All you can really do is mark it as unreceived , as it was against the rules, but hopefully the gifter can get you an ROW copy so that you can mark it as received. the pink knight rocks btw - good choice .
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Gifts should be region free, and available to all users.
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Under the section:
EDIT: A bit late to the party, am I? xD
Well it won't hurt anyone to leave this comment here for "pay attention to this rule people!!!!" purposes ;)
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Of course it does... At the very least, it means expectation. Users are obligated to provide region free gifts, but it cannot be really enforced until the GA is over. In this case, the giveaway was expected to be region free, but it wasn't.
For reference:
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Don't be a dick. Just send it back and mark it received. Dude may not even know it was region locked.
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They do not mark it received. That would only earn them a suspension should it be noticed they don't own it.
No matter what you think, the creator didn't follow site rules.
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3 year member telling someone else to risk getting reported for non-activation. fascinating.
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It may have been a typo. The way he wrote the sentence, it would seem he meant to say "...and mark it unreceived."
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LOL @ replying to topics that are like a month old. Go fall in a hole. Could have been an honest mistake by the guy that gifted it. The OP didn't even contact the guy before making the topic, which is why I said don't be a dick. The guy may have jsut bought him one for his region. without having to make a public spectacle about it all.
that guy is right too. I meant to say DON'T mark it received, but either way you're a tool.
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The request has to come from the person who made the giveaway.
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Rules says Gifts "SHOULD" be region free no "HAVE TO" be... No rule was broken here. Ask creator for the reroll and send him gift back. ( you will not have to mark as recieved/nonrecieved) You can't brake aby rule if it contain SHOULD. Giveaway creator did not broke any rule.
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So the law in the US and UK is not restricting anything because its using therms like "should be" and "should be not" almost all the time instead of "have to"? He is not right at all. Translated to most other languages it might be the case, but not in native english ;-)
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You can read the WRITTEN law your self as well instead of asking random people. Its not so hard and written things exist to be read in the end :)
Of course you are allowed to ask whoever you want at any time you want to be sure :)
I was thinking like you once because translated to german and/or russian (i am native speaker of both languages) there is a big (in german) and even insane (in russian) difference. The International Patent Law did prove me wrong while my studies once o_o
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I think even in English, a guideline is not a rule. This issue should be clarified and coded into a rule if it's going to be inforced as such.
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Mh. My guideline is not a guidline at all. What about your guideline?
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I have similar situation right now. But i didn't accepted gift, because steam site showed me, that it is region locked. I tried to contact GA creator, but he didn't accepted my invite. It just leave mo one option: i will mark as not received after couple days.
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Return the gift to the gifter and mark as unreceived, unless he's able to provide you with an non-restricted copy. This is the only thing to do.
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And I think you shall be glad that you didn't redeem it...
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Thanks. I was looking for what to do when someone gifts you a region-locked copy of a, refuses to give a working copy and demands you to mark the game as received even after you return the copy.
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I was wondering why everything said 3 weeks ago, yet this was near the top of the forums. Glad it help and that you actually used the search feature instead of reposting the same question again.
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That's what the seach is for.
They taught me that on school back in the 50's of the 2th century when I was young. As seen in this documentary:
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Using brains and tools available to avoid unnecessary repetition of same questions in this age and time? Blasphemy!
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Seems to be the latest trend. The last two games I've won have been region locked.
Think it would help if the site adds a checkbox verifying if the gift is ROW that the person must check before they can make a giveaway? Or better yet, add a third verification option: Received / Not Received / Region Locked
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It's only the latest trend because of Steam's decision to region lock everything by default. Even though there's a red message when you're purchasing the gift, many people are still unaware of that. And maybe others know but just don't care and try to risk getting a winner from their region.
The truth is that the gift is not received by the winner. I mean, they can technically receive it, but they can't use for themselves. So, there's no need for a third verification option.
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The store pages do not show this always, but the gift itself in the inventory will show it.
I'm don't know about keys, though.
But if turns out they got a region locked one, they should at least take it back and either request a new winner until they get one that works, or give a gift that works. And not go "I gave you the game, I don't care if you can't use it".
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I won a giveaway for the Castle Crashers Pink Knight DLC. When I redeemed the gift, it said, "This is a restricted gift which can only be redeemed in these countries: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Bahamas, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, Brazil, Mexico".
The gift gave me the option to put it into my inventory, and so I did that. The question is, "What do I do?" It's not really "unreceived", so I don't want to mark it as such and get someone else in trouble who (most likely) just didn't realize his gift was region locked. If I mark it as received, will I get in trouble for not redeeming it? Should I contact support? Is there already an accepted procedure for this scenario?
EDIT: Oh and by the way I only put it into my inventory because I forgot about the new restriction on trading games until 30 days after purchase... But in the event that I have to mark as unreceived or something, I can just gift it back to the original owner.
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