Hello everyone. I am not sure, if it is a bug, but my request fits the Bugs-Discussions most in my eyes.

I were unable to find any solution for the problem i did face while trying to create my first giveaways by doing some research (FAQ, SG rules etc.) and using the search function in discussions, so here my question to all of you:

Did i miss something or why is it possible to create a giveaway for some games, that do not exist on Steam anymore (e.g. Cryostasis) but not for others like Two Worlds Epic Edition that actualy exist on steam? And that is just one example, dont want to list my gifts inventory for security purposes here ;-) In the end i did face the fact, that around 80% of my games just dont exist in the SG's database o_0

Would appreciate any plausible explanation and thank you in advance

10 years ago

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you can get that game free in www.dlh.net/en/ so there's no price for free stuff

10 years ago

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it was given away on massive scale for free a while back. you can't create g/a of those games.

10 years ago

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This game is given away for free.....

10 years ago

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First i want to thank everyone for trying to answer my question, even if none of you seems to understand what i mean or was unable to read what i wrote before... (Otherwise all of you were aware of the fact, that i did read the SG rules).

Lets approach it your way then: You are right about dlh.net except of the fact, that they are giwing away keys for "Two Worlds GOTY Edition" (cant even find it in the steam store) and not the "Epic Edition" along with 6 other titles today. But whats about other games that i own im my gift inventory but cant find in the SG's database? Were all of them given for free in the past? Is there a list with "used to be a free game in the past = impossible to give away anymore" somewhere?

Besides there is a big difference between a key (that adds a game directly to your library) and a gift inventory item. Or are some sites giving away free gift inventory items as well? If not, then SG should at least list every game they "ban" that way here.

10 years ago

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they named it wrong ;p they are giving keys for EPIC Edition - try to activatre the key, they just name it GOTY for whatever reason on their site.

As for games in your inventory - cannot say, as your profile is private, but very probable that yes, they are gifts for games that were avaiable for free.

Next one - you could mark game given away as a gift and send the winner the key instead anyway. no way for SG to check which one is true. Also there were examples of sites giving away free gifts as well - Aerena, The Ship, Gun Monkeys etc ;)

10 years ago

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Ah, thanks, did not know that some sites were able to give away gifts. And your point about SG not able to check out if someone were giving away a gift instead of a key is a good one. In that case i can understand the creators of SG somehow. But i still think it won't hurt anyone, if they publish a list with "banned/removed" games (if there is no such a list atm of course).

10 years ago

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By the way, Steamgifts can't "see" the difference between a GOTY and a normal edition of a game. A GOTY will be a "normal" game with all the DLCs. So even if you get a GOTY game on Steam, it will be read as the normal edition.
And there are games Steam doesn't sell anymore but if you still have a gift or key, you'll still be able to have it in your library and play. They just don't show more because they can't sell anymore but the copies that were left around are still ok, even if still not redeemed.

10 years ago

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It used to be explained on bundle list (http://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games) when and why game got added, but sadly "why" portion is no more.

10 years ago

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haha! typo [ bundle list ] ( http://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games )
u missed []

10 years ago

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I don't see any type. Link I provided is the LIST of BUNDLE GAMES ;p

10 years ago

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I don't think it was a typo , I think he just didn't bother with the link formatting and put his link in parentheses. And I don't know if it'll still work, but on the old site at least you can break links by sticking a blank link in the middle.

[bundle list][]()(http://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games)

It auto-links the link portion now, other than that will hopefully work.

EDIT: Aaaaaaand looks like it doesn't. Hmm. I'm going to need to find a new way to escape formatting cleanly.

10 years ago

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m bored :(

10 years ago

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Holy ... i mean list ofc.
Thank you for that link! Will take some time to compare everything there o_0 They rly should compress that to a alphabetical list because 2,415 entry's with only 25 of them per page hurts...

Edit: That list only contains bundled games. bundled ones are games wich provide only CV worth 15% of the actual store value, if i understand that. I was looking for a list with "was given away for free somewhere in the past and got removed here because of that"-games. But thanks anyways!

10 years ago*

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SG+ is getting revamped for SGv2, when that comes along you can get infinite scrolling. It's still some work, but you can mash the End button on your keyboard or, if you have a Logitech mouse with the option, hit the little button that releases the lock on the mouse wheel that lets it spin freely. Eventually you'll load it all into one page, though your web browser/RAM may not like that.

10 years ago

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What I meant is this: In SGv1 bundle list contained both games from bundles and ones that were avaiable for free, and there was also explanation why each game got added to the list. The list in SGv2 I linked you with still contains those free games, but no longer with explanation, so it is no longer possible to distinguish them :(

Also the list is in alphabethical order - plus you can search for particular titles in search box at left side ;p

10 years ago

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Ah, that is an explanation why i am able to see games like Aquanox on that list.

