Should clean the referral link from that link. Those are not allowed per rules.

3 years ago

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thanks, I just copied the link from

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Retail Price
METAL GEAR SURVIVE 63% of 2,972 reviews - 🏆 39,99€

Some reviews:

The meta game contains time-gated activities that can be removed with real money coin purchases (SV coins)

The mandatory onling connection for single player part is a big inconvenience for me.

3 years ago

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To be fair, MGSV : Phantom Pain had a mandatory online connection too (at least for challenges and the like, which for some reason it classed as online?). It was frustrating to get so close to finishing a mission only to be kicked out because my connection was interrupted (see also, a momentary hiccup in the steam friends logon, etc). I remember one specific one kept hitting me and I got booted out about 7 times when right at the very end, crawling through a hydroponics area. I did have a similar hiccup happen once or twice in MG:Survive too, though.

The only time-gated activities that come to mind is when you can send base staff on scavenging missions, who will then return after a certain time with the results, and using real money lets you add extra teams. I think the only multiplayer in the game was coop though, so I dunno.

The game wasn't terrible IMO, it just wasn't up to the rest of the series. I went into it treating it as unrelated to MGS and expecting nothing, and it wasn't so bad.

3 years ago

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Honestly I think MGSV is one of the best stealth games out there. The guard reactions, your infiltration options, the stealth mechanics they are more advanced than anything I have seen before anywhere else. Parts of Deus Ex HR come close.
The story of MGSV on the other hand is completely bollocks.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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If you can rate the story without thinking about older games, it is still good. (It is the first MGS game I played and I simply love it) But I can understand that people who played older games feel that way.

3 years ago

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Never played the older games. MGSV story was just so over the top nonsensical, I can't imagine what earlier installments are like.

3 years ago

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Other than "Metal Gear" I loved nonsensical things tbh. The reason why I don't like Metal Gear is, all that "hiper, super" weapon talk and in the end you beat him with rocket launchers.

3 years ago

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The bigger issue was the language parasite thing, which makes so little sense, I just couldn't take anything seriously after that reveal. Then there are a few taste things, basically everything conserning Quiet and that blond kid as well as the random reintroduction of characters from earlier games, the game treats these as big events, but I have no idea how to feel because I don't know them.

3 years ago

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As far as I know Quiet wasn't in the earlier games. And while the blond kid is a big figure of the other games, it was his first reveal so I didn't feel like I was missing a ton (tho I felt it a bit)

Overall, I think they managed to make it enjoyable without playing older games (inc. story), and especially I don't think I will forget the first mission ever.

And I forgot, I loved the language parasite thing tbh.

3 years ago

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I meant that the whole Quiet thing was kinda distasteful. Like I get the sexappeal thing but saying that she needs to be in a bikini because she breathes through her skin is just so weird and ridiculous. Makes the writer and everyone involved seem like a 15 year old horny kid. It's this weird dichotomy like watching a realistic poltical-military film and switching channels to a Spy Kids movie every ten minutes.

3 years ago

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Haha yeah, "she wear bikini because she needs to breathe" was clearly bs. But from what I can see, it is part of the Kojima's signature. For example even in the very old games, you can find bikini model pictures on lockers and Snake comments on them, or Paz on beach mission etc.

If you don't like those aspects, I think you won't like other Kojima games as well. Just a taste thing. I personally loved most of it tho, with all weirdness and shit.

3 years ago

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Yeah, Kojima can't write female characters, Death Stranding proved that. I wonder how much he is involved in the game's design or is he just doing the story...

3 years ago

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Opposite actually, he is more involved in design. He is mainly the director after all.

3 years ago

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That sounds like it might be $3.08 too much. lol

3 years ago

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Why just $3.08? Konami should pay people to have that license tarnish their accounts.

3 years ago

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weird, 4,11€ here which is roughly 33% more expensive

3 years ago

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even if it were free it has no hope

3 years ago

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That's like paying for someone to poop on your front doorstep

3 years ago

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The game is a lot of fun and none of that creepiness around women that Kojima's games have either.

3 years ago

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Isn't that the appeal of his games?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Probably not a good price for a game that will sit in my library not to be played, ever.

3 years ago

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That's still a hard no for me but yeah, someone else might avail of the discount

3 years ago

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Thanks, been holding off trying this one but for that price why not?!

3 years ago

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Today was the day I realized Konami sells this for $50 USD in Mexico.

3 years ago

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