Sould I buy one newly released game , or more than one game that is older or cheaper?
thanks mate :D, hope good things happen to every one
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If you realy want to make something BIG than make a generous donation to SteamGifts users - something like a triple-AAA title (God of War, Horizon, Dying Light 2 etc.)
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Well it does not make a difference to me whether I spend 50$ on one game or 5x10$ on five games, I would be spending 50$ in both cases, but it is different for the community and that's why I created the poll to go with what majority wants,
also By the time I get these and be able to host the giveaway there might be newer games released
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thanks mate :D , it was sort of a lucky thing getting the job, actually haven't got it yet though, but as for graduating, that should have happened a while ago.
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Same can be said for me,whit the only difference that i lost all my family (passed away)more of them because of fucking shit eternit that i start very hate this material now,dog too (that i had for 14 years with me and love it like a brother) and lost work,after i lost my gf too (that i have for 12 years) and start have problems health big too about stress and no one that help me... but anyway i has been strong continue to take care my healt adapt situation and try to fight back for life better,and just 4 days ago i go talk with a shop owner that maybe next 1-2 months give me a new work,sadly it will be underpaid (around 200€ for 1 month of work very hard and very fatigue) but i'm happy that finally i found it because it's many years try to find it and never can,maybe also next week i start new love gf,i hope this time this is someone love me because of me and not because of my money like the precedent,that until i have money\family\dog\health stay with me 12 years,then when i lost my family and i start sick lost work etc. leave me so i was little bit disappoint about this but ok nevr mind it's not a problem many ladies have in our planet i'm sure i can start new love with another.
in all this i must say for me SG was helpful too,because for me sg is not only a website for giveaway or win games but i feel it like sort of game that remove stress from me,it's fun to enter and see if i win or to see people happy to play some games that i not need because i have alread or is not my taste and so i give it away,sadly the work i find is not what u study for,but because it's long years me without a work and what i study for is imposible to find in my city so i'm happy that i found this for now also if low salary and more fatigue and must work with people i not like but it is ok,i do it also for my family that is on paradise.
Now the only thing i'm worry is i'm not 100% sure i will be able to do my new work because i have some big problem health that make me fall down in stairs etc. and i must go do work very big fatigue manage heavy pack etc. but i hope what my family teach me before to passed away ( that still continue live in my memory all days) will help me to continue go next for a better life and out from this bad moment.
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Only the fact that we have the opportunity to have the life and still Alive is reason for be happy for me after i see all people passed away much , so i'm happy only about this,then yes if better things come i will be + happy.
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I'm very sorry to hear that :`(
I hope thing take a turn for you and get better
Stay strong
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it's ok,we will be happy and smile and laugh go next ^_^
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very true , the only difference is though our life does not have a profile page to showcase the achievements XD
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thnx :D, and I hope it gets better for everyone too
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thnx :D, yeah I hope too , and good wishes for everyone
the 3rd one is a 50/50 right now , it will happen for sure but who will be on the other end of that will be different XD
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Got a lot of positive feedback, sorry if the comments get too many and I can't answer or thank every one down the road
And I forgot it but happy valentines to all couples and hope singles find someone they like soon :D
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Thanks, although I haven't tried hard before, Should do it from now on though :D
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Thanks mate, yeah but I should have graduated some time before so it's rather a delayed success because of my shortcomings, and it's not a fact yet but I hope it happens,
about the voting, I would like if you voted too, I rather give multiple games so more people would benefit but again I wanted to go with what the majority wanted.
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thanks mate, I liked that "may" you put in there XD , because actually I did not do what I had to for half that time, so that little may fits into my situation perfectly :-D
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well thanks for the kind words
yeah I did cheat in some games though , although mostly were bugs I stumbled upon and used
but to be fair, not GTA game is not fun without a couple of tank falling from the sky!!
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Congrats on all your current events and your future ones!
Also, don't break the bank and give whatever you can, if you so much want.
I mostly giveaway bundled stuff because that is the amount of money I can spent on giveaways.
When I can give more, I do as such. When I can't, i give from my stash of bundles.
People should be happy with a gift, no matter the cost.
