First two definitions from the internet:
-In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted."

--Urban Dictionary
-One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument

  • So on a forum when someone posts unrelated things or weird things, flames and tries to ignite everyone, he will be soon declared a troll or a spammer. He will then be blocked or reported if possible. If not everyone will try to beat him at his game and at some point give up, realising they only gave him what he wanted, by only wasting their energy and time.
    If we forget that such person only wants to make trouble, it is someone who stands out on a forum where "normal" discussions take place and knowledge is passed away, by doing something uncommon/notNormal for that community.

  • Now, what if you have a forum like this one, where trolls and spammers are in majority? When someone trolls he does not stand out, but actually blends in with the majority. In such case, the "normal" posts and threads stand out, because they are in minority.
    In such community, is it still reasonable to call people trolls when that is a common and "normal" thing in that community? Wouldn't it be more reasonable to designate the minority? Since troll and spammer have clear definitions, a new word would be required of course.

  • Your thoughts on my second paragraph.
  • How would you call the minority, the people who post "normal" posts and threads on a troll forum?
  • Who strikes you as the most influential normalguy on this forum and what is his most iconic creation here?
  • Who strikes you as the most influential troll on this forum and what is his most iconic creation here?
  • Discuss! Be normal or be troll, only one can be right as always.
12 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

12 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. know I don't make giveaways. Let alone hide them.
So, your thoughts on the subject, or was your spam meant as an answer to the subject??

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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For yours I know it is spam...I was thinking who I would put up for bulletin point 4. How did I forget.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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A thread about ^ such people could also be made....attention seekers.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I do have sense of humor (the threshold is high though), I am your #1 fan. Your posts and threads are printed and pinned on my walls. I read them first thing when I awake and just before I fall asleep.

12 years ago

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And how was that supposed to be funny? and also, *pinned on.

PS I make my threads for myself, not for other people, so I don't care.

12 years ago

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Does that mean that your #1 fan is not allowed to read them anymore?

12 years ago

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He's allowed to. What I meant is that my posts are meant to be helpful to me, not for other users. So I don't care what your opinion about them is.

12 years ago

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OK, now I understand. Your posts are cool, but since you don't care I wont say they are.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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ROFL (literally)

12 years ago

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I think for the majority of people it has lost it's original meaning and becomes just a substitute for lol or jk

12 years ago

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I dont always troll but when I do I troll hard :P

12 years ago

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The only right way :D

12 years ago

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I thought that was a lemonparty link. Thank god it wasn't

12 years ago

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Lemonparty? 0.o

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

12 years ago

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White Tiger Tantra party FTW

Come on people, some actual discussion is needed as well.

12 years ago

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The normal group must be....
They are normal and they don't specify themselves.All people unique and that means none of them unique!
So the one that is not a troll is normal.Simple as that!

12 years ago

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  • But the "normal" group here are trolls and spammers. SO if I understand you right, you want (on this forum) just do the reverse and call the minority (the "normal" posters) trolls and spammers? Makes sense.
  • I agree.
  • But the problem is that trolls here are more normal than the normal normals.
12 years ago

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Well, I was hoping for an interesting discussion and in between something I am looking for, but oh well. Maybe next time. I'll check back in few hours. (is it just me or are there only trolls in movies and no trollettes? do they even exist?)

12 years ago

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Okay. I actually read the whole thing. Yes, SG is full of trolls, but the trolls are friendly. Or I'm missing something?

12 years ago

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By that definition up there, I am a troll.

But I don't consider myself a troll. What.

12 years ago

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Sounds like a think that troll would say. :D

12 years ago

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Except I'm not trolling. I really ain't.

12 years ago

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If you say so.

12 years ago

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And not one fuck was given...

12 years ago

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and what is that /\ ? its a fuck. you give a fuck

12 years ago

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Yes and no?

There's still a line to cross when "trolling" here though. More oft than not, unrelated posts are in response to a equally ridiculous topic.

I am tempted to side with SuperFluffyKitty on this one though, just because.

12 years ago

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The term troll in modern vernacular is someone who disagrees with you.

12 years ago

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Pretty much this nowadays.

For fucks sake everyone calls each other a troll left and right.

Sometimes it doesn't even make any sense.

12 years ago

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Yeah, the term troll has lost all meaning. It carries about as much weight as calling someone a racist these days.

12 years ago

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A synonym for troll I found is "Wormy"...weird, isn't it?

12 years ago

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LOL Did you think its gonna be that easy. Nope, wrong answer.

12 years ago

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What's the opposite of a troll? Yes Man?

12 years ago

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Back in my day, trolling meant something. Now it's just a trace of poor vocabulary.

12 years ago

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Lets see if we have a winner for another undisclosed giveaway...
((Let me remind you, on Tuesday I made a thread Stomping contest, where a winner emerged. Yesterday we had a topic called, Fishing - Experts welcome to advise, no winner there. If you want you can search them in forum search.))
Before I say over you can still win (hint is in this thread).

12 years ago

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Undisclosed hidden giveaway ends in 5 minutes. Last hint 4=4 and previous 2 threads don't hold the answer.

LAST SECONDS 4=4 4th bulletin, 4th post

12 years ago

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OK, no winner again.

More of a luck I guess (which then did not require extra hints on my part apart from answering to his post), but the answer to bulletin 4 posted in this thread, on which I replied with post number 4.
So, part of the answer is his name. Second part is his most iconic cretion on this forum. Everyone should know the FUBAR thread he made. I don't know exactly how it was titled, but I'm sure you can find it. It has thousands of posts (something like Last commenter wins).

12 years ago

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Unfortunately, your proposal doesn't make sense because a troll is a troll whether in the majority or not. Majority is unrelated. Please read the definitions you posted again.

12 years ago

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Everything makes sense in a giveaway.
Online defs were copied. Mine was just thinking out loud. Not making statements, only thinking.

12 years ago

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Giveaway = logic up!

12 years ago

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Whenever I see the word "troll" I instantly think Alternian, not internet troll.

Sucks being an Alternian.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Here is my definition of a 'troll'


12 years ago

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I agree. Right one is more of a spam than anything else.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by 3VIPER13.