There is so much rant here about winners who don't activate keys, don't say thanks or whatever. Maybe I was just lucky but I had no problems with that yet. But I already stumbled upon several users who did blacklist me after winning one of their giveaways without any explanation. Guys, that's just rude!!! Wait until I had the opportunity to say thanks for the gift or at least give an explanation why I was blacklisted. OK, it's your giveaway, so you can do as you like. But I do feel pissed off by this kind of behaviour!
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Why would they want you to win one of their giveaways twice? I don't personally blacklist winners but I totally get it if someone blacklists me, I'm not entitled to enter their giveaways and some people want to give their games away to new people who might not have won a giveaway before, much less won 121 giveaways like you have.
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Wh-what...? He's not being a troll, he's just continuing the conversation. Man, you seem like a dick.
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You post on an open forum to everyone about your problem, so anyone can express their opinion, dear.
Does raise the question, why do you get touchy about this subject in particular? because it might raise a possibility of some private group thing sharing giveaways to increase cv?
We are talking about reasons you might have been blacklisted, so trying to help you out.
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Not on it's own, but there have been people that especially made groups in the past purposely with low members (maybe even alts) trying to raise cv between each and raise their sg levels. Not implying it was in your case, i will leave that open.
80% of what you given were in groups.
And a win is still a win no matter where it comes from, that is what people will see.
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Winning a group GA isn't shady. Winning multiple GA's from the same group, especially with only 10 entries, can be shady. As Lugum said, people intentionally make small groups just to create giveaways to raise their level. It's simple, one could just gather five friends, make sure they all have a common, and make a giveaway for the game to raise their level. They wouldn't have to buy another copy either.
No offense, MarS, but you come off as kind of rude. Nobody was accusing you, they were just making a point. Maybe they BL'ed you because they don't like your demeanor?
I bet I'll end up blacklisted for this comment by somebody. Should... should I make a thread? O.o
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Not his case at all. The group giveaways he made have less than 5 entries.
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It would be nice if the site or SGTools implemented a check for "haven't won a previous giveaway from you" so you can filter these people out without book-keeping a blacklist (and raising potential drama).
I don't see why such option would be lacking, it is one of the best reasons for keeping people out of your GA I heard on the site and it should be handled more elegantly than it is right now.
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I know some users here have the policy to blacklist winners of their giveaway.
Thats not because they dont like you, its just because they want to gift their games to different users.
There's nothing wrong with that imo and I dont think its rude at all.
Be happy with what you get and just leave it at that. Plenty of other giveaways to enter
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you can. only thing you cannot see if you've been blacklisted are user's GAs, but you can still see their topics, comments, profile etc. And even if you have been BLed you can easilly navigate person profile, go to your page and click avatar or nickname next to GA image - it will take you to person's profile, no matter if he BLed you or not ;)
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No one cares about your thank you, it's such a generic and lazy thing to spam in the comments that a lot of people running giveaways ask specifically "don't say thank you" in their description.
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I think that refers to everybody who posts a "thank you" just for entering
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Most people don't care for people that thank just for entering, but most people really appreciate a thanks if someone wins. There's a pretty big difference in my opinion. I will blacklist people if they don't thank me after activating, since I think it's just rude to not say anything.
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I should I mean someone recently won, AC Unity, The Culling, and Tales of Symphonia off me in one event, that amused me to no end but I think I'm going to implement a 5 game policy for the higher levels at some point, at least so they can't enter whatever event I have next. Not because I hate them, or they did something terrible, but because there are fewer people up at lvl 9 and 10 so I want them to have a better chance.
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I got blacklisted the other day for making a giveaway for Shadowrun Returns with a short quiz. People are going to do what they are going to do.
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Turns out the quiz was too hard and people blacklisted you for making them feel dumb.
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it is a thing ;) if you loot at my graph below you will notice 2 BL spikes in otherwise steady growing graph. Both BL spikes are results of me posting celebratory threads with multiple GAs in them :) Reasons vary - some people got salty that they cannot enter GAs (didn't meet SGT or level requirements for the game they wanted), some people seen my profile due to me posting and got jelly because I won much more then them so they BL me, some people BL because they don't like the fact that there was puzzle to access some GAs and so on and on ;)
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Yup. I remember some guy complaining about how his list became too big because Talgaby was giving away too many games at once .... It was quite amusing ...
