Just trying to air out some thoughts...

So at this point everyone is familiar with the new Steam Trading Card Beta. I have personally been successful so far.
Ok here goes. I managed to save up a full set (5 cards) for CSGO.

These are my options:

  • Craft them. I will receive 100 Exp (which leaves me just short of level 11), possibly a background and emoticon.
  • Sell them individually on the Marketplace. I expect to receive about $6 if I did so.
  • Trade them as a set.
  • Sit on them and see if value rises. As a set they may be worth more then selling individually. They are not unlimited in supply.

So of these, what do you think would be the best option, or if you have another suggestion, by all means, share.


tl;dr go away

EDIT: Thanks to everyone for your responses. You have convinced me to SELL!!

EDIT2: SOLD All my cards - Total Wallet: $6.16 .. lol I wasn't far off what I said above.

11 years ago*

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The cards value will not rise above the on sale price of the game, so it can't rise too much. If you care about levels or any of the new things I would craft them.

11 years ago

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Just curious but why would you say they wont rise above the sale value of the game?

11 years ago

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Presumably because then it will be profitable for farmers to buy new copies of the game on new accounts and farm new cards. This extra supply will keep reducing the price until the profits from the above activity drop low enough that they aren't worth the effort.

11 years ago

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Value will drop significantly before it will rise. Don't forget that not every Steam user is participating right now. You will have to wait at least a few months for it to stabilise or rise.

11 years ago

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I'd just sell them. Unless you really think the value will rise. :)

11 years ago

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I dunno. I've been selling every card I have as soon as I get them.

11 years ago

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Ive sold enough cards to buy CSGO and still have a set of CSGO cards .. my biggest prob right now is .. part of me says.. SELL THEM .. the other part is saying .. CRAFT and you COULD get a VALUABLE Emoticon or Wallpaper (have your cake and eat it to)..

11 years ago

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I bought CS:GO with the money I got from my card sales

11 years ago

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how much are you selling them for?

11 years ago

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Great minds think alike!

11 years ago

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Hope you get foil cards to instawin cash. Dunno but somehow the community will demand a reset backlash or something , sell them as a set now. Go farm young padawan

11 years ago

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as soon as the beta started i managed to get two games for 1 card each but since them the value of them got really low (i think they worth around 1 dolar each now).
since youre already at level 10 and you can get foil cards (the ones that really worth something) you should sell them now

11 years ago

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I still need an invite...By any chance would you have one :3

11 years ago

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If i complete one more set i'll be level 10, but i got all my card drops, no foil for me :/

As regards your options, backgrounds and emoticons are way cheaper than cards, so that.

11 years ago

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"As regards your options, backgrounds and emoticons are way cheaper than cards, so that."

This is true. What ruined me is I did craft once, my dont starve cards. And I received a RARE Emoticon, the one with Scarred guy .. star of the game. And at the time it was going for $10 ..

11 years ago

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Sell them now, and buy them back when they're 10 cents each.

11 years ago

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This is so simple .. Yet it may be the best option - I like it

11 years ago

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That's why I'm selling all my cards :) Although the prices could go up too because the drops are limited and the only way so far to get additional drops is to spend $9 on in-game items.

11 years ago

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Are you referring to DOTA? I didnt hear if you spend money you can get more drops...

11 years ago

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That and TF2, it's in the FAQ:

What about free to play games like Team Fortress 2 or Dota 2?
Free to play games drop game cards based on your in-game purchasing history. If you've made purchases in-game prior to the Steam Trading Card Beta, or if you purchased TF2 prior to the Free to Play Update, you'll have 4 or 5 drops available for these games. You'll receive more card drops when you buy items in game, approximately one card drop for every $9 USD spent.

But I still have no idea how should we get cards for games without an in-game store.

11 years ago

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ah ok yea I did hear about that.

I didnt bother installed dota cause I never actually bought anything in it before so figured no drops.

They said in the faq there may be additional ways in the future...

11 years ago

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how do you get more drops/cards once your current drops have ran out?

11 years ago

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You dont. As of now, only way to get new cards once drops are out is to trade with people or buy from marketplace

11 years ago

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well that kinda sucks, to get a full set for one game i would have to trade out all of the cards from the other games

11 years ago

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I would sell it individually if I were in your shoes ;)

11 years ago

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i sold all my card for 10 euro and i will get them back 10 cent each lol

11 years ago

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How can value for cards rise if more people are getting invites to beta? And what do you think happens then beta ends and every 5 million active users (or whatever number is right now) will be able to get card? The only way for cards to have a higher value is to wait a year or two when most of the cards will be crafted into badges, of course if Steam won't implement card drop rate reset or another way of getting cards. Sell them while it's worth it.

11 years ago

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probably should save a set to trade off. btw, what determines steam level?

11 years ago

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You can look at your profile to see what level you are. Its determined by the badges you have... thats what the cards to.. collect a set and trade it in for a badge.

11 years ago

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most of my friends are level 7+, is it because of the game sale achievements and having a lot of crafted cards?

11 years ago

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Its most likely they have badges from before .. Years of service, Summer, Xmas Sales, those badges are all worth XP. I was level 7 BEFORE I cashed in one set of cards. Since then (and finished the pillars of community badge), Im level 10

11 years ago

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oh that explains it, I haven't participated in any of the steam store sales

11 years ago

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Im Closing this thread, Thanks for Everyone and their suggestions .. My wallet is sitting at a cool 6.16 thanks to you guys!

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Matrixomega.