I seem to be unable to enter the dungeon; when I choose to register as one of the three roles, the screen just gets a bit darker and nothing happens...
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Mhh... I think I have to click on Warrior, Wizard or Rouge after login through Steam?0
I just get a darkened background for a popup but nothing more. No JavaScript errors are shown. Did I do something wrong? Using Chrome Version 62.0.3202.94 on Windows, Adblocker disabled
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Works now but I'm redirected to http://steamdungeons.com/ after a few minutes :/
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I'm liking the new look so far!
The "escape purgatory" minigame is much better than respawn time :v
Edit: I think there's a bug where the game stops taking any kind of input after you click "active abilities" in-battle till you refresh the page
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I am heading off to bed now, but I will try it out tonight after work. I'll join the group now, though.
It certainly sounds interesting and like fun. Thanks to you and everyone that has contributed.:)
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Wait, the market closed? I didn't get a chance to get online this morning and spend my coins. :(
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I must have missed the text that said that. That's a major bummer.
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Is there a place to get bandages? I find the bleed chance to be way too high. I'm always bleeding, and bandages are absurdly rare.
Also, how do you use mastery points?
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Except I just get bleeding from examining normal walls, and the game won't let my use the points even when I'm on the page. I was just examining a perfectly normal wall, and then a spider just comes out of nowhere and poison me. Wtf? How am I supposed to deal with that? This isn't dark souls. In dark souls you are giving clear chances to prepare yourself. This is just russian roulette.
Also, is purgatory meant to have no solutions, because I'm currently on my 10th hall and there's still no way out. Not really liking this idea, especially when the game's RNG just screws you over at the drop of a hat.
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Unlucky checks are only possible when you check walls with low concentration. You need to use Meditation ability to restore concentration when it gets low.
Purgatory can always be escaped, just keep moving to other halls until you find a way to escape. You will also be resurrected automatically withing an hour after death.
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I see, so that's what concentration is for. Ok, good to know there is a way to mitigate that then.
Also, I can now level up, and I put a point in accuracy by accident. Woops.
Is there a way to passively regain health?
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Have you tried looking for a hidden door? Usually in that case there's a hidden door somewhere.
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How do I regain energy in a fight? It seems really arbitrary when I can or can't back energy.
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Yeah, but I defend like 10 times or so and I get nothing. I get that the defend option allows you to regain energy, but it seems really random.
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That still doesn't make sense, because even at 0 energy I get nothing. Is it health based or something?
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I think you need to successfully block or enemy misses, same as to get full concentration bonus from defending
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Hi - thanks so much it's great. One bug I found (using Chrome) I discovered a better bow, but after taking it (and the log noted I took it) I still seem to have my old bow. Not sure if you can check my log to discover the problem. No worries if not, it's all good!
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Thanks. Just letting you know I just had the same problem again. I had a dagger, and picked up an axe, but for some reason I still have the dagger and no axe.
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Thanks - I just got my first replacement to work! =^.^=
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The same bug here - although I equiped a new bow, im still leaved with starter one.
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Hey, thanks again for this wonderful dungeon crawling experience! I have just a tiny question: I have already had several encounters with enemies, but I haven't got anything from them that I can eat. As a result, my hunger score is quite high. Is this normal? Are there other sources of food?
EDIT: I have just received some meat from a turtle. However, I still find food an item quite rare to come by!
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How do I use ladders? I found one and it won't let me go up it.
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If it doesn't show the arrow to move in the direction of the ladder - reloading the page should fix this problem. Also, you can't climb ladders when you are overburdened, so if you are - you'll need to get rid of some items or try to find another path.
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Looks like some evil force started roaming the dungeon and taking people's souls :p
Ask adventurers around to resurrect you if you fall - Wizards have Resurrection scrolls that they can't use on themselves and by resurrecting you they will get a good amount of light Karma.
P.S. that gif is amazing xD
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I had started to use notebook to write down wall-traps and... and notebook reached limit so soon, so pen and paper are my best friends.
Also, strange that I didn't get a single gib yet. Level 9 and lots of checks already
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I got stuck on an encounter with the Spirit of Wisdom. It won't let me accept either offer, despite having the required soul. I selected Leave to exit out of the encounter, went and do RL stuff, came back, and can't get into the dungeon anymore. Trying to enter just bounces me back to the site main page. Using Chrome.
I switched over to Firefox just to see if a cookie or something was screwed up, and I can get in, but I'm back at that Spirit of Wisdom encounter, and it still won't accept either choice. I haven't selected Leave yet in Firefox.
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I can't figure what causes it at the moment, but leaving the spirit should work fine. Since spirits of wisdom appear relatively often, try leaving this one and see if all goes well with another one. I'll get back to ithis issue after a sleep.
As for redirection bug, clearing cookies should help here for now.
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(FINISHED) Join the dungeon-crawling Giveaway Adventure in Steam Dungeons! [70+ GAs]
Hello Steamgifters! A long time has passed (over a year!) since you crawled the dungeon full of steamgifts giveaways last time! And it is time to start the new - this time as big as never before.
"The Legend of Titans" quest has started!
All of us like playing games, and all of us like winning games. So, how about playing a game and winning games while playing?
Game of sWords (now Steam Dungeons) was made specially for SteamGifts a little bit over 2 years ago and has gone a long way since then! A long time has passed since the last event, and there are tons of changes this time as well, including great variety of interactable objects, characters, improvements in balance and design - overall, the dungeons got even bigger and diverse! Steam Dungeons consists of quests (SG events) which start periodically: in each quest you have to explore huge dungeons while upgrading your hero, fighting monsters, finding new items and treasures and interacting with other players in different ways - all of that right in your browser.
There are many treasures (giveaways) hidden in the dungeon and anyone who finds them can join them!
A lot of giveaways have been contributed by the community members, and I would like to say a big Thank You to everyone who made a contribution! :)
Here is the topic of Halloween Quest 2016
Here is the topic of Quest for Dungeon Heart #2
Here is the topic of Quest for Dungeon Heart #1
Here is the topic of Game of sWords 3.0
Here is the topic of Game of sWords 2.0
And here is the topic of the first one, which started back in November 2 years ago.
You might want to read a little more about the game to succeed in it and there is some useful material you can put your eye on:
First of all, I highly recommend to visit sWords Library that has a lot of other useful information that will help you in the adventure
Secondly, you can read the tips I posted today in the Steam group announcement - many of them are not yet published in the library!
What's new in Steam Dungeons?
Lots of changes have been made since the previous quest to make the game more enjoyable!
You can see many of the changes listed here.
Note: The Game engine is not properly supported by Internet Explorer (you will encounter all kinds of nasty bugs there) and it is recommended to use one of the following browsers: Chrome (perfect), Opera (perfect) or Firefox (great, but the game works a tiny bit slower and sounds sometimes mess up a little).
Current Winners limits: Warriors:25, Wizards:25, Rogues:25.
Winners get access to all giveaways available in the current dungeon! (70+)
Everyone who finishes the game after the limit is reached (while it is still runnning) gets 1 random treasure as a consolation prize!
The game will last for 20 days. All giveaways end in about that time as well!
Time to start the Adventure!
EVERYONE is invited to play the game and search for treasures in the adventure! :)
The only requirement is that your Steam account should be more than 90 days old.
Join the official group
Start playing now!
The game is constantly being developed! Want to suggest an idea to help me improve the game? Post it here! People can upvote or downvote it, and it will help me see what people do and do not want to be implemented. Thank you!
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