Smoking is bad ?
New study shows: Buying bundles is bad for you, it costs you a lot, games lose in value, people get addicted and can't stop even though they actually want to.......
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I'm 23 years old, been smoking for 12 years now. Fml...
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My grandpa smoked his whole life and whenever bothered about it he always brushed people aside and didn't want to stop smoking, he couldn't stop smoking, he claimed. The moment he was given news that he had lung cancer, he suddenly dropped smoking and hasn't smoked since. He died 2 years later after horrible painful treatment and I feel like it'd be better if he just died half a year later without any treatment, because all he went through with that cancer wasn't worth the extra 1.5 years of life.
Eitherway it's pointless to tell anyone to stop smoking, people don't get what is told to them until they experience it themselves, like a child being told to enjoy his years as a kid and all he wants is to grow up, but once he grows up he understands what the adults were talking about and wishes he could go back. Even the things you think you understand you don't fully understand until they happen to you.
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yeah i'm trying to quit
if I don't quit
I will never be able to live the life I want :(
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nah everybody around me smokes XD
but i'm moving out soon so thats ok ^^
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Vaping got some of my friends off it, then they stopped the vape pretty easy.
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I think that the whole approach at trying to get people stop smoking with talking about it's bad influence on life is not that very good. Every smoker tried to quit at least once in their life, I tried, I know of the hazards, I work in a freaking hospital and I still do it. Less these days, but not because of the warnings. Just scaring people clearly doesn't work. We should talk about why we smoke and what it brings to some, everybody knows smoking is bad and plain old scaring doesn't work on everybody. And I speak from experience, people that work on quitlines (at least in my country) are in majority my fellow med students or psychology students or some social studies students that haven't smoked a cigarette in their life. And talking about why they took that job, they usually answer because they hate smokers. How can you help someone that you first of all hate and you have never tried to do what they need to do (stop smoking). That same quitline never hires smokers, that would be more qualified (I'm sure, because most of them are in the same struggle as callers and have a bigger potential for empathy because even though they weren't succesful in their trying to quit, they were in the same shoes and have more experience than someone that have only heard about that from textbooks or not even that, from media). Rant over.
But still, smoking is bad! :D
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I actually had stop smoking helplines in mind, but we call them quitlines, it's handier. :D
Thank you. :)
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I had a lot of friends who started smoking and I'm not saying that they turned into total strangers all of the sudden..
What I meant to say, that smoking isn't only a habit that is unhealthy, for example, imagine someone that has quit smoking after 10 years, is he the same person that he would've been if he wasn't smoking for those 10 years?
As I said, it's Not Only an unhealthy habit.
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I think that nobody knows what type of person they would've been if they weren't smokers, yes.
But what's I'm pretty much certain of is that smoking and similar addictions have a wide range of effects on you and don't only affect your health.
And one's self isn't the best judge when it comes to stuff like this :v
People who have been around you for a quite a while know more if you were affected much by this habit or not, how were you affected and were the effects good or bad.
Congrats on quitting!
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Smoking in any way whether in a form of cigarette or those electronic devices are bad. In my university, the cool kids use electronic electron vapors thinking that they are somehow safer than tobacco cigarettes. But they don't understand that smoke still enters our lungs and corrupts it. When they get cancer and have a hole in their throat, they will understand and regret why they ever started. But it will be too late....
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Thanks for your reply. Instead of assuming that I do not know what vaping is, you should ask me. Now I am going to further clarify my opinion so that you can understand better. When tobacco cigarettes came out, nobody thought it was harmful in anyway and there were tons of commercial showing how cool you would be if you smoked cigarettes. After years of research, researchers provided evidence that tobacco cigarettes can have a variety of ill effects like diseases, etc..
Electronic cigarettes have been out for quite a while. Just because it doesn't burn tobacco and uses vapors, it doesn't mean that it is safe. Electronic cigarettes is fairly new, less than 15 years old and there is still a lot of research that needs to be done in order to determine if it really is good or bad.
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So you're not stopping because you have a weak mind. Seems like money just isn't a good enough reason for you, look around and you will find better reasons, such as health, sports, relationships,..
I mean everyone knows smoking is bad, but it's treated too lightly.
