructive comments than 500 people entering and each saying "Thx".

13 years ago

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i want a 5 page essay. is that too much to ask?

13 years ago

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I don't mind as it would significantly increase chance of winning!

13 years ago

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hahaha, "The winner must write a 3 page treatise on the economic disparity which contributed to the aggression between the North and the South. Spellcheck that shit. My teacher is anal."

13 years ago

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It would be pretty bad to see 20 pages of THANK YOU comments just to enter a giveaway. It would probably hurt performance of the site, too. Especially when invitations go back up.

13 years ago

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Imma do a giveaway where each member has to solve a question from my math homework.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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I can do that for you for free- no giveaway needed :)

13 years ago

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I agree with everyone else that its better when the person actually takes there time to say "Thanks" then have it be meaningless/forced.

Though, how about an Option for it when you make the Gift? You can choose for people to freely Enter without needing to comment, or make it where people have to comment to enter.

13 years ago

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It's a good idea in theory, but in practice it'll just result in a bloated site full of minimum necessary comments to enter. "Wow thanks for offering this it's a really great game I'm really excited about" Ctrl+C Ctrl+V in every single giveaway. If you force comments, people will just spam comments to game whatever system you come up with. I'd rather have people comment only when they have something to say.

But then, given the sheer number of Portal 1, Humble Indie Bundle, etc giveaways, maybe copypasta would be right at home.

13 years ago

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I'd like people te say thanks to giveaway creators. Not because of the game, but the actual support they give the community so it can continue to exist as it is and maube even continue to grow.

Without giveaway creators there is no Steamgifts.

13 years ago

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I think it's overall better to thank the gifter when you win the game. When you're at 300 entries and haven't won anything (It was almost my case) it was just getting very annoying to enter all the giveaways. When you actually win, I think it's the best time to thank the giveaway maker because you're happy and it isn't a chore to do so.

Anyway, that's what I did and I got a friend out of it, so I think I'll stick to this method. I think the comment section should be used for declaring fakes or just asking details about the game, but if a person says thanks in all giveaways he enters, it just doesn't seem honest.

13 years ago

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I try to say Thanks in every one I enter, which is Semi-Honest (In the way I am grateful that they made it, but also that it is kinda a chore [In Which it is my choice or not to do it still] to do it for each one).

I do, however, make a Point to Comment to say Thanks Again if I win the Giveaway, which is 100% Honest (Not a Chore to do so).

Some people just like to see people seeing the Thanks in there giveaways, and some couldn't care less unless its actually the person who won. It just depends on the person.

13 years ago

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good idea! one would be pretty good

13 years ago

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for enter i must said : thanks.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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WOOOOOO lokonopa finally won something, a couple of them in fact, cheers to him! ;3

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by Andreakoss.