By the way, OP, I didn't mean to be rude, if that's what you got from my comment. My problem is with religion, not with you personally. :) I just can't keep my mouth shut when I see the subject being brought up, it drives me crazy. :P
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I know that feeling, I get that way with some things, too. Everyone free to believe what they want, and I know the "rules" that churches have can seem rediculous, but it's usually just to help people try to improve, it's not like your forced to do them or get kicked out.
One thing I don't personally get about people against religion is what they honk it could hurt? I'm no trying to offend or anything, but I mean, how can people go wrong with faith/believe that is meant to help them become better? I don't really get that...
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That depends on what your definition of better is. If you're a Muslim and you decide to leave the religion, you must be murdered for it, because you're an infidel. Does that not hurt people? If you're a Christian you fight against homosexual's rights because you want to protect a marriage definition that not everyone has and against women's rights because you want to protect a sin that not everyone believes in. Does that not hurt people? And the list just goes on... Religion has a lot of good in it, but it also has a lot of bad. The same verses in the bible that someone can use to justify good are the same verses in the bible that someone else can use to justify bad, because of the literal interpretation that you can make of it, which is the most logical one.
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I'd like to say you have good arguments, but I think you should be politer. I know you didn't mean to be rude, though this was harsh.
Thanks for spreadingโ your stupidity around.
You could say "Religion is bullshit" or "Religion is stupid"
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I know. I realized after I posted that it looked like I was calling OP stupid instead of religion, but oh well. Poor choice of words, what's done is done.
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I'm not planning on blacklisting him. He's clarified that he just doesn't agree with religion, and that's fine.
Though some people are harder to keep off my blacklist than others and he's one of the easier ones... :/
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i am surprised i didn't end up on several more blacklists already. ^^ not by you, you seem like a nice person. but i generally come out of these religious debates with at least two or three new blacklist entries.
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I don't take back things I say and I couldn't care less about blacklists. I actually wanted a few more blacklists, because the last time someone blacklisted me was a couple months ago. :P
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the last time someone blacklisted me was a couple months ago.
I believe I got one so far from this thread.
I actually wanted a few more blacklists
You should visit this one, it's a BL generator:
I don't take back things I say
I meant specifically adding an explanation of intent, not removing words.
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Nah I'll leave it the way it is, it triggers easily offended people more easily this way. xD
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have a nice cake day! I am always amazed how your church is sending teenagers (16 to18? might be wrong) to Japan for 3 years :)
always enjoy quick chat on street with them, although never about religion and way of life lol
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Young men can leave at 18, so yeah. And that's always nice, I haven't gone on a mission myself and don't know if I'd be able to, but I always thought it'd be awesome to help and teach and talk to people in Japan. I'd probably end up being sent to somewhere else if I did go, though.
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All I know about mormons is:
Lindsey Stirling is mormon.
They have sex only to have childrens. (They must be love Christmas eve more then night with husbend or wife, because it's happend much often).
Salt-Lake-City is the city of mormons.
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It's not only to have children, that's a big part of it, but it also builds a stronger connection between the husband and wife and stuff too.
And yes, Lindsey Stirling is an awesome Mormon. DevinSuperTramp is also Mormon, and his grandparents (I think) used to come to church at the same time as us, if I remember right. I was surprised when I found that out, lol.
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Thank you, I'm a bit surprised to find it my Cakeday, lol. I better find at least a small GA or something, lol. Though maybe I'll just make it public...
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I'm just sharing something that someone may want to hear, I don't know why anyone who doesn't needs to watch or read.
But I know lots of people have weird ideas about Mormons and stuff (some are really crazy, lol) and this can help clear some of those up, too.
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You are free to share your experience, but to everybody out there: mormonism is not necessarily a happy religion at all and the founding has some serious red flags.
If you want people to read and learn you wouldn't mind me sharing this podcast episode about mormonism: It covers the basics on mormonism and even features responses from (ex-)mormons.
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Many ex-mormons and even some Mormons who have changed (but haven't fully left yet) are mostly mad with really small things or frustrated at certain individuals or things like that. I don't have time to watch the video right now, so I don't know what it's all about, but in the early days of the Church, even some of the church leaders left for some time and later came back, and some even attacked (verbally, for the most part) Joseph Smith and other leaders...