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All I can say now what I said back then: I did it because I felt like it. There were no particular intentions behind apart from why the fuck not.
Although, I do have one thing for a reason: I did a few 50+ giveaways before it. The amount of botting and headaches of chasing around winners was too much even for me. This is why I'm now even chopping up the 9-copy giveaways to 3×3 to attract less attention of mindless auto-joiners.
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Yeah. I know one user bragged about how they blacklisted anyone level 7 or higher that they encountered [and apparently, those are the only people on the site they blacklist].
I've seen a handful of others that seem to have similar approaches, as well.
According to most of them, their belief is that 'if you can afford to give away that many games, you don't need any more for yourself'.
I tried pointing out that many high level users have only won a handful of games AND have small libraries, but the responses I got, well, removed any potential respect I could have for their viewpoints :X (tl;dr: "It's not my fault they're stupid and don't use their money to give themselves games, they obviously can.")
(And as I recall, when I tried pointing out many high level users were not well to do [but just dedicated to using what free funds they have toward buying bundles or making giveaways, or built up their CV by being long-term users of the site, or so forth], I simply didn't get a reply at all.)
I mean, don't get me wrong, I can almost grasp the outlook [it kinda makes about as much sense to me as 'your wishlist must be of X size' being used rather than more sensibly using library size], but the attitudes associated with it remove any respectability it might be able to present.
Apparently if you're above a certain level, you're rich and elitist and undeserving [and stupid], no exceptions. :P
But, well, it's totally okay to leech games off those users still, because that's what they're there for.
...and yes, one user actually outright said as much. :X
:pats your shoulder: Don't think on it too much :P
Here's how you go about getting rid of that stress you're feeling:
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Some possibile reasons:
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If you don't care about being blacklisted, why make a thread about it? And people have posted lots of good reasons why they would do that, but you don't seem to want to hear them.
And you mean calling somebody that has an honest discussion with you a troll is cynicism? I think you're right. I also think you don't fully understand what that means. You seem very cynical, but not in a good way.
How many examples of cognitive dissonance are you going to post here?
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I don't think English is his first language so a lot of these failed attempts at humour (?) can be forgiven. Maybe he thinks he's being really clever calling people trolls when they're doing nothing trolling? I don't know.
This whole thread is pointless and seems like OP stringing us all along for attention since he started off saying people who blacklist are rude and now going full circle saying he doesn't care about blacklisting. Not worth engaging him.
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English is not my first language either. To me he sounds like a highschool kid. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I used to be somewhat like that as well, being overly confident, getting into people's faces and generally thinking that everybody who disagrees with me must be less informed than me (which is a very nice combination of the Dunning-Kruger effect and the fundamental attribution error btw :P).
I guess I responded because I'm reading a lot of psychology and philosophy lately, I'm not really that invested in this thing. I just think it's good for people to hear different opinions every once in a while.
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You did not make clear to which of my statements you replied to. But if you think that calling someone who is making insinuations that I'm cheating a troll is the same as > getting into people's faces and generally thinking that everybody who disagrees with me must be less informed than me:
You can keep your opinion to yourself ;)
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I thought the example I gave was a good one, but it certainly isn't the only one. I was talking out of compassion because of who I used to be and that I'm not walking away from that. But you shitting all over explanation removes any goodwill I have left. And if you want people to keep their opinions to themselves, don't create an open topic in a large community. That just makes you look stupid.
I'm not going to waste any more time on this nonsense of yours. We're done.
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Rude posters who don't post anything in op.
Oh wait there is a train hidden there? Generous of you.
Makes it only more shady to win several in groups with 3-6 entries
Not everyone knows though about the 5 minimum or prevents them from trying.
I just replied to those. But hereby I formally apologize for calling him a troll. I'm sorry. 磕头磕头磕头
And I really see no point in explaining me to you but I have nothing better to do right now:
I did not create this thread because I feel insulted by being blacklisted. It's just the following situation:
Yippee, I won a game! Thanks man, I feel really grateful. ~~Blacklisted~~ WTF, I can't even reply to the giver.
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Maybe show you're grateful for the giveaway by sitting down and actually playing the game you won, looking at your steam profile you don't tend to do a lot of that.
Oh, and apologising while adding in some passive aggressive Chinese is some next level passive aggression. You need to work on the way you talk to people, the reason people are even replying to you is because you're being a massive knob in replies while not listening to anything people have to say. It IS shady to win a majority of your GAs through groups with 3-6 people and it was already explained why. No one was trolling and nothing you quoted was trolling either.