And thanks for the tip with the searchbox, was clicking next next next like a crazy one lol

10 years ago

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zelghadis, i finaly got the dlh.net activation mail and you are right about the name. Their GOTY Edition seems to be exact the same edition you are able to get from Steamstores Collection. Well, at least i got a Steam copy of enclave now.

Btw, seems like they are running out of some keys "no keys left – try again tomorrow" for some games there :D

10 years ago

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Stop trying break the rules. If you can't find game in giveaway list, it mean only 1, you cant giveaway it here.

10 years ago

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Thanks for your non constructive comment. Next time you should try to read before you try to insult people. Show me some proof that i am (or anyone else here is) trying to break the rules and we can discuss it out. Until that think before you answer again please

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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And you seems to be unable to read :)

zelghadis gave me an accurate answer and i did thank him for that.
The discussion went from "bug" to "suggestion" at that point. Alone that little fact proof everything you just wrote wrong.

My profile is not public and if you were able to read my initial post, you were aware of that. But its not private as well! Yes right, there is a third option in case you only can see black and white ;-) I am the owner of my account and it is my decision to show or not to show content of it to others. If someone need to ask the comunity how to set his settings, then its his/her problem. I dont need a second or third opinion about that, because i got my own head on my shoulders.

At this point thanks for your pointless comment, it did help everyone here a lot :D

10 years ago*

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That's not the only thing it can mean. Occasionally games are straight up just missing from the database and need to be added.

10 years ago

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I doubt you have the game in your Steam inventory, you just got them from DLH, Says "I have games that were given for free on inventory" and has private profile. If you want to give them away just go to Gameminer.

10 years ago

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Right, i did it. I did use a time machine, vent back to the past, got 36 hours of playtime for that game and did not touch it since 20.01.2015 anymore. Yeah right, i have a time machine, dont you have one yourself as well? :D

10 years ago

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Well you have private profile so you can say whatever you wish :/

10 years ago

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Still have my time machine :P

From http://store.steampowered.com/sub/18163/ last year :P (Why is it not possible to open the collection using a steam client but still not a problem via website?)

10 years ago

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Wait a second...are you trying to say the copy of the game you want to give away is already associated with your account? That's not how Steam works. You can't give away games you own. They are permanently tied to you, and you alone (support can remove them, but then they're just gone). You would not have been able to give that game away here or anywhere else. It has to be in your inventory, which is separate from your library, as an unactivated gift.

10 years ago

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Of course not ^^ Got the Collection along with the separate Enhanced Edition as a christmas gift last year :) So dont worry, i am using steam since steam were born with Counter-Strike 1.5 to 1.6 update ;-)

10 years ago

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.....you said you have the game on inventory, not library, these are completely different things.....who cares if you have it on library, it matters NOTHING to the fact of giving it away.....you can only giveaway game from inventory, or keys.....or you though you can giveaway a game from library?

10 years ago

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Well, he said he understands the difference between library and inventory, though with that in mind I'm not quite sure what a screenshot of his gametime has to do with anything.

10 years ago

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Then read yourself and pay attention what exactly you are commenting. You did not believe me the fact of 36h of playtime and the 20.01.2015, i got you some proof, how about you try to apologize for that now?
And finaly learn to read, i wrote in my initial post why my inventory will stay private. End of discussion with you. Got plenty of usefull informations and explanations from other members here who are rly trying to help instead to try to offend others. Enjoy your selfish world :)

10 years ago

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I started the post, and nobody cared about your playtime, you said in this post, that you have this game as a gift in your inventory and not as a key, library has nothing to do here.

10 years ago*

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Cmon, are you rly that limited? Learn to read yourself please. You did leave your comment to my post and got an answer with proof from me to that. So read yourself and pay attention where you leave your comments. Still waiting for your apology... Anything else you are mentioning were said in my initial post. After you learn to read yourself, try to read the others before you answer again please. Enjoy your selfish world even more now...

10 years ago

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Ehh, it's not that outrageous a claim. I have Gun Monkeys in my inventory. You can even check it if you want.

10 years ago

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For some people I get the feeling they think "bundle games" weren't bought on the Steam store anymore.

Bundles don't run foverer.

10 years ago

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Do i understand the Term of a Bundled Game wrong? It is a game what get rewarded with a CV worth 15% of the actual steamstore value isn't it? Because i can see plenty of games on that list you can actualy give away here (to start with the A letter there is Aquanox 1 and 2)

Nevermind, got a good explanation of the list HERE

10 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Thank you, would be nice if such a list were somewhere.
Was not aware of that possibility for DLC containing games. Thanks for that as well.

10 years ago

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? = zero

7 years ago

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