Just inform yourself and that may make you stop smoking or just try to stay strong and prove yourself that you aren't as weak as I told you you are (and stop telling yourself you can't because that's a big reason of why you can't)
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I can stand smoking 2-4 cigarettes per month (yes, per month). So i dont care if it is bad, cause everything is bad taken to the excess. I am fine with smoking at that casual level. I dont smoke more because i dont get that feeling of anxiety if i dont put a cigarette in my mouth.
Everything can be a pleasure in the right amount
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Meth, not even once.
But yeah you're right in all seriousness, I knew a 95 year old that smoked 1 a day exactly at 3am.
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It is but drinking is better atleast it does something for you.
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I tried my first cigarette when I was 12, it tasted awful and I wasn't one of the ones that started smoking to be a part of "it".
In my opinion, smokers are weak....they may not like to be called weak, but in my mind they are, because they gave in to starting, kept doing it and may actually not be able to stop.
Though I'm not saying everything smoking brings is bad, most of it is and telling yourself that for example life is too short to not enjoy it and that's why you smoke, drink and more....yes it is short, but why make it even shorter and maybe even worse later on just to maybe enjoy it a little bit more for a while. (there are always alternatives that are better)
I don't care what people make of what I wrote here, but I at least hope that smokers start to think a little more about the "small" things that they do to their life and body and those of others.
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I actually started smoking, because I thought life's too long. Well, I don't smoke anymore, but I think someone who never smoked should not judge on the habits others developed. I'm sure most people don't smoke, because yolo.
And jeah, calling people "weak" and then expecting them to think their habits over is awfully arrogant and will not make one person quit smoking.
But maybe that wasn't even what you've tried to achieve? Maybe you just wanted to state how cool you are?! 'Cause not smoking is pretty awesome - at least for me.
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Well, I have tons of friends who smoke and also I never stated that I am cool or whatever, but most people give in to peer pressure and start smoking because of that reason, is that a good thing? Never was, never will be.
And of course they are weak, giving in is always weak, everyone is weak in their own things, that's what life is partially about, becoming the better self.
Also a question to you, why would you want life to be shorter?
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You never said that you think you are cool, I just thought that was the whole point of your statement : telling people how "strong" you are, because you're not a smoker. Because I think your statement won't make anyone quit smoking.
I mean you actually have no idea why people start smoking. You just assume, they are weak; you assume, they just want to be "like everyone else", and you just prejudge smokers, to be a certain kind of people.
If your goal in life is to becoming a better self and, if that includes for you, that you not smoke, then that's totally fine (and actually my goal, too) , but you should let other people decide what they want to do with their lifes; and let them decide what their goals in life are.
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is length the only criteria for a good life in your opinion? for me it's clearly not. i don't want a long life, i want a fun life. and drugs are a part of this for me. this is not a weakness, if you ask me. quite the opposite. i freed myself from the way you seem to think some time ago. and now i just want to enjoy every day. and if smoking and drinking leads to a shorter life, then that's how it is. but at least i had a lot of fun. i party a lot, and i intend to keep it that way. i don't want to miss out on anything, just because i am afraid to die. really makes no sense to me. if you're main goal is to be alive as long as possible, then feel free to achieve this* by sacrificing drug usage of any sort (i assume you don't drink). but please let us have our own opinions on life. i am not weak, and i don't need you to tell me what i am. and you really should be aware that calling us weak is kind of an insult.
*all you can do is increase your odds, but you might still die young without smoking a single cigarette. your way of life does not ensure it to be long, unfortunately.
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Of course you should enjoy life, but there's no this or that, why not both? (too lazy to post the gif ^^)
Sports for example, drinking and partying is not a bad thing, just like pretty much everything it depends on the dose.
The thing with smoking is not only that it makes the life shorter, but it's likely to make the last years of your life worse.
About 85 out of 100 lung cancers are related to cigarette smoking, it's not just increasing the odds by a bit though....and it's not only lung cancer, but also bladder cancer and maybe others.
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Internet it bad =|
I don't like when someone is smoking beside me, but I believe it is necessary for some people. There are difficult times now where I live, so I'd prefer people smoke instead of joining the armies of alcohol or drug addicts.
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I'm living smokepipe. If you seem to read these words, you might consider stop smoking. =_=
On the serious matter, try to run half-marathon. If you spit some black matter from your lungs (which is phlegm
with all that smoke leftovers) in the end of the run, you probably should cut down your smoking.
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