Something about a duck. It can't ever be activated here though. Even ROW copies won't work here.
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The Elder Scrolls Online. It hasn't been on sale on Steam since it went sub-free. I can't decide who's more of a tightwad. Me, for not buying it at full price, or Bethesda for not putting it on sale.
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Well, my information might be incorrect, but I'm pretty sure Bethesda handed ESO off to another company to make so it's probably not Bethesda's decision to put it on sale. But yeah, I definitely agree, if ESO was on sale during the summer sale in steam, that would be freaking awesome!
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No, ESO has the "Zenimax" name on it along with Bethesda, but Bethesda is owned by Zenimax. The other Elder Scrolls games just don't have the Zenimax shown (mostly)
Edit: I'm pretty sure Bethesda Softworks is a lower budget publisher from the same mother company and they couldn't afford keeping a MMO.
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Sadly GMG's Summer sale was not a thing here in Australia since it's Winter, not summer...
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Some people prefer all in one library. Saves from having to go to a handful of sites and email/password combinations, just to redownload something.
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the witcher series for one there are a few others but lets start with that
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I personally own all three of the witcher games, 2 on steam & 1 on GOG. But I can definitely understand why you want the Witcher series as it's probably one of the best and successful RPG titles out there.
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I found the first one on clearance somewhere and bought it played it about 3 times and then gave the game to a friend for another game.Even though the controls were a bit rough it was an awesome game. Then last year steam had the free weekend on the witcher 2 and I found out about it in the last few hours and then played it for six or seven since steam will still let you play the game as long as you don't exit out of it. Now I want to start my adventure over from the beginning.
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Tales of Zestiria. If the preorders make it to reward #3, all preorders will also get Tales of Symphonia for free (to be released in 2016).
It's a little expensive for me atm, but I plan on getting mine and I'm looking for a ROW copy to GA here. Probably gonna ask for a Canadian friend of mine (cheapest outside here).
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I was waiting for someone to say Tales of Zestria xD. I've been a fan of the "Tales of" series for an entire year and it's definitely one of the games I really want to save up for. I hope you get it soon. :)
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Same here. i was thinking if it much cheaper if both games went on sale during winter or summer sale by next year or not.
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As far as I know these games have no Steamworks so they use Steam only as a downloader. And I have most of my games on Steam so it's not a problem for me (I even prefer to have games on Steam account). And there's no much difference between 4 and 5 DRMs.
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Wait, you mean that each can have one DRM (R* Club, Ubithingy, etc) but if you take your games as a whole, then you'll have many different DRMs? (I thought your problem is about drm stacking - on steam, while uPlay required - but your reply made my re-think it )
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Yeah. I'm talking about DRMs stacking. Even not counting Steam, GTA 4 still has Games for Windows Live, SecuROM and Rockstar Social Club as DRMs.
And also always-online DRMs. You can't play because their servers are down or you can't connect or you are getting randomly disconnected.
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Well, I want a lot of games, but I just can't run them on my potato and I barely have time for more than just some casual gaming on what I can run on it right now, so just because other priorities than investing in a decent rig at this moment.
Edit, as I'm probably missing the point... I really want Fallout 4, but it's way too overpriced in Brazil ($80+, while the base price is $60), so I'm not willing to override region restrictions because of it and probably gonna wait to a decent price for considering it or not buying it at all.
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It's more an issue of "refuse to pay what they charge" than "can't", but Age of Mythology Extended Edition.
Listen, it's a stone cold classic RTS game. I loved it back in the day. But that pricing is nuts. They are charging nearly double what the actual physical game retailed for regularly in the last 2 years it was on shelves (back when PC games were on shelves) because they put it through (by several accounts) a highly questionable graphics "upgrade" and put up some sort-of-but-not-really-stable multiplayer servers.
I'm not paying what they want for it. No.
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That's a very valid point indeed! 30USD is too much to pay for an RTS game in my opinion, as I usually wait for them to roll around in the Humble Bundles like Crusader Kings a few weeks ago. I wouldn't pay for it either.
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Fallout 4, because it hasn't been released yet :(
Jokes aside, I might just do my first ever preorder for the game. I'm just waiting until they announce if there's any bonus contents for the early adopters and also the game's spec.
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Wow, impressive! You've preordered it yet? I dont have much in my inventory so it's cold hard cash for me. I've been saving up bit by bit ever since they announced it so I should be able to afford it next month
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Europa Universalis IV - too expensive with all the DLC. As you said earlier, I wait for it to be bundeled at a decent price :)
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Just Cause 3 - It isn't out yet
Bioshock Infinite: Season Pass - Where's a fucking sale when you need one - Money
Ori And The Blind Forest - Money
GTA V - Potato GPU (did I mention "money" yet?)
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag - Potato GPU, even more money
The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth - Can't you guess yet?
Dark Souls 2 - Okay, I'm done here...
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They have two separate passes on GMG. One for PC and one for Mac. I checked after I almost bought the Mac one.
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Oh. Well that's good to hear. I guess the fact that GMG had two separate entries for them kinda tripped me up. :P
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As far as I know, different publishers have the rights to the Mac versions of most games, even if they sell Steam keys for games that are SteamPlay (meaning they will work for either). This is why "Mac" versions are cheaper sometimes, because different people are in control of the pricing.
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Ori and Isaac both go on sale for about $7.50.You might have to wait a while if you want them to sell for less.
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You know, there IS such a thing as being content with what you have. Not everyone needs new games all the time. I very recently got to that point with my Steam library, for one.
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I pretty much do that with bundles nowadays when I'm compulsed to buy them. Take one game I know I'll actually play, and give the rest back to the community here.
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I just finished Batman: Arkham Asylum, City, and Origins, and now I really want Arkham Knight... but of course it's been pulled from the market until they fix the multitude of bugs it seems to have, and I couldn't afford it even if it WAS available!
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It's $14 on G2A right now for a key, and those can still be activated on Steam.
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Yeah you can get it really cheap on G2A (and I can vouch for that site - bought loads of things from there and never had a problem).
It works out slightly cheaper to buy it as an nVidia code - all that does is give you a Steam key after registering it on the nVidia website anyway.
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Everything that I don't own with at least a positive review (that isn't a hidden object game and/or sports game) because I haven't won the lottery yet.
(Real answer is Stranded Deep and Darkwood, among others, just never on sale when I have money.)
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Total War: Rome II - Had other priorities at last Steam sale, now its too expensive. I could afford it, but once a game gets a huge discount on Steam, its impossible to me to buy it until its on sale again, no matter how much I want it.
Chroma Squad - Looks a lot of fun and I would like to support the devs that are brazilian, but I think its a bit overpriced atm. It might not be, but I don't want to risk it.
The Witcher 3 - My PC can't run it properly at a good looking resolution and with acceptable fps to have a nice experience.
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GTA V, I'm poor.
Fallout 4, my time machine is broken.
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All three are great games. :) And yeah, expensive..very.
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Wow. 2 of your wanted games, i want too. By that i mean Vagante and Lakeview Cabin. I think Vagante won't get a big discount anytime soon. Last time on Summer Sale, Vagante is only 10% off.
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I feel you their, those discounts are very very tricky X) huhuhu and bundles surprise me at times as well XD specially on some of the indie games i felt were amazing and saw them go as low as tier 1 and am so glad i didnt pay full price XD one game im waiting for a discount for would be gang beasts ^.^
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What games do you REALLY want, but can't get for reasons? I'm just very curious to what people are looking for before going ahead and making a trading thread. Responses are very much appreciated. :)
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