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What's the first entry?

Mine is:

May 20, 2010 Portal - Complimentary (Opt In)

They had a free week of Portal. Everyone who downloaded Portal for free that week got to keep the full game for free, forever.

My first purchase through Steam was The Orange Box. I saw it on sale and remembered my little brother (divorced family, bleh) saying that he played a lot of Half-Life before he joined the US Army. I figured I should see what all the hype is about.

Feel free to tell everyone a little bit about that first entry.

1 decade ago*

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22/Mar/2008 $9.95 Purchase Audiosurf

Which is ironic, considering I created this account after my little brother cheated on CounterStrike on my old account, getting it banned. I told him to keep the account (I believe my words were somewhat closer to "SHOVE THIS F***** ACCOUNT" somewhere).

Now, the second entry makes a little more sense:

30/Mar/2008 $79.95 Purchase Source Premier 2007 Pack

FYI: Audiosurf is pretty enjoyable game. My wife actually liked it more than I did, but we used to hook up my laptop to the TV and it was lotsa fun (my wife actually got one of her old records (old as in... really old, it's been years since we've played this) broken like 2 weeks ago (audiosurf emails you when you've been "dethroned"))

EDIT: edited for formatting

1 decade ago

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Orange Box - Retail

1 decade ago

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Same as OP,started using steam because they gave away free portal :)

1 decade ago

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April 25, 2008: Audiosurf

1 decade ago

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Pandora Saga: Beginner's Package and Golden Cloak (complimentary)

I had no money so I looked for F2P games and this was the first one I tried... My first purchase was the Portal and Portal 2 bundle...

1 decade ago

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May 13, 2011 - Universe Sandbox. Very cool little thing but not really a game and I must admit I lost interest in it quickly. Ah well.

1 decade ago

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Counter Strike Source

1 decade ago

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May 11, 2012 - Portal 2 PS3 - PC Retail.

1 decade ago

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  1. April 2007 - Darwinia / Uplink - $23.74 (oh god)
1 decade ago

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  • 26 Mai 2008
  • ATI Half-Life 2: Deathmatch / Half-Life 2: Lost Coast Promo
1 decade ago

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  • 12 Nov 2009 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Retail

  • 25 Mar 2010 - Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West - 13.49$ USD Pre-Order [Steam Store]

1 decade ago

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Early, right!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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10 Mar 2012 Gmod

1 decade ago

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Killing Floor (ROW) It was like 80% off.

1 decade ago

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27 Nov 2008 Counter-Strike Source

1 decade ago

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2008 bought Dark Messiah Might of Magic in a store (50€)

1 decade ago

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Aug 5, 2012
Arma II: Combined Operations (NA)

This was before I knew about sales... :/

1 decade ago

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Torchlight II Pre-Order

1 decade ago

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27 Nov 2009 - Left 4 Dead 2 - Four Pack - Purchase - $112.49

1 decade ago

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Left 4 Dead 2 Retail - I had never heard of Steam until I had to download it for this game.

1 decade ago

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August 18th 2008 Team Fortress 2

1 decade ago

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7 Oct 2010: Civilization V

1 decade ago

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Just Cause 2 Retail.

First steam purchase: Portal 1+2 Bundle.

1 decade ago

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Dec 18, 2009 Team Fortress 2

1 decade ago

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14 Jun 2011 Duke Nukem Forever Retail (NA)

This is my second Steam account though, my old one is tied to an email I no longer have access to (Primus) and support refuses to let me get it back, as I forgot the password and stupid teenage me wrote random shit for question answers. :(

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Cheeseburgermafia.