Will you subscribe for this monthly bundle, which goes live on FRIDAY, JUNE 3rd?
I've liked the monthly bundles so far but this one is really disappointing for me.
Wasted is the only game I might keep, and I'll wait until it's released to see the reviews before that.
And with Hurtworld as the early reveal for the next bundle, I'm not really looking forward to it...
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She's not, it mentioned as DRM - FREE, so no steam keys for this one i guess
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Not true, you get it DRM free AND can choose either a Steam Code or a Oculus Rift code.
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Well, i didn't know that for sure because i didn't bought this bundle, that's why i'm added "i guess".
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It's all good, just try not to guess if you really don't know, because other people DO know and you'll just end up confusing people or making them think the wrong stuff.
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I didn't tried to guess, i just quoted info from Rachel post.
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Sorry :( I didn't notice the steam/oculus thing on top so I didn't see the game until I looked at the drm free section
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Sorry it looked drm free. Didn't see the oculus thingy on top
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FYI, you can chose between an Oculus or Steam key for Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.
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i'm actually more happy with this bundle than last month :)
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Wow, every game? Thats really great for you :D
Only sterdenn for me, which I am kinda happy with anyway.
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PA keys was massively given away not long ago, and some extremely stupid people was trying to regift those keys here under PA: Titans name. Maybe support will return this game back now, send ticket to them.
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I thought I was the only one, I even tried to look at the bundle list and didn't see it there either o.o
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I think you won't get them, i didn't received keys even for Doodle God from HB mobile bundle when it was released in steam.
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You probably get it when you send message directly to developer, like i did. HB themselves didn't send any keys to buyers of this bundle.
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The Humble Monthly Exclusive is a game that is NOT on Steam. If it does get added to Steam, then you will probably get a Steam key when it does.
The other DRM-free titles are just supplements to the Steam games already in the bundle.
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Hmm, another somewhat disappointing month. I already own both Rocket League and The Forest, and those are the only two I'd have been interested in. I'm somewhat interested in Hurtworld, so I guess I'm in for next month, but otherwise I may have to start thinking about whether I should keep buying the monthly.
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I'm currently idling it in idlemaster and already have one card dropped...
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Actually according to the steam page the game isn't supposed to be out until the 7th. You can't actually buy the game and there is no badge page yet even though it is indeed dropping cards.
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The same goes for things like Achievements. But then developers couldn't advertise their game as launching with achievements if they aren't on the servers yet; on the other hand, this design lets developers in Early Access boat about twenty billion features they hope to put in years down the road -- and then somebody has to yell at them on their forum until they fix it to show real features.
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Totally not worth 12$, at least for my region. Feels like overpriced BTA from regular HB bundles
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"Too bad that Cat Girl is not on steam :/"
The exclusive is NEVER on Steam. It's a newly created game that is made just for the bundle. It may end up on Steam one day, but there's no guarantee or promise of that.
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I find it amazing how a publisher decides to work with humble for a promotion and some people take that as "I guess I shouldn't buy it"
I guess I should never listen to a Tool album cause none of them are on iTunes...
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Pretty disappointed... Dungeon the only one I like, but already have that one...
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May 25th - Bundle will have a game by the creators of Shantae (aka WayForward Technologies) - thanks thatsok9
May 27th - You should have been AUTOCHARGED one week in advance if you are a current subscriber for the Monthly Bundles. proof and payment
May 29th - HB Original Game Revealed!: Cat Girl Without Salad - thanks iskibiribiri
June 4th - Good news: you can now make GAs for planetary annihilation: TITANS.
A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive ROCKET LEAGUE with more to come and enjoy 10% off in the Humble Store! See more here
Subscribe before the FIRST FRIDAY OF JUNE, JUNE 3rd for $12* to receive the JUNE bundle (7 games total)---> OVER!!! Sub for the JULY BUNDLE HERE!You will NOT receive the MAY Bundle or the JUNE bundle if you didn't subscribe before 10 AM June 3rd- it is TOO LATE for that! ☹
NOTE: At the top of the bundle page, you can select either STEAM key or OCULUS key for "Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes". Click here for an image.
