I was looking for a website where I can look up profile backgrounds and found Steamcardexchange.

You can view all cards emojis, avatars, backgrounds and so on from every game on Steam.

My question is: Is this site trustworthy?

And if not: Are there other good sites?

Thank you very much.

EDIT: Thank you very much for your opinions and your input. I think, I'll use the site without logging in.

2 weeks ago*

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Been a member for over a decade and won literally hundreds of games, and been given dozens outright from friendly people in the discussion section.

You get much better chances if you buy bundles from HB, and Fanatical, in order to make giveaways and increase your level.

But just like with buying a lotto ticket, everyone has a "chance" on public zero level giveaways. But the more popular games get several thousand entries, so your chances are quite small.

2 weeks ago

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Thanks, but I didn't speak of Steamgifts. I mentioned the page in my opening post, but didn't link it in case it isn't trustworthy.

Steamgifts is trustworthy in my eyes. I am a member for some years here, too. :)

2 weeks ago

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Skimmed the post and missed the specified site.

2 weeks ago

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No problem, it was my fault. Together with the topic it is a bit confusing. I'm sorry.

2 weeks ago

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Meh, no worries. My fault for not reading more closely.

Maybe mention it in the title next time?

That's what already had me 90% sold on how i was going to comment.

2 weeks ago

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Have not had any issues. Only issue that many games are quite thin on the cards.

2 weeks ago

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Thanks. I am looking for a good site because the Steam market technically is trash, sorry. I have to reload a page very often, and when there are filters applied, it gets worse.

2 weeks ago

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I have the same bad experience with Steam market, and I was wondering for years why is that and do others experience this, too? Maybe because you're also from Germany?
My symptoms seem to be the same, reloading on item pages is often necessary because they fail to load, and "sell all cards", or "buy all remaining cards" has an even smaller chance to load successfully because probably it has to aggregate all the individual prices first.

And finding out which trades make sense with which friends who are displayed to have a card I'm interested in is a huge pain i.t.a., because you have to manually search for duplicates and it always displays the whole inventory (yours and theirs), not just the cards of one particular game in question, and some other nuisances.... why is this part of Steam made with such incompetence?

2 weeks ago

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Can't tell if it only affects german users, but it's truly a p.i.t.a.
I don't trade, I only use the search function. Without a filter, the listing works nearly perfect, but with a filter... And the item pages are often not loading the first time. I have to reload them sometimes four or five times.

2 weeks ago

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All I can say is I've used the steamcardexchange trade bot successfully in the past and was all a smooth operation. I haven't messed with it in a few years, though.

2 weeks ago

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For me it's more a convenience thing. Trading isn't my main cause to use the site. But - if I'd log in, I'd love to see which backgrounds I already own. Until now, I have to compare my owned ones with the site by hand.

But: If I am logged in, does it show, what I already own?

2 weeks ago

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No, I don't think it reads your inventory or anything like that. It's just like a showcase for seeing all available items for any game and the current price as far as I know.

2 weeks ago

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Ok, thank you, so there is no need to log in only to have an overview.

2 weeks ago

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View attached image.
2 weeks ago

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Bump for solved!

2 weeks ago

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I never used their trade features. But as a database? Yes, very much so.
SteamDB does it too, but it's a bit less "user-friendly" since they put a lot of additional "raw" data along with the community items (since SteamDB is about, well, Steam in its entirety).
SteamCardExchange does cards and other community items. Only focused on those, so their UI is more streamlined and is nicer to view (imo) if you are just looking for cards/badges/backgrounds (and everything else).

2 weeks ago

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Yes, specifically I'm looking for a database for backgrounds, if you want to call it so. And I would log in through Steam, if the site is trustworthy - and the site would show me all owned backgrounds.

2 weeks ago

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Aaah, that... I don't know if it does that. 🤔
In terms of "trustworthy", I suppose you can say "it's a quite well-known site"? A proper SteamID login doesn't use your credentials anyway, they'll just register your Steam ID number (and username/avatar if they use it).

2 weeks ago

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Yes, something like that. Well-known and not "scammy".

True, but somewhere I read that also a login with only the ID number can be a problem.

2 weeks ago

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Could be, I suppose.
Well, I don't want to take any responsibility so I won't explicitly "vouch" for it as I don't use it that way myself, but I wouldn't call it "scammy" either. 😅

2 weeks ago

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I can understand that and it's perfectly fine.

I don't want to accuse the site of being scammy at all. It was just meant as an explanation.

2 weeks ago

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We understood each other. 👍

2 weeks ago

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I'm not sure I understand what you mean by trustworthy? The site basically lists all steam trading cards, emojis, avatars, etc. for every game and every event. They're usually very accurate. I don't know of any other source that's as good. Maybe steam.tools? I don't really use it nowadays so I can't vouch for its accuracy.

2 weeks ago

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Trustworthy regarding signing in through Steam. I am looking for a site like this - a database, especially for profile backgrounds.

And as such it would be interesting for me that the site shows me, if I already own a specific background when I am on the game page. Therefore it would be good, if the site is trustworthy.

2 weeks ago

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I understand. As far as I know, if you have to sign in to a site through Steam Login, you are only giving them your username and Steam ID (and maybe your email? But I doubt it). They do not have access to your password or anything else.

Now if a site is faking the Steam login, that's something else entirely. But a legitimate Steam login button should always be safe.

2 weeks ago

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Important is that you first login on steamcommunity.com itself. Then you don't have to enter credentials on other websites using the authentifcation.

2 weeks ago

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A website using Steam OpenID doesn't inherently make it trustworthy or untrustworthy. So I'm not sure what other criteria would fit here to make it either of those.

2 weeks ago

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Cake day for Taizun

2 weeks ago

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scurries away

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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I used the site before when I was into crafting badges, never had any issues with their bot for cards exchange. I don't know it something's changed in the meantime though, as I am not that into badge crafting nowadays

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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I've traded a few times with the bot with no issues to complete some of the sales badges, though the inventory is so large that it takes forever for steam to load the trade.

The sign in mostly seems to be for convenience giving you a history of trades and reasons for declining, as well as watchlist for certain games' cards the bot has.

2 weeks ago

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As Trustpilot rates the site with four stars and it exists at least a decade without causing public uproar it's pretty safe to assume it's no scam.

2 weeks ago

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Yes, trustworthy. The market/bot doesn't offer many cards, so I rarely used it when I was going for badges. Steamtradematcher is way better for trading duplicates, but they supposedly limited some things since I had used it last time.

2 weeks ago

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This gonna sound dumb but I either never realized that they actually do card trading on the site or I just forgot because all these years I've been using it as just a trading card database.

2 weeks ago

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Definitely not trustworthy.

2 weeks ago

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It's fine. I traded a few times without issues to complete some badges.

2 weeks ago

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It's trustworthy, I used their trade bot for a couple of years without any issues, and you don't even need to login if you just want to check the backgrounds/etc.

2 weeks ago

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I have used SteamCardExchange. I still have a 2 cent credit there (lol). Found it to be trustworthy. I do tend to be logged in when trading but I use the site most often when trading cards. Found it very helpful to try to get even cost trades.

2 weeks ago

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Yes, it's the best out there by light years. You can login on it through steam of course if you want to see which badges, etc. and yes it's through steam, so it's secure, you can relax. Just make sure you're going to the right site, and you're not running any other shady extensions that might make a fake version of it and ask you for your credentials. The site itself is legit though.

2 weeks ago

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