Public giveaway or invite only through sgtools ?
For an SGtools-check you go to (SGtools->Manage Givaways) and insert your Giveaway link there, it will check if you're the giveaway creator and then allow you to setup the rules. And once you're done with that you can post the SGTools-Link somewhere for people to get checked.
I only did two so far so i might have forgotten something.. but that should basically be it.
Only you as the creator can see the special options to edit the filter, look at the list of entries or invalid entries.
In case i did forget something important i hope people will correct that ^^'
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I also consider to create a new GA. I ponder if I should make it public, but with individual rules.
I imagine something like:
Just to make sure that the winner is really into this game and not some random guy who just wants more games.
What do you guys think?
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Been done before, to reasonable success.
One flaw- don't check hours, check achievements. Hours are usually done through idling [or idling programs], so are pretty meaningless [flip side, some players prefer (or have to) play in off-line mode, so they'd have less hours]. Unless you're asking for something like 300 hours on a single game, but then you'd typically be pushing out most legitimate players as well :P
A lot of people also filter by wishlist size, but that's easily modifiable, and everyone uses their wishlist differently, so I'm personally not in favor of that [then again, with my wishlist size, I've an alternate reason not to be :P).
Rather, a better bet is to try and make sure the library goes to people who've a good ratio on steamgifts, but a small library size. That generally indicates they'll actually make a point of playing the games they win promptly.
Alternatively, you can just manually pick random games [or just the games they've won from SG] in their library to check for achievements to get an idea of their play habits, but that's absurdly time-consuming :X
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Well it is possible to cheat with achievements too, so that wouldn't fix that problem either. But achievements could be considered as a part of the rules.
My main problem is: Do people even read the rules? If 50% just join the GA, without checking the rules, I might be in for several re-rolls, before a legit winner might be found.
I wish Steamgifts would add a flag option for additional rules. Just so that everyone who wishes to participate, would have to confirm that they read and understood the rules, before they are allowed to join.
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For a long time I preferred to play in Offline mode, because I didn't want others to see how I spend my free time. Now I'm mostly Online but I'm not very happy with that I admit (but I want to show that I play the games I won).
As for reading the rules/descriptions, I think there is quite a number of people doing so. Well, I do that for most part ;)
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I just played in offline mode because Steam was still, after a decade and change, a bitch about resource mismanagement, and that's notably increased when connected to the net.
It's mostly ignorable by this point, finally, thankfully.
I still do it for more demanding games, though. :X
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Is it possible to? I outright ignore achievements, so I wouldn't know.
You can't make custom rules on SG, the staff won't honor them. So no, you won't be in for any re-rolls :X [And so there's not much point in creating a flag option :P]
What you'll need to do is make a thread, vet each user that posts in it manually, and then invite them to a steam group, and then post the giveaway exclusive to that group. That's the only way to create giveaways by custom rules on SG.
And no, not too many people actually read descriptions, and my own tests on the matter showed a dominant portion of public users were using auto-entry programs-
As many self-admitted to me later, while they basically cussed me out for daring to judge them for their right to do as they please and delaying giving them games to ask them about the matter- nevermind that I'd explicitly stated I'd do that, in the description. Oh, they're lovely people, I assure you. I assure you that in the most non-sincere way possible.
Well, one of them managed to get perma-suspended, at least, though the others are unfortunately still around. :X
Ah, anyway. So yeah, if you want to make sure your game goes to an actual, decent user, then for multiple reasons, steam groups that you manage yourself are the only option.
And even then, you get rule breakers and utter scum- we had one guy in one of my groups that leeched several AAA/unbundled games before we kicked them for rule-breaking.
We had to totally restructure how we approached certain group rules solely due to his extremely despicable conduct.. :|
Though, plus side- if you boot them from the group prior to the giveaway end, their entry is typically not considered valid; and if they're exceptionally rude or hostile on sg itself, you can usually get a reroll.
Past that, though, you generally have to decide whether to take the Not Received or not- there's a bit of leniency there, if it's rare and you have a decent justification, but it'll end up biting you if you try and take it too often. :/
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I remember someone wanted to take the Not Received volunteerily and they were said by SG staff they cannot do so if the reason is they just don't want to give the game because of some rule breaking/bad behaviour if the SG staff didn't deem it as a ground for reroll. I guess it depends on the SG staff you're dealing with, but just wanted to mention that.
I've seen descriptions both mentioning special Steam group of whitelisting if you comment in a special way and I got into some thanks to my uber-leet-reading comprehesion ;) But I've also seen people outright 'breaking' the custom rule and getting on the blacklist for that... So yeah, the description mentioning some special rules is only good to make a group by inviting/whitelisting. Customs rules are no more on SG 2.0...
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Well, no, you can't refuse to give the game for existing site rules.
But if someone is extremely hostile or negative, you can sometimes get away with it,
I couldn't say how lenient they'd be to applying that to group rule-breaking,
Either way, I'm sure the bad marks on that would add up quick, so it's definitely not something you could reliably use, either way. :/
Though, at worst it's a couple days' ban, and it doesn't seem to be one of the rule-breaks that's treated too harshly for perma-suspension, so I know some people've determined it to be a better option than giving a game to someone who has just outright validated themselves as being scum. :X
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The warning you describe was in response to the user's stated intention to "take a not received" every time he didn't like the winner (i.e. numerous times). If you are creating a GA, you are making a promise to deliver said game, so habitual failure to do so would constitute abuse.
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Maybe I worded that insufficiently but that's roughly what I meant by 'you can't take Not Received volunteerily'. The rule breaking I mentioned was custom rule breaking, not SG rules, as SG rules breaking is a ground for reroll. Thanks for commenting so I could make myself clear :)
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Well, you can choose to take it, but it's discouraged and you shouldn't make a habit of it.
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Thanks for the clarification, both of you. I had no idea that custom rules aren't a thing.
For many puzzles etc. I read that the creators insist that they'll do a reroll, if someone joins the GA in another way than required. Are those empty threads?
I just don't see how that would be different to custom rules. Maybe I could implement my imagined rules in a puzzle, using the puzzle for confirmation that the participant understood and agree with the rules?
Damn, is that complicated. ;)
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This is in the Guidelines:
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That would be the case of uninvited people entering an invite only giveaway. I don't know anything about those puzzles, but in the case of sgtools giveaways, you do have proof when someone uninvited enters and you can show that for a reroll in case they win.
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I've noticed that a lot of people post GA in the discussions, sometimes with sgtools and sometimes without. What's the difference ? (I understand that sgtools uses some standards but what about the invite only GAs that don't use sgtools ?)
Also why do people create trains ? Is it for fun ? To use only one sgtools check ?
Thanks for taking the time to read this
Extra question, how exactly to put a GA through sgtools ? Do i go to manage giveaways and put the GA invite link there ?
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