Made an intermediate 10 question quiz that describes animals for you to name. Feel free to try it out!

9 years ago

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Do we need to be specific?
ec: red apple instead of apple

EDIT: I found out myself, the answer is yes

9 years ago

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Bump for nice idea.

9 years ago

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Q2 - and I'm already stuck. I mean, the question sounds really easy, but I've already tried species and genus (both English and Latin), but all of them were wrong. Are you sure you didn't make a mistake there?

9 years ago

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Actually, according to Wikipedia, there are 2 correct answers. Both are wrong in this puzzle. Or I'm ginally going crazy.

Edit: finally got a hint. Yep, you were not exactly right, this species is the largest in the length, while there are at least two species that weight more and have a larger wingspan.

9 years ago*

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I give up. Q7 just plain doesn't except either of two correct answers.

9 years ago

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Q7 is asking for a specific species of condor. There are 2 species, and only 1 is endangered. I thought it was quite easy, but evidently I wasn't clear enough with my descriptions. It was the first quiz I made, sorry.

9 years ago

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Actually wandering albatross (according to some sources - along with southern royal albatross) has the largest wingspan of all birds; I thought it was common knowledge.

9 years ago

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i am stuck on Q7. searched the internet and the largest wingspawn of any bird is ...... but its not correct.

9 years ago

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Ahh, harpy eagles hold one of the universal records (with the wandering albatross). California condor's have the larges wingspan of any RAPTOR in the United states, sorry for not being clear!

9 years ago*

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Wrong again, harpy eagles don't even hold the record among eagles: according to Wikipedia, their wingspan ranges from 176 to 224 cm (while, f.e., the wedge-tailed eagle's wingspan is up to 284 cm). Wandering albatross' wingspan ranges from 250 to 350 cm. Also, did the first version of the question mention USA?

9 years ago*

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Also, just a word of warning for future generations of puzzle-solvers: it just a puzzle, there are no GAs.

9 years ago

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thanks - I thought it was just me that couldn't find a GA

9 years ago

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Edited quiz to have the hints display either the order or family name, hopefully to make it easier. (also fixed some unclear and slightly inaccurate facts)

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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Bump for solved. Nice one

9 years ago

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Is there another puzzle to find or am I missing something here?

EDIT seems there is no GA associated with this puzzle. :O

9 years ago*

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Solved. There was no giveaway, but at least I got to look at photos of cute animals. xD

9 years ago

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I tough it was a puzzle puzzle , not that ....thing :/

9 years ago

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