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The video has testimonies of people who were isolated in their religion and had no means of educating themselves. From what I've seen your specific group gives you much more freedom than they had (they had no internet for instance), and I'm glad they do.
It doesn't bash anything or anybody, it shows the basic origins and tenants of mormonism and gives a couple of testimonies. They have others too, from buddhism to scientology. It's simmilar to what you'll see on a comparative religions course.
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it's always to talk about these things. while your mormon community might not restrict your freedom as much, this might be completely different in other mormon communities.i work with a guy who is a jehova's witness. and he is my best buddy in the company. he is a cool dude. if i listen to him alone, jehova's witnesses don't seem so bad. but i also got to know a different version of them. the mother of an ex-girlfriend of mine was a jehova's witness. and she was very serious about it. so serious, that she abducted the younger sister of my ex-girffriend and took her to a house of her community. these guys seemed to support what she did. because it was obviously very important that this little girl was tought the right way to live her life, by the right people! so, you see the two extremes here. and there are countless stories about religious extremists who do things like that. i don't think they are all just invented by angry ex-members.
but it's not just the restriction of freedom that potentially happens in these groups that bothers me. to me it is also very troubling what kind of knowledge is tought there. and that scientific knowledge is completely ignored. i mean, as an example: do you believe the earth is 7000 years old? i know not every mormon does, but a fair share. list like christian creationists. despite the overwhelming evidence that the earth is billions of years old. another example (not sure what mormons think about that): so many people, especially in america, deny evolution. and why? because it conflicts with their idea of creation. so they ignore all evidence. they just close their eyes and keep thinking there was adam, eve, noah and all those. despite the fact that we already know all these stories are false. and the worst thing about that: they teach this to their children.
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"[...]among Latter-day Saints abstinence from alcohol is expected to be total, as is the abstinence from tobacco, tea and coffee." (from
You've gotta be kidding me... I wouldn't last one hour at work as a Mormon, i have more coffee than blood in my veins! :D
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Most people interpret the coffee/tea to be related to the caffein, which can cause addiction, and addictions are often harmful and can lead to other problems, but not always, I guess. And as for meat (in regards to hg3000) I think by eating it "sparingly" is mostly about balancing your diet.
It's all part of what we call "the word of wisdom" (no idea where it came from, seems a bit weird if you ask me...) that consists of guidelines that are supposed to keep us healthy in the long run. I know lots of nutritionists and stuff might disagree, but that's just what we try to obey.
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Yeah, that's a bit confusing, but for all we know, the advice could be to not drink hot drinks because you might burn yourself, lol. XP
But there's certainly some instructions and stuff that could probably be clearer, but either way it works out.
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Not sure how any of this is a reason to blacklist, but I guess everyone can blacklist to whatever they want, so yeah?
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First, i hate every religion equaly and i dont think it have place on gaming site, even in off-topic. Varg killed "satanist" and he did his time for it, the pic is related with norwegian church burning. I personaly think that mr. Possum Is a-hole, not because of his religion, but because his need to share it. You're welcome.
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Damn, I just tried to put you in my whitelist for second time :D
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I'm not sure why sharing something makes someone an a-hole, really.
For example, if someone likes the dessert they're eating, and they offer some to their friend who doesn't like sweet things, the first person isn't being an a-hole, are they?
Or if there's a country song someone likes and they share it on a website that has people who hate country music, they aren't an a-hole for it...
Or if someone shares their opinion about how they think people who share their religion are a-holes in a thread talking about religion, they aren't necessarily an a-hole. I mean, they're hypocritical, for sure, but in the end, they're just sharing their thoughts, same as me.
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Lol, yeah, I always try my poisoned dessert before I offer it to others. XD
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Well, there was some sharing of ; a few posts above.
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Or the trash commentary from Until the Light Takes Us
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I dont know what is worse. The reference or your name.
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Thank you. :)
I might make a note of it so I'm not so surprised by it next year, lol. :P
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Religious people are subhuman beings. So no, I am not interested in people who are so dense that they believe in a fictional entity. Religion is war.