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Since you are quoting me.
The first sentence, while slightly a joke, if you decide to open a topic about something atleast bother to put something in the op.
Just a few days ago someone made like 4 topics saying nothing either but it turned out he had unactivated wins, and some other stuff, it happens alot people creating topics, just not say anything or fill it with nonsense.
The second sentence was a joke, as some do use it to hide a giveaway in there.
The third and fourth sentence, i never accused you of anything nor will i, you might just have a small group that causes not to have many entries or you might as well purposely tried to gain cv that way, i honestly don't know or do i care, it's not up to me to judge that.
Though you could have explained what kind of group it is, and why 80% of your giveaways are for that group.
I express my opinions if someone wants to say troll, i just see it as viewing theirs.
As several pointed out they gave plenty of valid reasons why they blacklist someone (letting someone else give a chance), your ratio, the "attitude", but just saying gifters (while they gift with their money) to start by calling them rude, it won't get you alot of fans.
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if you decide to open a topic about something atleast bother to put something in the op.
It was a mistake, not intended - your joke didn't get through regarding I already felt ashamed for making a mistake
The second sentence was a joke
it was taunting
i never accused you of anything nor will
so why do you hint to it?
I don't want an explanation for why being blacklisted cause I don't care. I just feel it's impolite to blacklist someone before even awaiting someone's feedback
can we get over that now? I got your point.
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Excuse me, you called people a troll, and some other stuff that was not particular polite, which shows you aren't shy, and now you claim you got taunted by a sentence about me saying something like thanks for a (nonexistent) giveaway?
Alot of people that open topics, usually those filled with nonsense (or complain on why they are blacklisted), then people investigate their profiles, usually which shows unactivated wins, regifts and what not.
If you start by opening a topic saying rude scammer and nothing else, people will investigate your profile, and i do find it shady and especially if that's when you start to reply to me (in a jumpy way) and nowhere else and you still don't want to share more information about that group, i find it shady, nothing more, i don't accuse you of anything else, and that is my right to express on a public forum.
Then it's their choice if they don't want a thank you from you! or reply on their profile.
Just as you repeat yourself, others just have to repeat to you with valid arguements.
Regardless you think opening a topic suddenly changes everyone's mind? waiting for you to say thank you so that they then can blacklist you? Why not just deal with it.
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I called you a troll not because I like to insult you, but because I felt insulted by you. And you're absolutely right, it's other peoples choice to put people on their blacklist. But it doesn't change my opinion that putting someone on ones blacklist and spoil the winners happiness is impolite
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So you say that I insulted (a kind of provocation) someone by calling a person, by whom I felt insulted by, a troll (a person provoking others for no apparent reason; just to be sure we are talking about the same thing). You make my head hurt :(
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well for me only reason to bl a winner of a ga i did is if it looks like a leecher to me xD
cmon 2 oe 3 gifts sent and 50 or more won.... u obviously not gonna get another chance on my side lol this said i dont think op was one of those lucky winners on my side and i always give some time in case winner wants to thank me wich i dont require and will never bl some one cause they didnt thanked me on a ga i made
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New Description for the easily offended (no, I don't mean you!):
There are people here feeling unhappy about some winners behaviour. But I think there are also some giveaway-creators whose behaviour could, in my humble opinion, be called impolite. I already made the experience that, after wining a giveaway, I couldn't contact the winner because as soon as the giveaway ended he or she did put me on his (or her) blacklist. That's just fine. It's each persons own choice to put someone on his (or her) personal blacklist. But this way it is not possible for me to show the giver my honest gratitude. That really makes me sad.
If you are a sissy, don't read any further (I warned you!):
There is so much rant here about winners who don't activate keys, don't say thanks or whatever. Maybe I was just lucky but I had no problems with that yet. But I already stumbled upon several users who did blacklist me after winning one of their giveaways without any explanation. Guys, that's just rude!!! Wait until I had the opportunity to say thanks for the gift or at least give an explanation why I was blacklisted. OK, it's your giveaway, so you can do as you like. But I do feel pissed off by this kind of behaviour!
I did not create this thread because I feel insulted by being blacklisted. It's just the following situation:
Yippee, I won a game! Thanks man, I feel really grateful. Blacklisted WTF, I can't even reply to the giver.
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