Signed into GG today to do my daily picks (entries) and noticed that I only had 1000 points instead of the usual daily 10000. A quick look at the FAQ shows that this is now the new amount.

If you're unaware of how they work, you can get points by doing giveaways, but otherwise have a daily set/flat amount given to spend, somewhat similar to SG. A typical entry for a non-bundle-flooded game is anywhere from 5000-25000 points on average, sometimes much higher (the giver can set whatever number he wants --the higher the number, the more points he gets for himself, and the smaller the competition for entrants). A typical bundle game, which has dozens of copies at any one time listed, is typically around 500 points to enter.

So, as it was you could enter one or two decent contests each day, or a bunch of bundle games. Now, though... woof. Not worth getting out of bed for, really. Ok, so it's still a shot at something free, and that's a good thing, but man, if they're wanting to prune their userbase, this'll do it. On the bright side, maybe this'll make it easier for those who stick it out to win something. :)

12 years ago*

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Didn't GalaGiveaways shoot themselves in the foot the moment they registered the domain name? Everything since then has been sticking sharp objects in the gangrenous wound to try to pick out the buckshot.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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tfw people actually think that anything Gala related is worth giving a shit about

12 years ago

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I feel this should be on their forum instead of here...But anyway...tried it, left it and never went back. As it should be ;)

12 years ago

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I won two things on the first day and thought it was pretty cool, but it seems now they're doing nothing but progressively fucking up what could have been another good giveaway site. Don't think I've even been on there in days.

12 years ago

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I won a game and never been there again xD

12 years ago

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I won 1 giveaway and the guy refused to send the gift. Tried to tell me some lameass story about how he didnt make the giveaway, his brother who uses his account at times must have. With no real punishment for doing that type of crap that site is pretty useless imo.

12 years ago

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I don't understand the hatred. You're angry because some website is giving stuff away for free? You can't seriously be jealous because they're "competition" for SG. Honestly, I'm baffled.

12 years ago

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1) People are giving things away for free, not the website
2) If people spend all their points, then they have to contribute games to get some small fraction of points back. But!
3) "A deposit is subtracted from the balance [of points] of the giveaway creator, and then, upon successful delivering of gifts the deposit is returned together with the giveaway reward." So, if you don't have spare points, you can't make a giveaway to get more points. Until the base limit refreshes itself. And 1000 points? Doesn't get you a lot in return.

Not trying to start anything, just pointing out that the OP has a point which is based on something other than "jealousy".

12 years ago

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Ok, so their methodology needs some tweaking (although your #2 point isn't totally accurate, since you DO get points every day just for being a member, not just for doing giveaways, which is an alternative method), but still, none of that explains the general hatred. Even Origin, which many hate because it's "competition" for Steam, at least merits much of the loathing due to their insane DRM and business practices. :) But for GG, I just don't get it.

12 years ago

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+1. They have made their ads a bit more intrusive, which bugs me a bit. But anger over a legit site hosting giveaways? OP doesn't sound angry, but some of the other commenters sure do. 1st world problems, I guess.

12 years ago

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The lay-out is horrible. I won a giveaway (hurray) there and had to mark it as received, but couldn't find where...

12 years ago

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I like how they only have searching by "app ID" instead of game name.

12 years ago

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I won 4 games on it so it's not so bad. The 10k limit was fine as it was tho, you can't really enter anything with 1k. 0.o

12 years ago

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Dumbed 220.000p
0 wins
Moving along.


12 years ago

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I haven't won anything there, so dunno about ease-of-use or anything, but it's been fun trying so far, at least. I'm a member of three giveaway sites (all I know of), and will admit GG is my least favorite, but still, I simply can't find fault with a place that's basically a charity site. Complaining about anything in general, beyond administrative/rules gaffs as mentioned above, feels wrong, somehow.

Edit: Meant to say GG is least favorite, not SG. lol (Oops) Fixed.

