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What's the first entry?

Mine is:

May 20, 2010 Portal - Complimentary (Opt In)

They had a free week of Portal. Everyone who downloaded Portal for free that week got to keep the full game for free, forever.

My first purchase through Steam was The Orange Box. I saw it on sale and remembered my little brother (divorced family, bleh) saying that he played a lot of Half-Life before he joined the US Army. I figured I should see what all the hype is about.

Feel free to tell everyone a little bit about that first entry.

1 decade ago*

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22 Dec 2009 The Orange Box Retail
But it's wrong... the first one was CSS!

1 decade ago

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Orange Box back in 2010.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Cheeseburgermafia.