I have been thinking about that too, but If my IP is the problem,
As far as I understand IP and its stuff,
My IP should be the same no matter which browser I am using isnt it?
So how come I can vist while using puffin browser on my phone, but I cant if I use chrome?
Tor could be different because as far I understand its main purpose is to be hard to track....
edit: I am able to use another network tonight so I can test it there if the IP is the difference.
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Puffin loads the website on their servers and sends the results back to you, so the request to the website does not come from your network but from the "real" browser which is runnning in Puffin's network.
Tor works by connecting you to the website through multiple nodes, so the request is also not coming from your IP.
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Some posted the same thing yesterday, maybe a bug on IndieGala's end?
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Just visited indiegala and realized I'm blocked too lol
No idea why. Haven't bought anything there in months. I only grab the free games from time to time.
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I made a post about it already a day ago.(https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/9Mx0V/unusual-traffic-from-your-computer-network) Unfortunately nothing helped, since resetting my router doesn't give me new IP.. :(
I emailed the support and got nothing.. They told me to delete cookies and to try, didn't work, then they asked for my IP said they fixed it but they didn't..
There is a lot of people having this problem with the site right now, but indiegala seems to not care.. :/
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0ldnick pointed that out too, but because you didnt include indiegala in the title it didnt pop up in my search before I created the thread.
workaround that worked for me is using the browser Tor.
maybe that that helps?
and puffin browser for on the phone
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but indiegala seems to not care.. :/
At least you got a support response which didn't involve them locking your account, ignoring your support requests across three different mediums for over half a year, and then finally deleting your account. As far as dealing with IndieGala support goes, anything short of that is a win (as I and at least a score of other users can attest to).
..just my regular reminder to everyone to back up all their IG keys off-site regularly, especially before attempting to contact their support team.
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My account, and the accounts of several others- I think I was up to 23 other unique cases by the time I stopped my searching into other potential cases. For most of the reports I got, people indicated they had gotten auto-locked-out by glitches in IG's security (much like what's happening in this thread, but tied to an older system which had a much more forceful outcome). For others, the situation was the same as mine- we'd contacted support about a separate matter (in my case, the fact that their site overcharged for a bundle by a couple of dollars), and the next thing we knew, our accounts had been locked.
In each case I found, support refused to provide any response to e-mails, and eventually fully deleted the account in question.
As far as my own circumstance, I contacted IG dozens of times over maybe 8 months (for over half a year, in any case), via all of e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter- not only did they not respond to me once, but they immediately deleted my Facebook and Twitter messages each time I posted them. This was true for my initial "what's going on?" questions, as well as for my "Okay, whatever- can I just get my unclaimed keys, please?" ones.
I had purchased $35 of keys, maybe more, from IG up to that point, and most of the keys had been unclaimed at the time my account was locked. All in all, it ended up being a loss that was as expensive as it was inexplicable.
While I did find enough similarly affected individuals to validate that it's not a unique circumstance with IG, the overall scarcity of such reports seems to indicate it's a fairly rare occurrence by the numbers. So generally, it's probably not going to be much of a risk- then again, that's like playing a reverse lottery. If you "win", you risk losing quite a bit. [In that sense, it's much like using G2A and running the (purportedly) low risk of getting a non-functioning or revoked key. It may never happen to you, but it's still a risk to keep in mind when using the site.
With that in mind, I make sure to regularly warn people to back their IG keys up immediately after purchasing them- if there's nothing for you to lose from an account lock-out, then you clear out most of the risk of using IG (though they do have some infrequent issues of not replacing invalid keys, as well- but they also tend to compensate for their all-too-common happy hour purchasing bugs by giving an additional bundle (or bundles) over the one(s) they failed to give in the first place, so perhaps that's an issue which balances out in the long run).
Personally, I find them far too scummy to give my money to ever again; that said, if you haven't lost anything to them like I have (and thus lack the motivation to avoid them entirely) then you really should be able to cover your ass with just a bit of extra time spent on key management.
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Hello everyone,
For some strange reason, am I unable to visit the site from indiegala the conventional way. I use the browser chrome, on my pc. (error below)
When I searched for the error, It said that google blocked me because maliciaus/ to much messages. And this should include the use of the google search engine.
Which isnt happening, indiegala is the only site that has this problem for me.
Things I have tried:
To make it even more complicated (in my opinion)
In short the network cant be the issue as suggested in the error message. While all conventional browsers are resulting in an error....
I have run anti malware but it delivers no results.
The message:
Thanks in advance fellow SG lurkers :)
Edit: as suggested by users, router reset worked for me. So most likely it was an IP problem, because on another location I had no trouble with the same device that didnt work at home.
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