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I don't think they all are. Most of them were just indoctrinated as kids. They never learned to question even the basics of their worldview. A lot of them find their way out though, and we should help them. Not call them names.
The world would be a better place without religion, but people should make that decision consciously and for good reasons, not because we force them to. If we did, we'd be no better than any church.
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Well, you know how it is. Religion is war, Germany is war. Religious people are subhumans, Germ(an)s deserve to be burnt to death....
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But really thinking about it, would war be gone if religion was? Nope.
But would war be gone if everyone was truly religious? Most likely.
Though that's one of those things that's not really possible to test. :/
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That's just not true. War will remain with or without religion. There have been wars for religious reasons and wars for other reasons.
The majority of wars, I fully admit, are for non-religious reasons. But that doesn't mean religion stops war.
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But would war be gone if everyone was truly religious? Most likely.
why do you think that? there were so many religiously inspired wars in the past. religion generally asks you to convert others. and that often happened by force. the problem we have today with islamic extremists is also driven by religious beliefs. it's their holy war, after all. no, from our experience we can tell that religion is not as peaceful as it should be.
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Well I guess not all religions are focused on benefiting people the same way, but I think that because if everyone was more focused on God and helping each other, there would be much less reason to fight. But obviously that couldn't happen and even if it did, people are still people and we're all flawed... :/
Anyways, I'm thinking I might close this thread so it doesn't keep popping up to the top, but I don't want to if there's still people that want to ask questions and discuss. I think most people who had questions and stuff are done, but I want to make sure I don't cut anyone off if the have something else to say...
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well, i have some nice discussions going on here. there were obviously some hateful comments. and i can understand if you don't want to see more of them. i hope at least, that you don't find my comments here offensive. because they are not meant that way. i don't like religion, and i heavily criticise it (and i think i have very good arguments). but i hope i do it in a respectful manner (i might not have respect for religion itself, but for the religious people i talk to).
but it's your thread, and if you want to close it, that's absolutely fine. if it served its purpose for you, then closing it probably makes sense. :)
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Well I'm not sure what the purpose was, I just felt I should share it. It might very well have been to discuss it with people and stuff. Or maybe there was someone that saw it that needed a bit of hope, or something, I don't know. I don't mind the hateful comments, though I know there people who are sick of seeing this thread pop up and I don't want to be too much of a bother, even to haters... :/
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War would definitely not be gone if religion was, but I think it would be definitely reduced. Not just war, but killings in general. Would there be Islamist extremists without Islam? Would 9/11 have happened without Islam? Probably, who knows. But religion is definitely an inspiration for those acts.
You can just take a look some of the least religious countries in the world and you'll see that their crime rates, equality, freedom and human rights are way better than the most religious countries.
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Yeah, maybe, but even if it isn't a formal religion, I think it would help if more people were focused on God and/or helping each other, it would make the world a more inviting place, to say the least.
Like above, I'm thinking I might close this thread so it doesn't keep popping up to the top, is there anything else (I think you've been discussing it the most so I don't want to cut you off or anything.
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You don't need God to help each other.
Do whatever you want, the thread is yours. I wouldn't mind continuing discussing it, but it's up to you.
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And also, have you stopped to think that you're almost an atheist yourself? There are about 4200 religions in the world. You believe in 1 of them, so you deny 4199 religions. I just deny one more. What makes you so sure that Mormonism is the right religion and all the others are fake? Have you stopped to think that had you been born somewhere else you would probably not be a Mormon and not believe in this religion at all?
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We don't really think they're wrong exactly, they just don't have the whole truth. And many teach the many things right, but don't have the access to things like eternal marriage that continues after life, not just "till death do us part". And they don't have the extra information and stuff that the Book of Mormon and living prophets continue to give us.
And I know you don't need God to help other people, which is what I meant (I admit I worded it weird), but I still think it would help a lot of people. :/
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And how exactly do you know that you have the whole truth? Mormonism isn't even the oldest religion in the world and it was founded by Joseph Smith, who was a con artist. Mormonism is actually one of the easiest religions to prove as fake, because it was invented less than 200 years ago, which is a period that we have access to in history.
