One easy solution - obligatory description. Just simple "Gift in my inv" is enough to believe it's a real giveaway.

1 decade ago

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A lot of these giveaways that are called out for being 'fake' are from new users who don't speak English and don't know how the site works. SteamGifts is only presented in English, but only around 1/3 of the users are from an English speaking country. Google Translate doesn't always do the best job at translating our pages. It's very easy to come to the wrong conclusion about how the site works.

1 decade ago

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The FAQ is available in several languages, people just don't read it :P

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Does it matter if fake giveaway was created on purpose or by mistake when it comes to penalizing creators?

I don't think it should make any difference. In the end you have same result - disappointed winners and waste of time and points. And it's 21st century - you have to speak English, if you're intend to be a member of international gaming community.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

1 decade ago

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And it's 21st century - you have to speak English, if you're intend to be a member of international gaming community.

Tell that to the 2/3rds of steamgifts users that don't speak english. Oh wait, they can't understand :P. I'm just teasing.
But honestly, there are probably more Russian speakers on this website than english speakers.

1 decade ago

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Get the fuck out. You and your intentions to impose English you dirty colonist prick.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Rules should be in a shorter text and be made more visible in the site either while a new user signs up and later.

1 decade ago

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I have already seen a not received giveaway with as a description: "key"...

1 decade ago

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because some people are suspicious and apparently more willing to believe the noob is both an idiot and trying to rip them off somehow(make them waste 60 free points I guess?(points that those same people complain of having too many and always being stuck at 300 anyway))
than to risk those 60(on what is at best an almost sure loss anyway even when real) and believe he is actually giving away stuff(cause its not like there aren't people here who've given thousands, and even if there are they don't start out as noob gifters they pop fully formed with $31 already sent and confirmed). so they rifle through his steam account and post multiple questions about its legitimacy. Breaking the rules as well as making the site look bad and alienating potential gifters in order to "do a public service and warn others"

But somehow copying and pasting the steam store description, or typing "thanks for entering" "key" "my first gift" advertising your youtube channel or mashing on the keyboard to meet a character min("asdfasfpkjashdfpkadsf") will alleviate this?

1 decade ago

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Politeness is apparently a complex skill to learn nowadays rather than a given. If they absolutely have to say something about it(about losing their precious points...), can't they just ask politely if the giveaway creator knows how the site works like the people with brains do? No, of course not, writing "FAKE" is a lot easier, shorter and doesn't put too much pressure on their brains.
I doubt quite a few of those people will even read this topic, so, really, there is no way of preventing it without a "report comment" button or something. But that would put too much pressure on support... again. :/

1 decade ago

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Yeah, there´s nothing wrong with simply asking the creator whether he understamds he created a lottery to give it away. There´s no acusation in that part. Plus, the user will actually fel ´seen´ by the fact that users noted he´s new on the site. Completely the opposite of those 4 or 5 characters )depending on whether it includes "!" or not).

1 decade ago

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I hate when "hey n00b I see no game in inventory show proof u fake". I find it rude and disgusting.

1 decade ago

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Some people are just ungrateful and act like moderators. This is just retarded.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Selfish jerks

1 decade ago

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Bobofatt, just wanted to say your work is greatly appreciated.

1 decade ago

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That, and it's a totally asinine move.

1 decade ago

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Congrats, you found the proverbial needle in a haystack...

1 decade ago

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You'll never get it.

1 decade ago

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I sure "get it" though when I get suspended for "calling out" fake giveaways, which then, surprise, turn out to be fake. It's even more ironic when the same guy who suspends me then removes the fake giveaway.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Nope, you still don't get it.

1 decade ago

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try looking at the possible results of calling something fake:

if you're right: basically nothing happens.
you didn't enter anyway right? so none of your points are even at risk, the creator almost never checks back and reads your comments, most of the entrants don't either, (and for those who do: if it was so obvious they could come to their own conclusion easily enough without aid) ect.

if you're wrong: maybe basically nothing still happens, maybe you chase away a new gifter that was giving quality enough games for you to worry. nobody calls out "bundle trash"(a term I dispute anyway(somebody obviously wants them) but thats irrelevant here) for being fake afterall

Mostly basically nothing happens, so mostly its a waste of time and thats best case.
so given that why would you even bother to call something fake? if you win and guess right nothing happens if you lose you lose. why play that game? just quietly report and move on instead of barking in the comments

1 decade ago

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Oh, my God! A few people might lose the valueless points they got for free by entering a giveaway they wouldn't have won anyway unless you warn them by being an asshole to a new user! What a tragedy! Oh, wait. No. They won't even see it because they either don't even look at descriptions or anything else, let alone comments, or they're taking their chances anyway, so there's literally no reason whatsoever for ever harassing submitters at all. Especially since they don't even affect you at all. Well, except for getting more of those free points you use to enter giveaways. Hmm, I guess maybe you should shut up and thank them instead.

1 decade ago

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no reason whatsoever ever at all don't even affect you at all

I don't get the puzzle. Halp!

1 decade ago

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Was I talking to you? I don't think so, so why don't you heed your own advice?

1 decade ago

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Look at me, I'm a badass in the internet.

1 decade ago

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How about because I'm site staff and it's my responsibility not to let people like you undermine site rules? If you want to harass people giving away free games, you can go do it on some other site, because it's not tolerated here.

1 decade ago

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like one in a million knows what's going on here when they first join. if only we were allowed to name a few nations (ya'll know which ones we'd have to be talking about anyway).. well, they tend to come here and not understand the system. suspension comes and everyone's happy. but until people start reading the faq before beginning their career here, we'll always have fake giveaways, and you'll always find them shameless name callers as well:)

1 decade ago

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It reminds me of this law :

Presumption of innocence : " One is considered innocent until proven guilty"

1 decade ago

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in most communities online, the ideal is that you're always innocent until guilty, but crowd mobbing results in being called guilty unless you prove innocence. it's one of those things i need to look more into since it's prevalent everywhere.

