I've got an abundance of keys and while there's a few games I may want to trade them for, I generally would prefer to sell them.
Is there anything I should be careful of when selling via paypal transactions? Are there any options I need to use in paypal? Are there fees? I don't know the standard for accepting payments via paypal.

If someone could give me a little help, It'd be very appreciated.

8 years ago

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PayPal fee is like 10 US cent + 0.1% or something like that. I know it's a small fixed amount and a very small percentage. But yes, there is a fee. Generally considered on the lower side and you have a few protections, although It favours the senders primarily.
Or you can try the grey market. They seem to favour the buyer, as long as your stuff is legit and you can get people to mark you as positive. Just accept that it is the grey market.

8 years ago

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Could you elaborate on the grey market please?

8 years ago

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Ever heard about the rants we do on G2A and Kinguin? They are the grey market. Imagine something like eBay for game keys. You put them up in one huge online flea market for a set price. They add a fee on that, and if a buyer wants the game, they can choose your offer personally to get the key from you.
Only instead of eBay, it is run by unknown people (seems to be Russians), registered in HK to avoid all Western consumer and fraud protection laws. Still, since most sellers do their damndest to do free advertising for them, they apparently always transfer the money. But like eBay, it is very difficult to get buyers unless you have thousands of positive feedbacks with 100% ratings. Even 99% sellers will receive a sharp decrease in buyers, since everybody knows that there are hundreds of thousand of fake, stolen, revoked, and duplicate keys there.

8 years ago

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I can't really recomend that. You could try, but the chance you actually sell it there, is not high. You will have to put the lowest price and be lucky enough to have someone that wants that game, while you still have the lowest price. And even then, people rather pay 10 cents more to buy from a trusted seller.

8 years ago

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The fee is a standard 30 cents PLUS an additional 2.9% of the gross amount sent. The best way to get around this is by asking the person sending the money to send it via the friends and family option which incurs no penalties or fees. It's worth noting also that you should ask the buyer to add a comment along the lines of " I UNDERSTAND THIS PAYMENT IS FOR A DIGITAL ITEM AND I REFUSE MY RIGHT TO A REFUND AFTER PAYMENT IS SENT". That is if you go the way of not using the friends and family method.

8 years ago

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If you go friends and family on a purchase Paypal can shut your account down. It might not happen, but you should be aware of the risk.

8 years ago

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Meh i've been doing it for 6 years haven't had a problem. I had a 12k a year business using that method 2 years in a row and no problems. The regulations they have are just text on a page, so far it seems there is no actual system to stop people from abusing it.

8 years ago

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All rules, regulations and laws are just text on a page until they're enforced.

I do love the fact that people still think writing a message in the notes somehow protects them. People used this is a bluff in hopes people wouldn't refund on them as until recently, PayPal offered no protection against the sale of digital goods.

8 years ago

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Would I need to change my account type to business instead of personal for this? And are items sent under "friends and family" refundable? The last thing I was is to sell some keys and then the money is taken out of my account and I'm left without a leg to stand on.

8 years ago

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I don't know the exact rules, but I can tell you that if you want protection while selling digital goods, you are required to have a business account.

Friends and family is not for sales, it's for sending money to friends and family. They could easily refund on you and PayPal likely wouldn't do squat as you were trying to circumvent fees.

8 years ago

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So there is actual protection for the sale of digital items? Does changing my account to a business account change anything else in paypal?

8 years ago

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It's been so long since I've used it, but I imagine there are some slight fee increases in exchange for the protection.

As of recently, they have started supporting the sale of digital goods.

Information page

8 years ago

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False. I got charged for sending via friends and family options as well.

8 years ago

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Uh what is false? If your experience differs from mine that doesn't somehow make my experience false.... You somehow got charged for doing it once while I have made nearly $30,000 US and have never been charged for any of them. Does that mean what you say is false?

8 years ago

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Once? nope. multiple times. Heck, even now if I want to send I still get charged as well.