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Well Mormonism follows the doctrines and teachings of Jesus Christ when he was on the Earth (Hence the name "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints") It wasn't founded or invented by Joseph Smith, it was restored by him, that's something that should be noted. And I guess, technically speaking, we don't have the whole truth yet, but we have living prophets and leaders of the church who are often in contact with God and Jesus.
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What about the other religions that claim they are in contact with God? Their prophets and leaders just talk to voices in their heads, but when it comes to your religion the voices are real?
And even if you do believe that the other religions don't have the whole truth, are you really that blind to not see that if you were raised in a different religion you would believe that that religion has the whole truth? If you were raised in a Muslim family, I very much doubt that you would find your way to Mormonism from there, that is, if you even survived leaving the Muslim faith, since the commandment from God to Muslims is that if you stop being a Muslim you must be killed. Are you that gullible to not see that?
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Sure, I'd probably believe another religion if that's what I was raised in, but just like countless others, I'd probably be likely to convert after having time to learn about this one. And maybe it might not be in this life, but there's still chances for everyone after life to have things like baptisms and eternal marriage preformed. And again, you don't have to be Mormon to get to heaven, you just need certain ordinances in order to become like God...
And sure, people in other religions can feel the promptings and hear the voice of the spirit, but it's not exactly the same. I know nothing I can say to explain this stuff will really make sense to you, though, so I'll probably call it quits here.
Like with KillingArts, hopefully some of the things I've said will help you understand our views a bit more, but I really don't know if any of it has made any sense to you. :/
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This is religion we're talking about, none of it will ever make any sense to me, but I am glad to know that your religion is a bit more tolerant towards gays than others and appears to be less violent in general.
Just a final question and we can end this discussion: if you can still become like God after you die, why even bother following his orders on Earth? Couldn't you technically go around breaking every single rule he set (being gay, committing adultery, stealing, killing, etc.) and still have the chance to make it to heaven after dying if you accepted him in that moment?
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While someone who never learned about him that would theoretically be possible, but it's not (supposed to be) any easier to accept it then than it is now, that's really weird to think about, though, of course. And the commandments he gives us are generally so that we'll want to live with him again, Jesus atoned for everything because he and God want everyone to be able to become like him, so the "judgement" in the afterlife is really more of "where will you be more comfortable?" if that makes any kind of sense.
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I agree that war wouldn't be gone if religion was gone. But if truly religious means truly embodying religious teachings, even if everyone had a religion, that would be ridiculous to expect; people always say it isn't the religion's imperfections but human imperfections that mar the name of religions.
Even if religion isn't a direct cause of many wars, even excluding ISIS, religion and race has been the top two justifications (meaning to be read as "excuse") for many wars in history. At least it would be more difficult to formulate justifications for wars. And in wars, justification is always more important than you think--there rarely are wars of pure aggression if any. More recent conflicts are a bit less about religion, but still many mass killings and persecution. Maybe not much in Western Europe and United States, but a lot has been done in Southeast Asia, India region etc. And secular states rarely persecute religious groups, while religious states most always do. There is a reason why most Western states have attempted to separate religion from state.
Anyways, I don't mean to say religion is bad. As I said, I think on a personal level, for a lot of people, it could do a lot of good. I just don't think everyone being religious would be better.
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subhuman beings? that is a term shaped by the nazis. and what you say is really not that different from what nazis said about other races. are you a nazi? disgusting. i hope, you don't really mean that.
i dislike religion. i find it ridiculous. but i don't dislike religious people. why should i, i don't even know all of them. and most are pretty nice people. it is stupid to hate all religious people. discriminating. you can hate ideas and ideologies, but you shouldn't hate a certain subset of people (you don't even know), just because of a particular opinion or belief they hold.
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^ this guy gets it.
it would be nice to have a more welcoming community, where people are allowed to disagreement without resorting to shaming and name calling.
People with a real life outside of this site have spent time with and befriended people of various religions, they come in all forms. From the best people i ever met to narrow minded individuals, such as the ones we find here today.
Not that acceptance has ever been practiced here on SG.
