Not as happy about this one as the Relic purchase, but at least it means that Saints Row and Metro won't be dropped.

Link to story

1 decade ago*

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Well that... sucks. I don't like any of their games, and none of them are even close to Saints Row/Metro.

1 decade ago

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This is the firm who goes by Deep Silver right? They have some decent stuff like Dead Island and Risen under them. Hard to tell if anything will change or if they will just let the studios continue their work.

1 decade ago

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Koch are the guys that own Deep Silver.

Deep Silver is their gaming department, but still a pretty small part of their overall operation.

1 decade ago

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Dead Island and Risen arn't that great of games and they have no expirence with games like METRO and Saints Row.

1 decade ago

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True, but if they are obtaining all of Volition, they could just be letting the studio continue to work on SR4 - no need to change a working formula.

1 decade ago

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Dead Island is a good game and virtually lies somewhere in between METRO and Saints Row. Besides both games already in production and hopefully the very same people will continue work on them.

1 decade ago

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I've played Dead Island and personally I don't find it that enjoyable. The only good thing about it is that you can play it with friends. Deep Silver has announced that they will be taking full control of the Metro and Saints Row franchises instead of leaving them with Volition.

1 decade ago

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I've played Dead Island and found it very enjoyable. Incidentally playing games with friends is not something I care for. I find it mostly annoying feature development of which takes away valuable time from other aspects of the game.

How exactly can they not leave it in Volition's hands? Deep Silver is a publisher and not a developer (in Dead Island case it was Techland).

1 decade ago

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They better do the latter. They just better.

1 decade ago

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They only paid $22.3M for Volition.

Chump change.

1 decade ago

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Damn, I should have bought it :(

1 decade ago

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If they just let Volition do their job, it might not be that bad.

1 decade ago

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Yes, and if they let them make a Red Faction game like they used to make them I will be even more happy.

1 decade ago

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It isn't Ubisoft, so it's something.

1 decade ago

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What are you talking about ubisoft is great

1 decade ago

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Ubisoft is great company i dont know what you have against it

1 decade ago

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terrible drm that treated legit pc customers as criminals. but fortunately recently they have removed the majority of their drm.

1 decade ago

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NOOO i dont know it either

1 decade ago

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I like it, Koch Media/Deep Silver got some good games/RPGs/Shooters

1 decade ago

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As long as it's not EA I'm okay with it.

1 decade ago

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Hurr hurr... He said "Koch"

1 decade ago

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But it's totally different pronounced.

1 decade ago

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Aw. There's always some well informed individual on standby to ruin my juvenile pleasure


1 decade ago

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Damn buzzkills.

1 decade ago

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It's not like they can make a game worse than SR3.

1 decade ago

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SR3 was one of the best games of 2011, gtfo ;P

1 decade ago

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Saints Row 4 was confirmed prior to SR3 being released, so hopefully it still isn't canceled. Source.

1 decade ago

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They won't cancel Saints Row 4. SR4 was most definitely one of the main reasons they bought Volition Inc.

1 decade ago

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I hope they won't ruin SR4.

1 decade ago

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Koch Media and Deep Silver are known to be "very" hands off during development.

1 decade ago

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i gues that now Deep silver owns Voliton and Metro that the new games of Deep silver will be better, like animations for the Players in Dead island Riptide

1 decade ago

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They didn't hire new people to help them develop existing games, they bough entirely new game studio to essentially make more games. Bottom line, Volition won't affect Dead Island: Riptide in any way. At least I don't think so.

1 decade ago

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Actually I think it's quite good news. Koch Media owns Deep Silver, yes, but they also distribute some games from Square Enix, Paradox, Codemasters, Ascaron etc. All these studios pretty much do what they want - even Deep Silver. Compared to all the realistic choices who might have acquired Volition Inc, this is a rather good one.
At least I think Koch Media is a serious company that won't just buy the brand-name.

1 decade ago

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I would imagine they would just let the devs continue making Saints Row 4 like normal?

1 decade ago

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Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by LoudHawk.