8 years ago

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i ALWAYS have fees, since i am dealing with friends with US accounts & mine is canadian

there are no fees if the accounts are the same country (this has nothing to do with currency exchanges, it's written in the fine print for the friends & family mode)

8 years ago

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It simply means you haven't got caught yet and is that $30,000+ without claiming or paying any taxes on it?

The IRS doesn't usually catch you right away, but they will eventually!

8 years ago

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Don't sell too many keys to the same person if you use paypal. One guy wanted to buy 200 keys plus one of my unusuals 2 years ago (I sold a lot of keys back then). Everything seemed fine, he went first and i recieved the money. A couple of weeks later i noticed my money was not on my paypal account anymore, contacted support but in short, they said they couldn't do anything since it was virtual items.

My guess is it was a stolen credit card or something.

Maybe paypal changed past 2 years, havn't used it since so wouldn't know.

8 years ago

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This is very worrying

8 years ago

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well, only sell to high-rep traders. that lowers the risk significantly. i was the victim of a paypal scam once, but that guy had like 5/0 or something. lesson learned. now whoever wants to do a paypal trade with me, had to have some serious rep and has to be a trader for a certain amount of time. if you want to lower the risk as much as possible, i suggest you sell only to someone who has 100+ rep, a verified paypal account, and got his first rep at least a year ago. from my experience, the risk is virtually zero then. also, limit the amount of keys a single person can buy from you. i think if you strictly follow those rules (no matter how good an offer from a low-rep guy might be), then you should be fine. i have my rules, and i didn't get scammed in years.

8 years ago

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I don't have any experience with this, but just to clarify:
Are you talking about (CD-)Keys for games or about digital keys to open crates (aka: CS:GO, TF2 etc) ? :D

8 years ago

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CS:GO keys

8 years ago

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wait, why dont you list them on the steam market? (or open the crates)

8 years ago

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I don't want steam wallet (would be cheaper to trade keys for games if I want them) and opening crates would leave me in the same situation, only no doubt with a lot less.

8 years ago

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Then I suggest holding on to them to get a game you want. CS:GO keys are a very common currency on the trade section. Of course of you need the money you could sell them, but I'd just keep them if I were you.

8 years ago

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Is there anything I should be careful of when selling via paypal transactions?

Money you get via Paypal is not like cash....fraud is possible. An alternative might be something like bitcoin.

8 years ago

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Are Amazon gift cards safe? Or are they too able to be refunded by the buyer?

8 years ago

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they are not safe. If someone buys them via credit-card fraud or similar they will be revoked.

8 years ago

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There exist sites designed to instigate reputable trades for keys over PayPal. I shouldn't say more on this site, but feel free to add me on Steam and I'll help you out.

8 years ago

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I imagine places like that would come with fees though.

8 years ago

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Guarantee for the buyer and the seller comes with a fee, always. If you want maximum profit, you must take risks. This is how practically the entire economy works, from white to the purest black.

8 years ago

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Actually, no. The place is completely free to use, and I've used it several times. I might even be interested in buying some depending on the price. All it serves is a means of reputation for reliable buyers and sellers to contact and handle their PayPal transaction.

8 years ago

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DanZDK is the kind of the guy who blacklists you and enters your giveaways. Just be careful whatever he suggests.

8 years ago

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no calling out rule?

8 years ago

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I know the rule and take my chances, it is not a mere guess. I do not know if mods/support could check the blacklist part, but the GA-s are easy, the most recent ones just ended yesterday.
I would not care much, just he came with the "I know the sure thing, but it should not be discussed here" above. I do not think he would scam OP, but being careful might be a good idea.

8 years ago*

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If the price is right I could take some of you

8 years ago

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I don't really want to turn this into a trade thread (not overly sure on the rules of the discussion board)
But what kind of price in GBP would you be interested in and could you tell me how we'd do it via paypal? In the interest of the thread

8 years ago

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Just make a thread on steamtrades and compare your price to what others ask for it

8 years ago

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