Who here exercises?
yup. crouch a bit and it does a number on your muscles
before 75%/85% of my gaming time would be exercising, but i hurt my foot like 2 month ago.
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Yeah, and dependign on the person, although it gets easier after a while, it's never easy to want to do it.
I usually just do it without thinking ignoring the best i can my wish to simply stay chilling home, especially since I don't like to workout in the morning and after work some days that's the last thing I want to do xP
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Nice! How long have you been doing it? Your shoulders will explode should you begin handstand pushups, and your core will thank you too.
Advice for anyone reading who is interested in starting: Take it slow. Calisthenics is a good way to give yourself permanent injuries in your joints.
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That's impressive, both of us:)
I'm still in my path there^^ But yeah, not on a rush because I don't want any sort of injury, it certainly slows down seeing results, results that in itself can sometimes take a while for small changes but I really want to minimize the risk of injury even if through time that is inevitable in some way.
Have a nice recovery yannbz!:)
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Yeah, that can be limiting. I don't know what sort of injuries you have but if you haven't yet, try checkign with a doctor or physical therapist what can of exercises you could do that could even help reinforce your back and feet. There's some good low impact exercises that could help.
Again, I don't know what kind of injury it is, so don't get me wrong as I'm not trying to dimish it or how troubling it is, just mean to help.
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One foot injury was in high school. Climbed the closed in bleachers in the gym as a freshman. Was the first one uo, and when they said the gym teacher was coming, I was the first one down. Took the easy way. Second, I fell off a truck and fractured the bone above my left pinky toe. Mind you I did that one on the job trying to unload shipment.
The back is a culmination of years of shoveling snow, shipments, moving stock around in stores as well as helpoing to open and close stores.
Also, arthritis in my right knee, osteoarthritis in my hands, right is the worst.....
So, yeah. I'm all KINDS of screwed u[/
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You got a number there, I don't know about everything but I can tell you some low impact exercises can help arthiritis and osteoarthritis, of course it will never be like new, but it does help a bit :) But I get how that can be a bit demoralizing to exercise.
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I climb 2-3 times a week and end my climbing sessions with lifting heavy. Playing badminton occasionally, not very seriously though. Also a few jogs occasionally when I get the time. The only thing I feel I'm missing is doing more stretching and mobility training, and working more to get my hiking stamina up.
Climbing is really the base of it all, and probably the motivation for doing the rest to stay active. I really like climbing to the point where it just feels natural to go to the climbing gym a few times a week. I climb alone, but talk to the staff a lot so even if I'm not particularly in the mood to climb it's nice to come in, climb a bit and talk shit with the people working there. Motivation or falling off never became an issue once I started climbing regularly.
Before I started climbing I had lotta problems with motivation when I tried running or lifting regularly. Turns out just running or going to a regular gym where you talk to no one isn't stimulating enough for me.
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I'm no expert but I believe climbing in an artificial gym setting is actually quite beginners-friendly. They mark routes from the easiest to the hardest with colours and if you don't feel like hauling yourself 10m off ground level, you can first try bouldering on the simplest levels! I personally think they're similar to doing particularly tough chores or climbing very steep stairs, since the destination of easiest levels can be so short they are literally a jump away, but for the sake of exercise you climb there instead of jump there.
Or you can even cheat and disregard the colours altogether and just climb with any holds available. Nobody (other than EQ-challenged people) will call you out on it.
Of course, it means you're physically-limited on the routes you can try (so boredom may be the first killer of interest rather than physical capability), but once you feel more adventurous enough to try the routes on higher difficulties, no one's stopping you :)
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I never looked into that but that's attractive. At least it might help me get into it on a beginner level and see if I'd like to do it for real, which would be awesome.
When I was a kid, I was always up in trees, climbing any rock I could find when I was at my grandparents in the countryside. I enjoyed it but my arms and back are not up to much in that area now.
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Then you'd probably enjoy it, since you have the natural tendency to climb, even if it was as a kid. We still have our useless primitive urges to vent now and then! I personally feel that rock climbing uses more leg power than arm so you might find that suitable. It's also why I prefer that over bouldering, as the latter is more technical and would rely more on arms, balance, etc.
The only downside of climbing is the prohibitive prices of a climbing gym, at least in my opinion. But I guess all generic gyms are priced that way so it's unavoidable. I take advantage of a free 2-hour slot now and then and that's enough to scratch the itch.
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I was just talking to a work mate about it because I know he used to do bouldering until he broke his shoulder blade and he had been talking about starting indoors again a little to get the rust off.
He told me about a club he's been thinking of joining. They have 8 locations throughout the city... in old churches and movie theaters to get a good verticality (it's kinda hard to find anything high in Paris) and it's pretty cheap. If you get the "off peak hours" pass it's 36 euros monthly and you can get full access from 7am to 4pm and from 9pm to midnight, which would work great with my work hours anyway.
I never even thought of that as a valid option but I'm kinda excited now.
