She went missing last Monday. She wasn't killed by a car or another animal. I just think she was stolen.

I get attached to my animals, they're one of a few things that make me happy.

I'd like to drop Deadlight for the first person who wants to grab it. I hope it'll make you happier than I am at the moment.

10 years ago*

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Cat is now in cat's heaven. Or eaten

10 years ago

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Y u do dis Polanball?

10 years ago

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fuk u polan

u piece of shit

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Cats sometime go adventuring for longer periods than usual, maybe keep hope. Otherwise, just hope whoever stole her will take good care of her.

10 years ago

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Your username reminds me of this cartoon i used to watch as a kid, Liliput Put

Every episode would be about a different insect

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I'm sorry you lost your kitty. :( I hope it's just wandering around and will find its way back.

10 years ago

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First, it´s expect the worst....not knowing that there was no accident, does not mean there was none, cause many drivers just put the cat next to street...not necessarily good to see.
But! It´s not hopeless we had once a cat, that came back after 2 weeks...

10 years ago

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Is not strange for cats to go away for a few days and come back, so don't lose hope. I knew someone who had a cat and he would disappear for days and come back fatter and cleaner, turns out he had another family and liked to spend a few days with each.

10 years ago

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4-5 times that happened to me too, don't worry you'll find the right cat for you

10 years ago

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Sad to hear but cats are "free". They go when they want and come back when they want. Dogs are more loyal, so I like them more.

10 years ago

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i disagree, being responsible for a cat is the same as being responsible for a children, cats are more curious then dogs and they go as much as they feel curious about

10 years ago

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I wanted to say that cats will go away and walk somewhere (unless You lock it somewhere), while dogs stay in Your yard.

10 years ago

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Cats are just as loyal as dogs. I've had cats and dogs throughout my life, and both show love and loyalty in equal measure.
The thing with cats is you have to spend more time with them to win that loyalty. Dogs are just "pet me and I'm yours".

10 years ago

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I don't think so. I see dog as a friend who stays but cat as a food eater. They'll just go away and come back some time after it. Also, dogs aren't just "pet me and I'm Yours". You have to play with them, walk with it and so on to become a good "partner" with it. What I'm trying to say, is that dog stays near You but cat just runs away, pisses in someone's garden and comes back when it's feeding time. I just don't like cats :/

10 years ago

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For me, the moment I fed my dog by hand (which was like 10 minutes after she got to our house) she never stopped bothering me for more lol

10 years ago

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That's true for a purely outside cat. Try having an indoor cat, it's a completely different experience. I have 5 of them myself, and they are all just as loving as any dog I've ever had. I have one in my lap right now, which is where she spends most of her time when I'm home.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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so many people being realistic here, that helps op that is sad enough
don't worry, my cat was gone a few days ago as well but he comeback, sometimes people think that the pets were left and take them so you might wanna ask to your neighbors if they had seen it lately or if someone knows about it

10 years ago

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Sorry to hear that. I hope she will come back.

10 years ago

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I feel sorry for you... Hopefully you'll find your cat and it'll be zazzy

10 years ago

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I've lost my cat 3 years ago. Out cat was with us for 9 years :..( It was going out of home for 2-3 days before, but i time it arriver after a week. Later he went again and didn't came back. He loved us, os i'm 100% sure that he didn't left us or chose another owner. I don't know what happened

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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That sucks :(

Hope your feline companion turns up safe and sound.

10 years ago

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My Dog died from Pneumonia this week, Shit happens I guess :)

10 years ago

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Happened to me as well, wait sometime, she may come back, anyway sorry abut that :c

10 years ago

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I also lost my cat few years ago.I know what the feelings are when this happened.

Wish U can find your cat soon.

10 years ago

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Sorry to hear that.
My family owns this tabby that they had since it was a kitten, and even though I see it when I visit my folks, I couldn't bare the idea of our cat just being up and gone one day.

Best of luck to you in getting your cat again.

10 years ago

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I'm sorry this has happened to you. I have a cat myself. He is nearly 13 years old and whenever he finds a new spot to sleep in the apartment, I always freak out because I have difficulties finding him. I hope her curiosity led her somewhere and she either will find her way back or you will find her soon enough. All the best, don't lose hope!

10 years ago

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I lost my pussy too when my girlfriend left me.

Kidding aside yeah some people for some reason steal pets, i hope she is just lost and you will find her again soon.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I'm sorry buddy... Maybe she will appear soon, don't lose the hope.

10 years ago

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Well, just hope you won't find her. My cat went missing one winter and I have found her just 20 feet away from the house when the ice melted few months later...

10 years ago

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On Love Meow I recently read about a cat that returned after 6 years.

10 years ago

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