12 years ago

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there is playblink, gameminer, galagiveaway and steamgifts!
But I dont like the rest that much.
I think this Site here is truly the best with the best people around.(and I´m saying this as a newbie)

Thats why I have made my Giveaways here.^^

12 years ago

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So I just checked out gameminer after your post... And got a banner to "invite your capitalist friends" with a US/UK flag. WTF? WT actual F?

12 years ago

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It's just a joke. The site's located in Russia, and they're just poking fun at stereotypes. That banner is one of several that rotate each time you load the page. My favorite is the one advertising the English translation. It's got a pic of Sam Jackson and the caption says, "English, motherfucka! Now we speak it!" lol

12 years ago

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there is tremorgames as well, not many giveaways per say on there, but there is a few with entry limits, bigger thing is buying games with coins which don't have to cost real money

12 years ago

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the new 10x everything system is a bit of a swiz, still more videos to watch, so free games will come, only take longer thats all.

I use a VM window to download and install their game offers, that way all the crap that comes with it only destroys a Virtual Machine, which I can replace with a backup at any time, no risk.

Ive had 3 games off them so far, and they are genuine, just be careful what you sign up for, lol

throwaway email address, and a VM machine are a must!

12 years ago

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yea I know, been doing those offer types for years, mainly doing facebook/videos due to time restrictions atm though

12 years ago

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replace 'charity' with 'promo'

12 years ago

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I gift "normal" items here, and bundled items on GG (as they are worthless here), i get the most of it for both sites... it's win-win :P

12 years ago

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I would guess that they are trying to do something about the point devaluation that they caused when they based starting points on the size of your Steam library. Skimming through, it looks like there are plenty of giveaways below 1000 points now, though they are all bundle games. That number will probably go up a bit more, as people give away bundle games so that they can get enough points to enter the giveaways that cost more than the daily allowance.

There will still be really high entry cost giveaways, though. New people joining are still going to get a flood of points, there are probably still large amounts of points floating around, and people will figure out the best ways to amass points off of 1000 point and below giveaways. Just as the 1000-25000 point giveaways will continue to exist, where people try to bankroll larger amounts off of others who break the daily allowance.

12 years ago

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They aren't good at balancing things huh

12 years ago

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This is why I don't enter anything that costs more than 1000 points.

People who created giveaways with 200,000 points to enter during the first few days were smart as they took all the points from those who didn't read the FAQ. They'll be sitting on mountains of points while everyone else is stuck at the daily amounts you're given.

12 years ago

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well I was already storing points in long giveaways as is(as there is not that much I want there), guess there is a good reason to continue that

12 years ago

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Yeah... Gala Giveaways is a complete fail... That site doesn't have much hope the way it's being run as of today... :S

I've spent over 325,000 points and have absolutely nothing to show for it... I've seen quite a few people on there spend around 100,000 and have half a dozen wins. -_-

If 1,000 points is the new "reset" value for 48 hours I highly doubt I'll return to use the site anymore.

12 years ago

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Wait....they changed it from 2,500 point per 48 hours reset to 1,000 points now?

12 years ago

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2,500 per 48, to 10,000 per 24 from last point usage(so if you do anything that timer resets... encouraging point wasting), to 1,000 per 24(likely same rules)

12 years ago

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I don't remember 2500. Been 10K for awhile now, down to 1000 as of today. (And it's every 24 hours, not 48 --unless that's changed now too.)

12 years ago

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Ok, how the hell do you verify your account? I keep trying and all it does is start and stop, never completes

12 years ago

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sometimes it doesnt work, than you have to try some minutes later.
Also your profile has to be public in order to get verified.

12 years ago

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Tried several hundred imes, and I am public

12 years ago

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I enjoyed it for the first 450000 points i had. Used them all (200000 on one giveaway...that I won!) and won 3 games. Half life 1 source Half life deathmatch, and dead rising 2!

12 years ago

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I won two TF2.

I'm doing it right?

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by CthulhuSaves.