By crafting badges from the cards dropped by games
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Craft a game badge
Starting July 3rd, crafting a game badge earned you a "mystery card" rather than a coupon. These mystery cards are now Summer Getaway cards. So if you crafted a badge in the last week, you're already ahead of the game. During the sale, each game badge you craft will get you a Summer Getaway trading card.
Make a purchase
As an additional reward for purchasing, for every $10 USD spent during the sale you'll get a Summer Getaway trading card. To view your progress to the next card, select the "How do I get more cards?" link from your Summer Getaway badge page. Note: applies to purchases made on the Steam store (including gifts), excluding pre-purchases and in-game purchases.
Vote in the Community's Choice
If you're Steam Level 5 and above, you'll get a card every third time you vote for the Community's Choice Flash Sale. If you reach Steam Level 5 before the end of the sale, you'll be granted the cards you earned by voting.
Trade for them
That's why they're called trading cards! Find friends and make trades. Your Summer Getaway badge page shows which friends have the cards you need.
Buy them from the Community Market
Sell the cards you don't need and buy the ones you do with other Steam Community members. If you aren't interested in badge-crafting, you can also turn the cards into Steam Wallet funds to buy more games.
View the Community Market.
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Ha, no, I was waiting for them to reveal what they would do so that the price would skyrocket and I could make some easy money. They went from $1 to $2.80.
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Now going for $5+. Do I get a shitty badge, card and emoticon or $20? Tough choice.
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Missing Bioshock Infinite and Kerbal Space Program.
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i got bioshock infinite if you want it, i know this isn't steamtrades, but still
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That's why they'll never release HL3. People get too high expectations and it's never pleased. What they wanted for summer sale? free games?
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Valve could start with improving the quality of their service or at least keeping it at the same level.
Trading Cards: No real use aside from making money. Also, beta participants got fucked because they got worthless coupons for their badges instead of Mystery Cards
Sales: Actually they gave away free games/dlcs at the beginning and there was a cool achievement hunt. To be successful in this sale, you actually need to spend money...
Discounts: GMG and Amazon had better deals. Also, if you check Steam twice a week, you could have bought most of the games already at almost the same price
This sale is exactly like the last two sales which also were disappointments
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"Actually they gave away free games/dlcs at the beginning and there was a cool achievement hunt"
And it was exploited.
"To be successful in this sale, you actually need to spend money..."
It's a sale. Steam is a game distributor, not a charity. People should get their shit together and stop whining because they don't get free stuff
"Trading Cards: No real use aside from making money"
Achievements are worthless too, but many people sems to like them. About the trading cards, they're not relevnt to my interests, so I made $10 selling the ones I have twice. I got them for free, so it seems like they're giving free stuff after all
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So, instead of fixing the problem and making it better, they whine about it ad worsen their system?
People don't whine because they don't get free games. They whine because Valve set standards regarding digital distribution a few years ago and became worse since then. To remain the number one, a company actually has to improve their service (or at least keep it at the same level), otherwise the customers focus on those companies that do. In this case Amazon and GMG
Achievements are for free. Cards cost money because you either need to buy them or trade them with other things you bought for money. You get only 1/10 of the required cards for free
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What would be the point of a "trading" card game, if you get them all for free? You can trade them, it's not mandatory to buy them. Anyway,they're simply an addition to a game distribution system, they have the importance that any particular user wants to give them. It's not like you have to use the cards to user your steam games
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So, you're agreeing to the first 2 paragraphs? That's good
I would agree if this would actually be a trading card game. But the way it's now it's a badge-buying game. You don't even see the cards any more. However, it's true that they are optional right now. We'll see, how the whole Steam level thingy develops
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Doesn't fucking mater anyway because the market is broke again. Can't list anything and it never shows up, did they really not see that coming after the Market was unstable for 8+ hours after the beta was lifted.
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If you're Steam Level 5 and above, you'll get a card every third time you vote for the Community's Choice Flash Sale. If you reach Steam Level 5 before the end of the sale, you'll be granted the cards you earned by voting.
Thats nice I think...
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Means the cards are gonna sell for like 30 cents. SELL NOW FOLKS
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it will come back, don't worry. Steam is being megaraped ATM so give it a lil time to catch it's breath
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anyone still have problems with community market?
now all cards have listings again, so apparently for the most it works fine again.
Still I can't sell anything because my cards didnt get listed.
Price is falling really fast and I cant sell anything while others can. :(
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They probably bugged out, I was getting a lot of market errors
edit: the card is back again :)
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What do you mean you didn't get a complete set of mystery cards before the sale began?
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