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I touched on the idea a bit above, but that was mostly for people with simple grudges. Sure there are people with legitimate complaints, but I have a hard time understanding them. When you're a member of the church, you come to learn that this church isn't really led by the "leaders" such as the Prophet, but by God and Jesus. The leaders of the church are just the ones who share his instruction and such here.
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Since you're exposing yourself by this attempt of proselytizing, It's also ok to let you know what other people think about your beliefs, right? You should know that you follow a fake religion, invented by a charlatan. I highly recommend you to read up the facts about your belief system, before trying to convince other people of this sham. Just like you think other people would be better off being in your club (and otherwise be doomed for all eternity...), I think you would be better off and having a more fulfilling life by actually knowing the facts and stop spreading the excesses of a troubled early 19th century mind. Give it a chance and educate yourself on the topic.
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You're tryin to convince someone who is balls deep in the Kool-Aid and is a 21st century missionary.
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Nah, there's little hope for that, people have to figure it out for themselves. If there is no desire to get out of the faith bubble, or to actually countercheck what they "believe" in, there's not much to do.
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Mormons don't believe you're doomed if you're not a member, they just believe you're not able to progress to be able to become like God. You can still make it to heaven without being in the church, though.
But you're free to think it's fake and that Joseph Smith got harassed to no end and eventually killed for something he made up, but I'm free to know that's not true as well.
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I gotta say, Possum, it took some major balls to post on these particular forums about what is apparently such a touchy subject for some people.
Speaking as a non-religious person - I'm more agnostic than anything, since I'm not narcissistic enough to believe I know everything (yet) - I'm always intrigued by and interested in religions and have been since I began asking questions about it at age 7 (unfortunately, the folks at Sunday School weren't as receptive to questions and I was promptly ejected and asked not to return).
Even if I don't prescribe to any religion (and perhaps never will), I do love learning as much about all of them as I can, so at the very least I can appreciate the information you've passed along. So, thank you for that. Also, be careful not to sit on those awfully big balls of yours, haha. ;)
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Lol, thanks. I'm sure people won't really understand my reasoning especially since I don't really either, but I just felt I should share it when I heard it. Normally if I saw some of the responses I've been getting I'd be adding a lot of people to my blacklist, but for some reason, I'm not getting angry... If I'm being honest (and I know it'll sound weird, lol) I think God wanted me to try to help somebody here so he's helping me stay calm and feel at least some of his love for all the people here. I feel somewhat hurt seeing some of the comments, but not really for myself, but for God (if that makes sense) because I can only imagine what it would be like to be watching over all your children and hearing them not only saying you don't exist, but also call each other stupid and try to hurt each other because they believe in you...
But anyways, sorry for the rant bit, I can understand being "turned off" by religion due to people who are supposed to be helping not being willing, but I'm happy to see that some people don't just quit at that. :)
And thinking about it, maybe this was partially for me, too, since I may not go an an actual church mission, but he wanted me to share how he feels about all of us, including me, even though we all make mistakes...
Ahh, but that's more weird religious/existential confusion, let's just stick with "thanks" for now. XD
I just looked and I'm up from 46 to 70 blacklists since I posted this XDDD. Somehow I'm still on more white lists, though, lol. That may change soon, though. You never know with people.
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Hate is a strong word and not quite appropriate for most of the reactions. I'm sure, for instance, that AwesomePossum50 is a lovely person. One can reject the ideas and beliefs of a person without hating the individual who clings to them.
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Don't we get enough proselytism in real life? Now we have to do it on a gaming giveaway site? This type of activity should be moderated with extreme prejudice.
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Ha, I see Mormons quite often around here.
They ride their bikes wearing their shirt and tie.
(Must be hot for them)
Trying to have a conversation with any of the locals here about there religion.
Even occasionally they stop to have a chat with me whenever I happen to be outside at the moment of their passing.
A benign bunch if u ask me. They will talk about their religion but when you make it clear that you have no interest in talking about religion, they wont pursue the matter and continue to have a talk about regular things without being rushed.
I haven't seen them in a while though :(
Ow and they always speak the local language so well. impressive that they can learn it in about 6 months prior to their arrival.
