
in the last month my level was 8.63. The first drop came to 8.40 and now it is 7.99, that's a huge difference, is this drop normal?


3 hours ago

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I'd check if any of your recent giveaways were changed to have less CV than they had when you made them (whether reduced or no CV), that was my instant reaction to reading this. If not then I have no clue really XD

2 hours ago

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SG removes CV from games (in incriments down to 0%) that have been bundled or given away free.
This does not happen in real time though, but often done retroactively, sometimes rather long after the fact.

So likely you have made some giveaways, and at the time you made those GA's the game(s) was already bundled or free elswehere, and now the CV you received for those GA's have been adjusted (same game(s) given away before the date of being bundled/free does not get reduced CV).

You should not see it as your CV has been reduced, you should see it as SG has allowed you to operate on a level higher than you really were for some time instead.

2 hours ago

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Compared to your profile from 5 years ago about 400 of your Gifts Sent were changed from "Reduced Value" to "No Value"

2 hours ago

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Retroactive reduction of CV should only affect games from a certain date, not before a certain date, except in the situations where a game’s price has been lowered in price. OP has a point.

1 hour ago

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Of course. I don't know how the reduction was applied, but given that the last giveaway was also 5 years ago, I would hope that the CV doesn't get reduced in case something became free 3 years ago, for example. I didn't check all the GAs but some I saw having No Value had it set from 2018 or earlier

1 hour ago

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Checking his GA, the last done 5 years ago, it would probably mean that some of his games given away had their prices adjusted to no value.
Seeing that he gave away Clickteam Fusion 8 times, it may have been adjusted recently (but very retroactively) to no value.

2 hours ago

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Looks like mods are doing this again

last time it got reversed (after enough people noticed I guess)
(Pete has since deleted his account (for like the 3rd or 4th time) but the comment stated a reversal, which can be inferred by the replies)

Seems like current team either unaware of those happenings or decided to retry a retroactive policy change a couple years later once more.

I'm explicitly using the expression 'policy change' as the affected games and its bundles were very well known to the generation of moderators when it happened and they specifically decided not to take the action which current staff, 6 years later, now applies.

Particularly of note this comment of a now senior mod from last event's 2 years ago

2 hours ago*

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I read a bit here and there and I totally agree with the Super mod comment.

My newest giveaway is from 5 years ago and I did in fact paid for my games.

This means my level was reduced for giveaways that ended minimum 5 years ago. This does not seem fair to be honest but it's not in my power to do anything about it. It's a shame.

2 hours ago

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It's crystal clear that YOU don't like when loopholes are fixed :-D

I lost 0.06 level... and i don't care.

1 hour ago

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LoL, of-course a topic like this can never be not with your presence, lmao. It's like you refresh the forums every 5 min to jump in whenever something related shows up.

Oh and hey, how was it with the call out rule again?

Anyway, have you read the senior mod's comment I linked to, basically mirroring what I say?
Is it crystal clear why he wrote that 2 years ago too?

Btw., the situation is indeed very clear, but let me explain. The problem ain't so much what is being done, but the combination of when paired with explicit previous decisions of former mods not to do it when the bundles were live.

Things could be so easy with properly and exactly applying some clear math, which then would also be transparent and comprehensible and most importantly predictable for the users, avoiding surprises (years) down the line.

For many of the cases/bundles the math even checks out, thus it would have been perfectly fine to do the action back in the days ages ago, however the mods of then decided not to, and that should not be left unconsidered. As this is the point that bugs the people.

Btw 2, how do you come to the negative conclusion doing a personal attack against me? When all I have written was an accurate retelling of what happened before. (Some factual information such threads most often dearly miss)
Personally, the actions may very well even benefit me in terms of entries/win chances over all. Something I much rather suspect to be your motivation in pushing it.

I would quite in fact greatly welcome a full switch to applying exact math to everything to once and for all end the uncertainty and wobbling.
95% discount from full retail value invoking reduced-cv.
95% discount from 15% retail value (its reduced-cv valuation) invoking zero-cv. (This step is reached at 99,25% discount of retail value)
(both with considering regional pricing where applicable)

It can be so easy...

58 minutes ago

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You want that the callout rule kick in because i don't like you and your behavior ?
rofl Good luck :-D

Anyway, have you read the senior mod's comment I linked to, basically mirroring what I say?

The discussion there shown a lot of infos and i could counter whatever is written in your comment link, because it gave high mods that were for a 0cv handling of the $1 fanatical bundles (to give one example), but i don't want to spend lifetime for it because to discuss this with people like you is wasting the lifetime for no gain and i prefer not to do this with my, high value and very limited, lifetime.

rofl again the absolute stupid assumed reason/motivation that i push something to have better win chances.
Look at my owned games, look at how much games i gave away (without exploiting, abusing, cheating), calculate the spend money, be aware of 19535 games that are on my hide list and 1000 accounts that are in my Blacklist.
Of course i do all this to win more..... :-DDDDD
I can work a few hours and buy all games that i want, instead to invest thousands of hours to have then maybe a better win chance and each one that use his brain see this clear fact and not believe the paranoid assumings of the motivation "he want win more"

I would quite in fact greatly welcome a full switch to....

Good luck that cg invest time and energy to change something on the existing system.
You will need it.

40 minutes ago

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well, you should, it's very short just 2 sentences, yet enlightening

You want that the callout rule kick in

Not really what I'm saying.
You are all the time throwing around accusations against others. Your year long hunting of the 'great evil' has twisted your vision to see evil everywhere and in everyone, unable to even consider non-evil possibilities.

paranoid assumings

right back at ya

I can work a few hours and buy all games that i want, instead to invest thousands of hours

well, why are you here at all then? Still entering for and winning games, when you don't need to? Why indeed do waste more and more time further?

Good luck that cg invest time and energy to change something on the existing system.

Always the hyperfocus on cg about everything. This quite in fact doesn't need cg's involvement at all. Mods already have all access, it is a simple matter of policy application.

And I've mainly written this exactly for the mods, so they happen to stumble upon this thread.

20 minutes ago

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How i like discussions when people cut sentences and repeat then on this as my sentences had a complete different meaning.
Don't expect answers on such created/fake bullshit.

I stopped to hunt the cheaters since 2 years. Maybe you don't be aware of this.

To create and enter GAs take time but by far not so much as hunting cheaters.
I reduced my presence a lot but don't have too high hopes that i disappear completely.

2 minutes ago

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Same for me, was over 6 in June, but got reduced to 5.5 in the last two weeks, apparently many games I gave away in the last few years got reduced to no value. Randomly checked and some of the fanatical bundles that had reduced value now reduced to 0 cv.

2 hours ago

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The $1 bundles with around 30 games ?

1 hour ago

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+1 I was level 5.03, now down to 4.37. As BorjaGRouco mentioned, I did giveaway Clickteam Fusion, but that was 7 years ago.

2 hours ago

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It isn't Clickteam Fusion (this time, that was zero'd awhile ago) but a different set of games.

1 hour ago

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Clickteam Fusion was handled 2 years+ ago and it killed up to 2000cv of one user account.
The abuse of it was EXTREME, in how much people done it and in the amount.

1 hour ago*

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I understand abuse being handled, but this is still a very long time. Real life bills aren't forced to be paid if they somehow end up unpaid for this long.

20 minutes ago

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Yes, that it take so much time till the games are listed correctly are bad. Without a doubt.
But with the bunch of new mods it should be better/faster as in the past with the, mostly, burned out and/or inactive mods.

And better late fixed as never.

8 minutes ago

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