1 decade ago

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Except in certain military prisons outside the country.... Right?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This is EXACTLY why there needs to be a description rule/requirement, at least for new users. Why would someone want to create a giveaway without description? I know it happens a lot but I never understood why..

1 decade ago

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how exactly would that help?

I gift skyrim

I copy/paste steam's skyrim description into my giveaway.

suddenly nobody calls me fake? 9_9

1 decade ago

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At SG, we have a separate set of site rules.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for this, it piss me off everytime someone is calling fake.

1 decade ago

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I hope the giveaway creator wont let that upset him... :/

1 decade ago

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Thanks Bobo.

At the end of the day, it's completely free to enter for the games given away here. If a couple turn out to be fake each day, it's not the end of the world. I seriously don't get why people get so riled up about it that they resort to namecalling. If you win a fake giveaway, report it and move on. Yes, it's disappointing, but don't act as if you've been scammed out of something, because you haven't.

1 decade ago

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Just nitpicking, but they lose a probable chance of winning a game instead of a possible chance. In the end it doesn't really matter, since the result is the same (no game), but e.g. a giveaway entered and not won is another level of loss than a 'fake' giveaway not entered, when it wasn't as 'fake' as it seemed.
Caveat: From an emotional point of view, even if the hard facts seem to indicate otherwise.

1 decade ago

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I'm not really sure what you're referring to in my post, as I never mentioned anything about how winning a fake giveaway isn't a loss or that people shouldn't be disappointed.

1 decade ago

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Yes, it's disappointing, but don't act as if you've been scammed out of something, because you haven't.

I was referring to this. Could have misinterpreted though.

1 decade ago

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The word "scammed" can be used to describe deception, so maybe that's how you interpreted it. But I think we can agree that in most cases and particularly in the gaming community, it is used to describe intentional fraud involving a person having given up something of monetary value.

1 decade ago

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I completely forgot we are in a forum related to gaming...-.- My bad.

In this case, I completely and totally misunderstood and agree with you, that certainly no one got 'scammed'.

1 decade ago

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Really, that's your example a 20$ game that probably was on discount ... There was no reason for anyone to think that was fake, show me GA ,made by someone new with 0 won games, with something like COD : MW3 or BO II or some assassins creed pack ( that 130p one ) that was not fake.

Of course there's always like 0.01% chance that one of this kinda of GAs are real but most of the time, 99.99% of the time, they are just a good place to store your points since they are usually open for a week or so :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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The game isn't what matters, it's the gifter's reaction and how the community made him feel. That should NEVER happen.

1 decade ago

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I hate the "He doesn't have it in his inventory" line. People don't seem to realise that some of us choose to keep our inventories private, maybe only letting friends see what you have. I myself have my inventory set to this because I was sick of people making friend requests because they saw something in my inventory that they wanted.

1 decade ago

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It's also possible to buy steam keys from other websites so it would never appear in their inventory anyway. Some people are the dumbs.

1 decade ago

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Refund points when winner mark game as not received - problem with "this is fake" solved.

1 decade ago

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This solves people leaving the site because people call their giveaways fake how?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I have a better suggestion: Let's change steamgifts so that it works the way some confused newbies think. That is, let's make it so when you create a giveaway, instead of having to give the games to the winners, they give the game to you.

This solves all of our problems. CV works as before, in that when a giveaway you created is finished, you get CV. But now that the creator of a giveaway receives the gift, high CV is a mark of greed rather than generosity, so people won't fight over it. And contributor giveaways will only allow you to "enter" for the change to give away a game, so they won't cause a problem either.

In fact, an even better model: Let's make it so both the giveaway creator and the winner get games. Everyone wins! Also, cg should get a copy of each game, too, to thank him for creating the site. In fact, let's just have everyone who signs up for steamgifts instantly and automatically win a copy of every game on Steam!

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Inventory? And how about keys? By the way, the best option to avoid calling out a giveaway as a fake is to write a comment like a "good luck" or so.
Actually I've had an idea of making a CoD (Skyrim/Borderlands) giveaway with a "thank you" comment, just for lulz, but I've already given away one game, so it wouldn't be quite persuading having already >0 CV :)

1 decade ago

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Yeah, had that idea as well, make a new steam account, put enough bundle junk value to join steamgifts, then make the call of duty/whatever giveaway. But once people figured out what you'd done, you'd probably get banned for having multiple accounts. So better just to keep it a fantasy. :)

1 decade ago

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what if you never entered anything using the account only to gift that one time, and sent the mods a message about it?

1 decade ago

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Well, if you got ok from some friendly support person, you'd still have to buy a call of duty... :)

I'm not going to spend USD60 just to laugh at all the people suspended for calling it fake. But let us know if you want to try it, would be fun to watch... :)

1 decade ago

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that's sad :'( some ppl are really rude

1 decade ago

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You can't accuse someone that his/her giveaway is fake. Don't forget all here were once called 'new'. The best thing to do if it sounds fishy is move on and go for CV value required GA.

1 decade ago

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Damn, too many people calling fake giveaways :/

1 decade ago

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man i hope that guy doesnt get discouraged

1 decade ago

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Here we have a site where people can give away games for free, and then we have giveaway that might seem less legit but still free to enter nonetheless, yet here's still people who bitch around about it as if anyone owns them anything.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Bobo! No calling out!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by bobofatt.