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Yeah, even to those not really interested, missionaries are always willing to help. The main goals of their 2-year missions are to serve the people in the area they're called to and to teach those who are interested or looking for a religion.
And now they only have about 3 months to learn the language they're assigned to before leaving to the area, so it's a lot of work for them, lol.
And the groups in each area get switched around every few weeks, usually, so they don't spend their whole time in one area, so maybe both the old missionaries got transferred out and the new ones do a different route or something...
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Well his steam profile says he's in Belgium... So maybe Dutch?
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If you compare atheists with religious people, we are way politer. Some of us are really annoyed because of the atrocities of religion and its intolerance. Most people from churches are narrow-minded, if you say you don't believe in their bullshit, they are going to say you are satanic.
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That's because you only see what you want to see. There are ways to attack someone while not using words that are considered "harsh" to the eyes of some people, and some religious people have done that in this very thread.
Was I impolite in this thread? Probably, although I definitely clarified that my intention wasn't to make fun of the OP, but to make fun of religion, as I have zero respect for that bullshit. But me or anyone in this thread who might have been impolite don't represent all the atheists in the world, so it's rather unfair for you to paint them all with the same brush just because of the actions of a few.
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I prefer:
People can make fun of Mormons with South Park or Book of Mormons (made by the same guys), although it actually shows how interesting this religion is. And probably more important, how strong the members are to be able to either ignore this humor, or even laugh about it (if it was about Catholics or Moslims, I'm sure they would have big issues).
And most importantly, all you guys who've seen either of these two know what a Mormon is (globally) and it's basic history.
PS. I'm not a Mormon, but a (non-church-going) Protestant who has interests in religions and their similarities instead of differences.
Everyone who says that religion is stupid should learn about it. Everyone who says that other religions are stupid, should learn his/her own religion first.
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I'm not saying that all Catholics or Moslims are without humor, but the past has proven that large groups within these religions (including leaders) are not amused when jokes are made about them.
Remember "Monty Python's Life of Brian"?
It was banned in cinema's, whole cities and even countries. The reason for this was that the Catoholic church said so...
And I think we can all image how political a satiric movie or even musical whould become when it was about Moslims. Especially in Europe where the stakes are already high.
In both the Netherlands and Germany comedians already had problems for making jokes about Moslims (although politicians can do what they want).
So yes, I know what I'm talking about. It has nothing to do with the religion itself, but with the people who have this religion.
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Neither comparison is apt, since Mormons live principally in North America, which has a strong culture of religious freedom, toleration, and integration. Almost all of the nasty examples of reactionary Catholics and Muslims that you allude to are in Europe or the Middle East. The most plausible explanation is that it has more to do with Mormons in North America (just like Catholics and Muslims in North America) by and large adopting North American religious norms, and less to do with members of one religion being inherently more tolerant of jokes about them.
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I'm not trying to start an argument or anything, and I personally enjoy learning about other religions but are you sure that a steam giveaway forum is a right place to talk about religious stuff with no relations to the steamgifts at all?
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84 Comments - Last post 28 minutes ago by Naviis
So this weekend was a semi-annual event thing for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (A.K.A LDS or Mormons) where talks given by leaders of the church are broadcast from Salt Lake City to members all across the world. There was one such talk today that I just felt like sharing to anyone who's ever been taught or visited by Mormon missionaries or been looking for a religion or even just been curious about the Mormon church in general. I'm not trying to force it onto anyone, just thought that there might be someone on SG that might be interested.
Anyways, here's a talk by Joaquin E. Costa, one of the many people helping lead the church around the world. If you are interested and want to hear more, there's a lot of talks on various aspects of our gospel and beliefs on the same site and other information on (The site and I believe the video can be viewed in many different languages as well, if you prefer a language besides English) . I'd like to say, however, I don't want arguments or anything here, so if you aren't interested please don't try to provoke or dissuade others who may be curious or any such thing, thanks.
P.S. There's no giveaway here, but if I can I'm thinking of making a special giveaway that may require learning a bit more about the Mormon Church.
P.P.S. Thanks to those users who whitelisted me, I'm still somehow on more whitelists than blacklists even after the 30 new ones, lol. :)
Just hope this helped someone.~
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