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I agree with it being beginner friendly, and it is more accessible than you would think! It's kind of like going to the gym to do lifting but you spend your sessions trying to get up the wall instead and it seems to do the job just fine. I've met a lot of different kinds of people who come by to try out climbing, ranging from out of shape people to older people to whoever.
A lot of people tend to seek out some kind of instructor session or beginners group when they first try it out. My local gym had a "getting started" course that I went to in the beginning, that taught me basic technique and belaying (securing rope for rope climbing, but I mostly boulder).
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I have a good work friend who used to do bouldering up until a couple of years ago when he had a bad fall (from his bike, not climbing) and broke a shoulder blade. He's been looking into indoors climbing to start slowly and he'd be willing to help me out so I think that really could work out great.
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Go for it! Last year I broke my shoulder falling from my bike on the way to the climbing gym so that feels very similar. My injury was kind though and I had a faster healing pace than most apparently.
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Yeah I would say stretching is heavily ignored by most people who exercise and it can really help on the long run, not only improving but reducing injuries. Not that I streetch all the time, although I should.
That's really good when you find somehting you really enjoy doing/exercisiing, that certainly helps a lot to keep at it:)
I only did a few times climbing but is not so much for me^^ Like to do it from time to time though
I'm also on the other side where I prefer no one speaks to me^^ just enter do my thing and leave. Although I've meet really nice people there and talk a bit, but definitely like to be on my own.
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I am kind of like in between when it comes to talking. I like exercising on my own time, planning out my sessions when it suits me. But it is always nice to have people to say hi to when I go there, and it is nice when people notice your progress.
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I really have troubling situation with it because I end up making friendships with ease but then don't want to talk to no anyone most of the times xD So I just end up doing a bunch of "hi's" and focus on my workout most of the time.
One thing I can say, is that most of people I've met in the gym were/are nice and give a nice feeling of being in the same "journey/objective" without caring much about how everyone is shape wise but the fact that everyone is "putting in the work" and motivating each other. I don't know how it is everywhere but I didn't expect it to happen as much as it does.
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I started lifting three times a week last year and saw a huge improvement on my mental health.
I try to do 10/15 minutes of cardio in each lifting session, but if I have and early meeting or something urgent I might skip it (I go to the gym early in the morning, before work).
It helps tremendely since a lot of my hobbies are done sitting down.
I'm not that fit yet, but if that counts I'd assume I do stay active.
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Yeah, it definitely gives a great sleep. Ever since I started lifting I barely had a night where I had trouble falling asleep.
The only problem I've had is being more hungry all the time and having difficulty staying not-fat, but it's something I need to take more attention soon.
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Yeah, when I think of being fit, I mostly think feeling well, be it physically or mentally and not necessarily "lean/not fat". That's what most important, at least for me :)
Hope whatever health problems you have improve or at least trouble you less.
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I just bought some equipment for a small sports studio at home. Now I only must begin to use it.
But I caught COVID-19 just a few days after my purchase and I'm still out of breath rather quickly.
I already tested some software with the Ergometer though and I'm sure that I'll enjoy at least that.
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Typically I don't particularly enjoy or like exercising/working out. However, I can do anything if I have some music playing lol. Sometimes I'll walk on the treadmill with a high incline or do workout circuits (where I move from one machine to another after completing a certain amount of sets/songs) with my playlist running. I go to a gym with a twice-a-week Zumba class and swim in the pool often which I enjoy a lot more. If I don't feel like going outside or to the gym, I like to play Just Dance on my Switch at home (I dance with my whooole body lol) and I love to get those achievements, it really motivates me.
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When I don't feel like going to the gym, I'll also blast loud music and just do a more "fun" workout^^ Music definitely helps a lot
And Just dance is definitely a good exercise^^ I like the ring fit of Switch too :)
I really like swimming too but during the week there's classes in the gym I go to, so only got weekend mornings where I like to sleep in and will only go to the pool if someone else goes with me, so I've been failing quite a bit doing it xP
Edit: just read the comment bellow. Happy cakeday!^^
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It feels like forever and I don't really remember to be honest, but looking back I'd say at least 20 years. I dearly love it. It calms the mind, puts you in a meditative state where in the end you feel like you are just flowing life force energy - it should definitely help with your anxiety. And it should also definitely help to get your body more flexible, but honestly, nothing beats Yoga when it comes to that. Yoga is very beginner friendly, and the more you do it, the better you get. It's not about forcing your body into it, it's about relaxing your body into it. Give it a try, you might like it :)
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I definitely will give yoga a try. It's just been intimidating.
Tai Chi feels like something that flows in and out of you and that's something I have always found intriguing, especially since I've failed at most meditation techniques I have tried over the years.
Anyway now I know how you give off such a chill vibe and I dig it :)
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That's sounds really good:)
I don't focus on yoga but I like to add yoga poses to some of my workouts to improve my flexibility.
Never tried Tai Chi or Qi Gong but slightly curious of trying it. I like to do a bit of variety, not only feel it's good but also helps not get bored/make workouts fun :)
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I don't mean going to the gym, going for walks or any sort of sports
Confused by this - isn't that all deliberate exercise?
