I have 6 copies of Everspace - Ultimate Edition to giveaway. I've no agenda here, nothing to promote, just really enjoyed the the game, and want to share the love!

The tricky thing is that the Ultimate edition is a bundle; I can't directly create a single giveaway for it. So the plan is once the giveaways have been claimed by all the winners, I will invite them to two additional giveways, one for each DLC (
Encounters & Deluxe Upgrade) in the Ultimate edition.

Everspace is a space-based rogue-like - prepare to die a lot (or maybe that's just me, my aim is a bit crap). You start your mission, earn some cash, die, upgrade your ship and go again. It's different enough each time to keep it interesting (in my opinion). But by far the game should be played with the Encounters DLC right from the start, hence why I want to give it away to the winner also.

I would be disappointed if you enter solely for a plus 1, but I can't stop you doing that. However I can give you a little incentive. If the winner can demonstrate they have played the game (e.g. through achievements, screenshots, a review, or playtime) they will be welcome on my whitelist. Conversely, if the winner has not demonstrated playing the game within 2 months, they will be welcome on my blacklist.

  1. Everspace (Public Level 1)
  2. Everspace (Groups Level 0)
  3. Everspace (SGTools Level 0)
  4. Everspace (Jigidi & SGTools Level 0) (2 copies)
  5. Everspace (Wishlist & SGTools Level 0)

The groups are:

  • Unlucky-7 - It's where I got my starting after worrying the site was just a scam (unluckies only).
  • Playing Appreciated - If you are not a member, you've got 2 weeks to meet the joining conditions.
  • Linux Gamers - you get a free pass, but I'd still like you to play the game.

For the few people that have blacklisted me at some point, why, why would you do that? I'm really thoughtful :-). Actually I do know one reason, I joined more groups than I could keep track of, was lazy and ended up breaking group rules. If you do come by this discussion, you are welcome to unblacklist me, enter the GA, even win, and blacklist me again if you see fit.

I've written too much now, good luck ;-)

Edit: Note to Jigidi HTML5 users - make sure you have an account and are logged in. If the GA link does not pop-up at the end just refresh the puzzle. There will be one or two pieces that need to be positioned again.

5 years ago*

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Reserved, in case I messed up, comment here.

5 years ago

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Thank you for all these chances :)

5 years ago

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Thanks but i only counted 5

5 years ago

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Jigidi has 2 copies (updated text to make it clearer).

5 years ago

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Just noticed it

5 years ago

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Not entering since I own it, but I wanted to say: You're really missing out if you only enter for a +1, the game is good.

5 years ago

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How does it compare with Rebel Galaxy? That one disappointed me a bit with its lack of 6DOF and the combat system, I'd really like to scratch that rogue-space-sim-adventure itch with something proper.

5 years ago

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Not really compare-able since Rebel Galaxy is semi-sandbox where your ship can't do full 3d dogfighting and relies on broadside weapons as if it's a pirate ship.

EverSpace is all about dogfighting and scavinging. You warp into a system, quickly loot as much as you're able to and fight off any hostilities before the alien interceptors warp in to destroy you. Then you go to the next system and repeat the process while it gets gradually harder and harder till the end. All while having to manage your resources and ship's health.

Check ObsidianAnt's lets play, he goes into pretty details about the game.

5 years ago*

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HI! Thanks for the giveaways!

Just a thought, but "I can give you a little incentive. If the winner can demonstrate they have played the game (e.g. through achievements, screenshots, a review, or playtime) they will be welcome on my whitelist." - This might be more of an incentive if you had created any whitelist giveaways in the last two years.

(Whenever someone offers their whitelist as an incentive, I check on their giveaways to see how incentivized I am by the offer.)

5 years ago

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That is a fair point, but perhaps this gives me incentive to actually create some.

5 years ago

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and that's more than fair: generous!

5 years ago

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I hope so! They are fun to do

5 years ago

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Thank you, that's incredibly generous :3
Sounds a lot like FTL, which I really love!

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the chances, I was tempted to buy the game this last summer sale but did not do it because I had other priorities.
I supose I will end up buying the game in future sales if I'm not one of the lucky ones :)

5 years ago

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Hell yeah - was thinking about getting it in the sale, thanks for the GA :3

5 years ago

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Thanks a lot, entered everything :D

5 years ago

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that's a nice giveaways for a great looking game

5 years ago

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thank you! this game looks pretty cool. i wishlisted it, albeit too late

5 years ago

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Thanks for all this!

View attached image.
5 years ago

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the posh space thing!

thank you so much, hippo

5 years ago

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Thanks for the many chances. Jigidy isn't working 100%. May I send you a screenshot of my solution for the link?

5 years ago

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You can see the link by clicking on the button on the left side of View Image in pause menu

5 years ago

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I donno... pause does nothing (html5 version)

5 years ago

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Don't know then, when I end the puzzle of I accidentally close the winning message I just go back to view the puzzle and on pause menu there is a green square with a text balloon thta show the winning message when clicked

5 years ago

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Is the HTML5 version still bugged? You need to make sure you are logged in to Jigidi first, then you can return to a puzzle where you left off. If the pop-up does not appear at the ed, then refresh the puzzle and you will see one or two pieces out of place. Complete the puzzle again and you should get the pop-up.

5 years ago

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Didn't know you had to be logged in for this to work. Thanks for the assist! Reagrdless of me taking another crack at it many thanks nonetheless for your generosity :)

5 years ago

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op you should have made a post about what is the best ship ingame. i vote the scout but sentinel is good too.

grabbing dna fragments right now in normal mode.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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Bumping ๐Ÿ”

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Thankful bump!

5 years ago

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That's so generous! Thank you very much :).

5 years ago

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Thanks a bunch! I never knew what i wanted this game!

5 years ago

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After fractured space went under there really wasn't a game that filled the void, but this looks like a good comparable space sim

5 years ago

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Very nice of you to offer a game you had enjoyed. Not a major space fan, did you notice Starbase from E3 2019? Game looks amazing. Cheers~

5 years ago

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