Seems sketchy to you too?
I think this thread just broke my brain :/
The weird thing is I just happened to read a conversation (well more like a monologue since the other guy was rather uncooperative) of yours in one of your gibs and your english is apparently normally very good but this thread here is as if you're speaking in tongues. No offense intended.
So let me try to unwind this: The problem is that Ubisoft is listing a wrong release date for the Ezio Collection on their website, which could be confusing if such a thing as the Ezio Collection Remasted existed on PC. Did I understand that correctly?
But if I'm not completely mistaken there is no Remastered version of the Ezio Collection on PC.
I didn't even know they made graphical updates to the console versions for the Ezio Collection but apparently they did.
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So did I understand it correctly?
At first I thought cdkeys labeled one of their products wrong and was like "Duh... they're a grey market site."
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Ok then. Idk. The idea that somebody looks at the release date (who pays attention to that) and then deducts it must be a Remastered version (which has never been announcend for PC) without the store page stating anywhere it's a Remaster seems kind of a longshot to me.
The tags on the other hand seem a bit weird. But I personally would rather assume that's an honest mistake.
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Pretty much :D (Applies to me as well) The funny thing is I do not care about this problem AT ALL. I was just so confused I had to think it through before going to bed or I wouldn't have been able to sleep ^^
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Well, since are new products and packed in a way they can only have (only in their store at the moment), not bad tagging after all, sketchy but not scamming, is done in retail stores and walmart, target, 7/11. Is like putting a new barcode on a product to make an offer.
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. . .And the dragon lives inside my mouth, and it speaks in tongues. . .the word.
A teensy, tiny, little bit taken, but no sweat. also, sorry in advance if the ensuing reply might come off as a tirade as well. I swear it is that important.
On that note, not really sure that phrase can be applied up there, even tho it might seem like some schizo's feverish ravings, simply 'coz of a bad edit. I assure you I wasn't trying to introduce more confusion into the 'matter' than what was already a proper mix-up, that could've deceived a potential buyer.
The ad did appear on SG, and that's slightly worrisome. Yes, it is virtually a grey market key e-tailer, despite them not admitting it; but some ppl still check those out, on the reg. If nothing, out of pure curiosity & intrigue. I know I do; all the while, my one and only purchase there was Legendary Skyrim some 3 years ago, that hasn't been revoked to this day, luckily. Or maybe it has, been some time since I last checked it. The issue isn't if they are or not, or how grey they are, not everyone is aware of that fact.
They (cdkeys) used the likeness and the title of a game, or rather a collection, that never saw a release on pc. The Ezio Collection is strictly a remaster, no more, no less. So far, for consoles only. As I said, at the very least they were ethical enough to provide the original release date (of the now defunct Ezio Trilogy, mind you) which might escape the eye of an untrained, uninitiated, less observant and savvy, possibly even a younger, customer that could easily fall for that trap.
In regards to Ubi's role in all this (which appears to be much more ado about nothing, altho I kindly disagree), the steelbook part was supposed to be a joke. Not a good one, that much is obvious. To me, the name and date change felt entirely disingenuous, even manipulative at some level.
May be I read into it all wrong; thought it could be them trying to spin it as something it was not. Like a remaster of said trilogy, riding on coattails of AC3. Might be they actually tried to do that, but someone was quick to react to it and warned them, so they reverted, or rather, re-published it for what it actually was. Could be cdkeys saw it, created that store page, and after realizing the jig was up, didn't wanna hassle with admining it, and just went with the title and cover, only editing the date. I dunno, I'm spitballing at this point. but who knows.
Anyhoo, I do admit my OP, and the following edit was quite hectic, as I was scrambling to get all the necessary info out, in the shortest amount of time possible, without spreading any misinfo myself. had to close the thread at first, since I noticed the date on Ubi store, just after publishing the thread, and that got me so stumped, I wasn't sure what to do.
I strive to articulate everything properly as much as I can, and keep the congruence and semblance to the max; but i was fuming at that moment, thinking 'How dare Ubi do this?' so you'll have to excuse my chaotic rambling.
Hope that clears it up. Most likely won't, and will further confuse the shit out of anyone reading any of this. For that, I am sincerely sorry.
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cdkeys seems to think it's legit
I bet, that in actuality, it's this
and with the EU reglocks in place, it's mighty shady.
Edit: okay, this is now a full-on PSA. it's false advertising on both ends, if ya ask me. that crappy pack, as far as I can tell, has been on Ubi store for at least 3 years now, maybe even longer. there's a steel book edition on german amazon, and even tho the prices seem to match, the Ubi store one does not seem to offer that case.
this is not The Ezio Collection, at least not the remastered one. Ubi just changed the release date to 02/04/19 and added the 'new' and 'exclu' tags.
by god, they have no shame. DO NOT BUY (under false pretense of it being advertised as THE Ezio Collection). at least cdkeys put up the original date of release - 15 March 2012. but they're still using the cover from the remaster, and that's inexcusable.
I swear I knew it'd be shady af.
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