Anyway, I do strength training 4 days per week, and go Spinning 4 times per week. I'm also a week into the 75 Hard challenge.
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I've just started exercising every day for the first time ever. I got the old exercise bike out of the closet and set it up in front of the TV, and I've been riding every night while playing PS5 games. I would like to ramp up the mileage a bit, but that bike seat is just so damn uncomfortable (and that's with a padded seat cover and padded cycling shorts).
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Just the exercize I get riding my bike to and from work (less often in the fall and winter as they are impossibly wet and slippery here :P)
It's not enough when you spend most of your work time on your feet bent over your work but better than nothing
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Yeah riding over ice might not be pleasant^^
Especially when you have to dodge tourists, pigeons from hell and taxis.
Although I like my job, working 8 hours seated doesn't help at all. Wish there was more of a balance.
I get that. My gf is a lawyer so she sits for hours. She got herself a "desk cycle" (?) which is a sort of stationary bike but with just the pedals to be able to exercize a little. For her it's mostly a blood circulation issue but it's practical and rather cheap (compared to a real bike anyway) and she can use it at work.
Being outside is much better of course but when you don't have the time, it beats being still all day.
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I'm almost gonna start today....Just like Ive almost started 2 months.😔
My issue is not the effort itself. Its the procrastination and reading. I use an exercise app that curates a plan for me followed by some readings. I have completed Week 1 multiple times. But I never make the effort to read and push through..and then I delay and have to find the strength to try week 1 again. Ive been in this dumb loop for a long while.
Writing this out loud makes me feel super silly. I'll use that to maybe try again today!🤞
Thanks for the post.
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Let's go!^^
If you feel it doesn't work though, try making things simpler maybe. I speak for myself, while I can't have something too loose otherwise I'll slowly stop doing things, I also can't have something too strict otherwise it will feel too much like a chore. So figure what might be holding you back and adapt, hope this helps :)
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So I succeeded in starting this week. Nike training club app, they give semi intense 10min workout for now.... and ...EVERYTHING hurts☠️🫂
Years ago i now remember reading about Lactic acid activation or something. And how sudden excerise routine can give u stiff pain. So you need to massage post cool down. I guess ill keep that in mind next time. But for now I hope I can maintain consistency!
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I usually don't flaunt it or talk about it at all, but I've been running every day for almost 3 years now (I've only missed 2 runs), and I'm coming up on my 3rd marathon soon. I wouldn't say that I'm achieving incredible results, but I like the level I've reached and that I'm maintaining. It is a habit that guarantees me the confidence that I will look consistently good. I recommend everyone to try running if you haven't tried running on a regular basis before!
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That's already part of you now, 3 years daily is a long time, keep at it!:)
I personally don't focus all that much in results beyond feeling good. Sure we all want to see improvements, but at the end of the day, being healthy and feeling good is my main concern.
Edit: Also good luck with the marathon! :)
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Neither of the "No" options in the poll speak to me
so here's my custom option: No
To elaborate:
Option with highly dislike it - i don't dislike it
Option with i should - not really, of course it can be beneficial, but i am healthy and fit
I don't really think about exercising, it's not something i come into contact with. Just like someone wouldn't normally think about racing, or golf, or videogames or anything that's not part of their life.
But few months back I considered getting some weights to lift during worktime, so that I do at least something productive :p unlikely though
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Used to walk 3km daily (to and from school) as a child and teenager, with bag full of books. As an adult I walk even more, although not every day. I guess that helped a bit. And of course I eat somewhat healthy so that's another thing - i don't think about what I eat at all, but fast food and sodas are not part of my life.
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Yeah it does help. A lot of people have no idea how a 10mins walk is already a great improvement to life quality. It may not be the greatest exercise to keep in shape/healthy but it is definitely quite good especially when compared to staying sit all day.
I also don't drink sodas at all, but I do fast food sometimes, just try not to abuse it.
I think diet is more important than workout itself even though obviously advice both always.
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I guess it depends on how much that is^^
But if you feel active daily but not necessarily exercising, maybe the latter. Not that it matter as long as you feel good:)
Yeah, I work 8 hours seated and then spent most of the time seated at home too, guess our asses are the ones truly working out overtime xD
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Tried a lot of things, but the only thing that worked for me is yoga. Tried lifting and later crossfit, but I started having minor issues like pulled muscles, joint pain etc. while having difficulties with actually getting functionally stronger. With yoga I can feel the gradual improvements month by month and started being able to do movements that were difficult for me before.
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It's good you found what works for you :)
I started lifting when I entered the gym but it's definitely not for me either. I didn't have any injury and still do a bit to help me improve strength but I much prefer calesthenics and some yoga poses to improve balance and flexibility. Overall trying to balance it all.
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Hey, so I'm kinda curious as to whom or how many people here exercise?
I don't mean going to the gym, going for walks or any sort of sports but in general does some effort to stay fit/healthy?
I don't mean any sort of shaming with this, but mostly curious due to being a healthy habit.
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