Well I loved DQ1 so I'll probably still pre-order this on Steam.
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It's because it's a SRPG/TD. In sandbox games, like Minecraft, Terraria or Starbound, alpha and beta access makes sense because the game is more or less there.
With a SRPG/TD, alpha/beta is much less appealing. More or less all you're doing is testing buggy, incomplete skills, characters and battles, reporting bugs and providing feedback. Ideally you don't want absolutely everyone getting a hand on this mess, so you find ways to set up a small, controlled group. For DQ1, they kept all alpha / beta testing internal, but this time they're allowing people who really want to help the game and suffer through the frustrations have a way to do so. If you're an active member of the DQ1 community who has been supporting DQ1, chances are they're just inviting you into the alpha / beta tester groups because you've shown you can deal with it and be patient through the problems that come with developing and balancing a game.
But you know what, you stick it to those indie devs trying to pay their bills while they work on the game you'll one day spitefully purchase at the most meager amount you can. Fight the power!
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so? what's the fucking difference of sandbox vs RPG for early bea access?
I'm not expecting for a full playable game in alpha and beta, I want to see and bring feedback to the devs for it. You are shunning out new testers that want to give feedback. If you really want to get those bugs squished faster, catch inconsistencies faster, then don't shun out new beta testers. I'm not gonna fucking support a game that forces new testers to pay triple just to get invited with your closed alpha/beta.
What a fucking lame excuse to squeeze more money to people.
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To me it's like the difference between giving someone an unfinished box of legos and an unfinished boardgame, or the terrible first draft of a book.
Legos are largely representative of the final product and you can actually do things with them. The others you really don't want being shown off as representing your game. It also cheapens the experience of playing through the actual game for the first time if you've been through continuous story rewrites, character changes, buggy battles and save wipes.
There's no real need to give absolutely everyone access. That's my view on it, at least. I dunno what the developer's reasons are. Maybe if you want to be invited into the alpha/beta for free, you could start by contributing some good suggestions here - they're soliciting them from the community. http://steamcommunity.com/app/218410/discussions/
But given that you don't appear to have ever played DQ1 according to your steam stats, I dunno why you care all that much. =P
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Actually, disregard my posts. The dev clarified why the alpha/beta tiers exist on his forum:
First of all, people who have been helpful to us in the past with alpha/beta testing for DEFQ1 will be eligible for free alpha/beta tiers for DEFQ2 depending on how much they've participated. We made alpha/beta tiers a pre-order bonus because people have requested it, and it makes sense to create an option that doesn't require an invite from us.
So they have their alpha / beta group already based on existing translators / bugtesters, the option is just there for anyone who wants to join that tiny group. I dunno if that answer is to your satisfaction, buuut... there it is. :P
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Does anyone want to pitch in $12.50 for the Normal Tier and get it cheaper? Reply to this if so.
It gives:
A Gift key for a DRM-Free copy of Defender’s Quest I + Steam key, ready to play RIGHT NOW!
DRM-Free copy of Defender’s Quest II + Steam key on release
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4-Packs are 25% off. People have organized 4-pack purchases on SteamGifts before. The Starbound thread had a few.
You can see the 4-pack options on this pge: http://www.defendersquest.com/2/?page=preorder
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That achieve (and Hero Mode++), I already have -- it's the damn last gold star that's really eluding me! And then I'll try Endless Challenge 2. And then I win! :)
Downloaded Super Space Defenders, but haven't tried it yet -- it sounds awesome though (I dig all the writing in the game), and reading through dev docs it was nice to see just how moddable the game is.
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Oh, neat. The first one was surprisingly good, so I'll probably end up buying the second one as well.
Not gonna pre-order though.
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Looks like the dev created a giveaway for Defender's Quest 1, 50 copies. =D
Hopefully people who want it will remember they can get it for free with a DQ2 preorder.
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780 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by AceBerg42
Information about the game - http://www.defendersquest.com/2/?page=home
Steam page for Defender's Quest 1: Valley of the Forgotten, containing a fairly lengthy demo for download that lets you transfer your save to the full version - http://store.steampowered.com/app/218410
Pre-order page - http://www.defendersquest.com/2/preorder
Defender's Quest is one of the extremely few, if not only, Tower Defense games that mixes RPG mechanics into it's game to spice things up from the usual TD fare. Your towers are your characters, and they persist from battle to battle. They level up, they can be equipped with items, they have branching skill trees you can select from and they each have a role to play in the plot. It doesn't hurt that it has modding capability with the Steam workshop, an enhanced NewGame+ option and a fairly nice steam card badge. That skull -is- pretty sweet.
So you can understand why I'm so excited about the release of the sequel, which promises better character art, bigger battle screens, a larger roster of characters and a turtle tank.
If you don't have DQ1, I sincerely suggest playing through the few hours of content the demo gives you. If you like it, preorder DQ2 and get DQ1 for free. If you already have DQ1? Give away your key to a buddy, or just give it out on SteamGifts for $15 contributor value.
With that out of the way, would anyone like to organize a 4-pack for any of the tiers? =P
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