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thanks mate and thanks in advance for the future ones XD
yeah I get what you say, at the moment even if I get hired and get the paycheck it would not be a perfect or even normal situation , add to that the fact if the third one happens my expenses would go up ,
but I wanted to share the first paycheck with every important aspect of my life, so I decided I donate some of it into feeding homeless animals, some of my long time and closest friend plus family, and the gaming community, so I will start saving and managing my paychecks after the first one more accurately than IRS does its investigations , but the first one I would like to give away as much as I can.
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Thanks, well I'm happy for you , nice job , as for me , I Haven't actually got Hired yet so that one is a optimistic guess for me XD
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thanks mate, yeah , I actually didn't have a lot to do because I could not spare anything extra, and did not want to put pressure on my family for that, it' good now I can take care of myself and even help them when needed
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Congrats and good luck on the new job! It's quite something when things in your life are shaping up as you want them to be.
Just remember works is a part of life and not the whole of it. Keep some time for your friends and loved ones and for yourself.
And being an intern doesn't take away your right to say "no" if you are ever under water with the tasks given to you.
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well thanks a lot for the great advice , will keep them in mind definitely :D
although since this will be a coordination with another company located in Europe, the very first job I would have will impose more pressure on me, but it will be worth it as if successful, it will open up new opportunities for me, maybe even easing my way to migrate.
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thank you very much mate, well it is definitely gonna be bigger, but which way it swings will define how big it would be and how fast will it move forward
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exactly, without luck you might not even succeed, but with luck you only have to try your best, also some things solely rely on luck , specially on one party's end, like this third matter that seems to have gotten tanked for now :|
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Grats on everything going well for you as you move into being self-sufficient.
Also, about the giveaways... there's a list of the games that the most people have wishlisted (remember, your SG account is linked to your Steam account and can see every game in your wishlist). You don't have to take the number 1, or the $50 one ... but it can help you narrow down your choices of what to look into getting, if you're going to get something specific and not just a bundle from Fanatical, for example.
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thanks mate; about the wishlist, I can see what I wishlisted , but I can't see what games have been more wishlisted by the community,
would be glad to learn how to do that?
well unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I can't buy anything from humble bundle or fanatical , Green Man Gaming, Game Billet,
because of the restriction imposed On my country I can't use credit or debit cards, and or now my access to prepaid Visa or master cards has been cut off, so all my options will fall into either gifting the game directly on steam (which steam ruined that and we have to consider the 8% rule for the difference of regions), or I have to but from options that accept crypto currencies or Razer Gold, which means either official stores like Gamers Gate and Indiegala, or greymarket sites (which would be my last resort since many people would not like the key to be from those), although will do this with complete coordination with the community and will try to get them from sales so I can give more (I would be contributing a total of 50$ or 60$ anyway so there is no advantage for me personally, but that way I might be able to give away more games), so let's hope I actually get Hired and get payed . XD
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What Gwyn linked is not your personal wishlist, but in fact the wishlist for the whole site. The games you see there are the games wishlisted by the most users on the site :)
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yeah just found that out sorry for acting misunderstood , just clicked the link and saw it's the community most wishlisted games xD
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Congrats on graduation :) and, since is a present, up to you
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thanks a lot , like I said before I prefer if you voted too, although I had done a lot of thinking and got to accept that not voting is actually kind of voting too! XD
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thanks a lot, yeah thanks for the wish of luck too though it seems right now that both possibilities related to the third event might go straight out the window before arriving :|
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Hey, How are you folks doing?
I have given away some minor DLCs and games before, but now I want to celebrate two (or maybe three!) important events in my life,
1st my graduation from university
2nd getting Hired in the company I currently am an Intern in
(3rd TBA if happens)
So These are Big changes for me since I have been through this for a long time and now change has finally stepped in my life, in addition to another local giveaway , I wanted to share this with the community, so please any one that passes by this discussion, participate in this poll, I will put another poll so people can vote for games in near furute, The give away will happen in about 1-2 months when I get Hired and receive my first paycheck. this won't be a big giveaway due to financial issues regarding my country but I will try to spare as much as I can to this Giveaway.
Please participate in this poll so I can get a general Idea about what the community is interested In and also check back about a month from now for Updates and new poll for selecting the game(s)
Have a nice week folks.
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