What should I do with the game?
Make a screenshot of you sending the game key (or the page with the game key if you put it here) and report him for non-activation after 168 hours have passed since you provided the key.
Also, check his account page for possible regift or trade posting.
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I dunno. So far, fire is winning, and I like fire... >:3
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Oh, he can't regift it or trade it. I sent it to his email, not through Steam, so he doesn't have the actual game.
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I don't know how that works? You sent him a gift via steam? he could redeem it to his inventory and sell it, or he could just trade the gift URL
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I assume he means he sent a steam game to someone through their e-mail-
And the winner can't receive it if you cancel the trade.
so, as long as it remains non-activated, you're clear.
If it's a steam game, though, curious a cheat wouldn't have activated it and stuck it in inventory..
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The winner probably wants to resell/regift the game, you need to report the problem.
Voted for the fire, though :D
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I don't think that's possible when I send it via email instead of giving him the game in a Steam window, is it?
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It is. No matter how you receive a Steam gift, you can add it to the library and instantly send it as a gift to another account, you don't even have to wait the 30-day trade hold.
And if it is a key, it is even easier to give it away or sell it.
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I'm not ACTUALLY sure that's true if you mark a game 'received' without having activated it first, since that may technically be a misuse of giveaway feedback violation, which can potentially lead to a permanent ban.
Likely, however, if you reported it to staff prior to the week's end, they'd contact the user and warn them of the violation and recommend they activate the game, and apply a Not Activating Won Gift suspension after the week ends.
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It's frowned upon, but I'm fairly sure you're not punished until day 7.
Like I noted, I think they contact the user if it's brought up before then, same as they do any time there's a giveaway issue reported, to try and sort things before approving the reroll.
Well, except the time I won a game and the giveaway creator didn't want to give it to me, and support forgot to poke me first, despite my having made a ticket about it [Pro-tip: Only use the 'Other' category for such reports, or support won't necessarily be able to see it.] :P
Either way, mis-marking is generally frowned on, regardless of how acceptable it may sometimes be, so don't do it :'P
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If you try to gift it again, and the guy does redeem it or shock of shocks he regifts it to someone who redeems it in the meantime, YOU will be unable to complete that second giveaway and get the negative mark. I assume you are talking key but you did say that you still have it, meaning in your key spreadsheet? Best bet is to do what talgaby said and report him if he has not redeemed it in a week. Or fire....
If you still have it, the guy has not accepted the game from his email yet, since it seems you are talking steam gift not key.
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It's in my gift inventory. I sent it by email instead of doing it on Steam to (hopefully) prevent him from being able to regift it.
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I'm pretty sure that until he claims the gift, you can withdraw the gift at any point. Go to your inventory, click on the sent gift (which you claim is still in your inventory) and take it back. Now you own the gift again and can safely request a re-roll.
You cannot report him if he never claimed the gift as he hasn't done anything wrong (except being inactive and thus missing out on it).
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OK. After the 7 days are up (it's close), I'll do that. :)
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It's not. He hasn't redeemed it since it's still in my inventory. He also hasn't listed it (that I can find) or tried to give it away.
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:laugh: True, it'd be on him to validate he didn't actually win the game, and the data is against him at that point.
still'd be the same non-activation violation either way, better to take the route that's safe [for the giveaway creator] and report it early.
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Misuse of Giveaway Feedback: Default suspension length: Permanent
Not Activating Won Gift: Default suspension length: Won Gift 5 days
Regardless of how strictly enforced that is, you can't say they "haven't done anything wrong", since it's a clear violation of site rules :X
(since the OP clarified the winner DID mark as received without having actually activated)
At the very least, they're likely to get a Non-Activation suspension [I believe the Misuse version only applies when marking Not Received on a game you did get].
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Shouldn't it also go the other way around? If 5 people just made private giveaways for eachother and marked it as received but didn't get it, and all that just to milk CV that'd fall under the misuse of ga feedback.
Also, we need to determine just who's been stalking whom today, since this is no longer coincidence xD
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Also, we need to determine just who's been stalking whom today, since this is no longer coincidence xD
You're the one who embraced me, that's all I'm saying. <3
And yeah, pretty sure coordinated exploiting like that is one of the few things support doesn't give second chances to.
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how can you return your gift? i had during the wintersale a little problem (winner couldnt accept the game and i had the game twice in my inventory - so i didnt knew, what version i have send him - he declined later the other offer, but would be pretty nice to know, how you can return it by your self^^)
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Tried. Added him on Steam, never accepted. Can't post on his Steam profile. Can't find any comments he made here. Also, he won a particular game three times a few months ago and never redeemed it, and won a DLC pack similar to mine that is sitting in his gift inventory.
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Report him asap then - he breached the rules. Someone told me that users who don't redeem gifts they had won are 100% banned. Aparrantely not.
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It's a 5 day suspension for not activating a won gift that you marked as received.
It's not automated, however, so someone does need to report it to support before they can do anything about it.
Misusing giveaway feedback or repeated non-activations can also potentially lead to a permanent ban.
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Yeah, somebody kept assuring me that all who havend redeemed the gift are banned. So several friends technically would be able to run a giveaway, mark as received, but not activate the gift and giveaway author still gets points, correct?
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He may be on a vacation or sick. Things like tihS happen a lot and go in the reverse order than you would expect.
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