NOTNOW make a Planetary Annihilation Titans at this time! See update aboveRetail: $121.94
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Cat Girl Without Salad - only available DRM free
The early unlock for this bundle was ROCKET LEAGUE
Read more about the 2 types of coupons here ---> There are 2 types of coupons: one for new subscribers, and one for current subscribers. (thanks users Geralt and Phestacles)ALL MONTHLY BUNDLE SUBSCRIBERS GET 10% OFF ALL STORE PURCHASES (INCLUDING BUILD A BUNDLES)
View Previous Monthly Bundles
Q: How does this 10% off coupon work? Does it work for 1st time subscribers only? What about current subscribers?
Note: There are 2 types of coupons: one for new subscribers, and one for current subscribers
A: To both first time subscribers AND current subscribers: You CAN use the 10% off coupon (depending on which one you have). They autocharge you $10.80 (if you have the coupon) one week before the bundle goes live, or you can pay early to get the the featured unlock game and still get the bundle for $10.80, or if not subscribed, pay with the coupon anytime before the bundle goes live.
Q: "When is the latest I can unsubscribe (if I am a [re]current subscriber) to avoid being autocharged for the next month's bundle (JUNE) if I subscribe for this one now?"
A: ONE WEEK before the next bundle goes live, you will be autocharged if you are currently subscribed. This means you will be autocharged MAY 27th if you want the JUNE MONTHLY BUNDLE.
I recommend unsubscribing/canceling subscription right away if you know you don't want next month's bundle.
Q: BUT WAIT!! I decided that I want the JUNE bundle and it's passed MAY 27th...! Can I still get it??
A: YES. MAY 27th is the day they AUTOcharge you if you are a recurrent/current subscriber
HOWEVER, if you want JUST the JUNE bundle, subscribe for it NOW, PAY, and IMMEDIATELY UNSUBSCRIBE so that you DO NOT get charged for the JULY bundle.
Your LAST day to get the JUNE bundle is JUNE 3rd BEFORE 10AM PST.
Q: Can I unsubscribe right away if I just want the JUNE Bundle?
A: YES, you can unsubscribe away if you just want the JUNE bundle. You will get the featured game + Everything else that will be in the bundle once it goes live.
Q: What is the latest I can be "subscribed" to to avoid being autocharged for the next month's bundle? (JUNE Bundle)
A: You MUST unsubscribe 1 week before the bundle goes live to avoid being charged for the JUNE bundle. Otherwise, you will be autocharged if you are currently subscribed on MAY 27th if you are getting the JUNE MONTHLY BUNDLE.
Q: Will I get everything inside the bundle if I subscribe just for JUST the JUNE monthly bundle, and then unsubscribe right away?
A: Yes, you get the entire JUNE bundle and won't be charged for the next (JULY) bundle.
Q: Do they reveal games early?
A: NO. They do not provide hints. Sometimes they may, but this is very RARE. One or two days before, they will reveal a Humble "Original," which is an exclusive DRM-Free game provided only by Humble Bundle. However, they DO NOT REVEAL GAMES BEFORE THE BUNDLE GOES LIVE.
Q: Will I still get the Early Unlock game(s) if I don't want to pay early for the bundle? Will I be able to get the game if i buy it NOW before the bundle goes live?
A: YES. ANYONE who buys the bundle, whether you pay early, have a current subscription and let HB autocharge you 1 week before the bundle goes live, or don't have a subscription but decide you want to purchase the bundle, AS LONG AS YOU PAY FOR THE BUNDLE ANYTIME BEFORE THE BUNDLE GOES LIVE, YOU WILL GET THE EARLY UNLOCK GAME.
Q: How do I subscribe again? Or... How the heck do I cancel my subscription? How do I view what kind of plan I have for Monthly Bundle Subscriptions?
A: go to your ACCOUNT SETTINGS and check to see if you are subscribed for the monthly bundle.
If you are subscribed, it should look like this on your account page: HB MONTHLY PLAN
Now, You will see TWO options
Please read the
if you have questions regarding:
Also, again ... "When is the latest I can unsubscribe if i am a recurrent/current subscriber to avoid being autocharged for the next month's bundle if I subscribe for this one now?"
A: ONE WEEK before the next bundle goes live, you will be autocharged. This means you will be autocharged MAY 27th if you want the JUNE MONTHLY BUNDLE.
I recommend unsubscribing/canceling subscription right away if you know you don't want next month's bundle (JULY).
Subscribe before it's too late ... and HAVE NO RaGRETS
Father says: Hashtag #norAgrets
Happy Father's Day .. on June 19th
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