I've found something I've invested myself quite a while ago.
And now you want others to invest too? How generous of you.
Just add some emojis and this is another MLM post.
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When you're so sure it's a scam in a way or another so you don't bother to read
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What, you're saying statements like this don't instill you with confidence?
be serious, don't joke around, no one will be able to help you if you make any mistake !
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LMAO all of you didn't even bother to try to understand and just stated it's scam, because it's not as easy to understand than you wish it to be. Sorry snowflake. For real don't believe then but do your own research instead of claiming it's a scam. Come back on this page next year and you will be crying for missing out this opportunity. I feel so dumb to have wasted my time to write this introduction to NFT / DeFi games. I should have just stay silent about it and none of you will have heard of it until it's too late and become mainstream. But yeah dummy me believing in respectable behaviour on internet is possible.
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You know it’s a scam, when someone gets so aggresively defensive about it. I’m guessing you put money into it, and are now trying to get other people to do the same because you’re scared that you’ll lose yours. Good luck buddy.
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i'm not putting anything from my bank into some weird program - thanks but goodbye
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So you are telling me to spend 600€ to start playing that turd ? I will pass thank you.
I hate everything about crypto and i hope it will crash and disappear forever.
We have people hoarding hundreds (if not thousands) graphical cards to farm that crap and in the future we will see thousands of those shitty NFT "games".
Future is looking bright.
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The main problem with owning an item or a piece of land in a game is that it will become obsolete.
Unlike owning real land your virtual land will one day go offline, sure, you will have it in your own wallet, but what can you do with it without the infrastructure to access it or sell it?
I have played a few NFT games, I did make some profit, but I got rid of the items before the games tanked, which was only a few days after the initial hype.
There are 1001 cash grabs out there with zero gameplay, just reskin and release again.
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so basically Earth 2.0 all over again
Thanks but I will let other fools burn their cash
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It's not a scam kek if you guys aren't interested, you don't have to go against it
NFTs are the future of gaming for sure
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typical pump-and-dump crypto psychology of FOMO to create excitement and get unsuspecting poor souls to invest in yet another meaningless NFT reskin...
everybody rushing to NFTs likes flies to a honey-pot, with the promise of easy money hanging like a golden bait... it's madness of crowds social mania!
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Lol, NFT is a scam. You pay for nothing (no, you don't own anything when you pay), and you support crypto which supports mining.
It's just bad.
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I didn't read deeply. If I understood, I need a few crypto to begin with buying some NFT, and then earn crypto by playing or loaning my NFT ? And I can buy those crypto to start with my regular bank account ?
Ok, that's great to share that with us, but doing all of this I would feel like a thief, because I can't reward you for your insights !
I have an offer for you : make me a loan, with little interest, of the cryptos to begin with. I'll play like you said and reimburse you that loan with interest with what I will earn playing ! That way you'll earn something for your good advice ! (and I will not feel like a thief)
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Hello, or rather good evening.
I've found something I've invested myself quite a while ago. But I've never saw any mention about it on Steam. So here the reason why, I've decided to make one instead. Enough with the teasing, I will explain how Play to Earn works. And before we start sorry for my passable english and dyslexia. Geez this is gonna be messy, sorry if there is some confusion.
"What you can get paid while playing game ?" Even if you're not streaming or a pro player, yes indeed now you can.
This games are based on Web3.0 aka metaverse in interaction with crypto and blockchain.
All the mentionned games in the title are NFT games (Non Fongible Tokken) meaning there are unique and no other same exist. So it's like a collection, no one except you own it. This notion of OWNING is very important.
Let's make an example in regular game : WoW, Fortinite, Overwatch, PUBG, CS, LoL and so on... On all of this game you play with skins, weapons, heroes, comestics, pets, which you've sometimes bought via in game money putting real money to convert it into the money of the game. But your account belong to you yes, but not completly if the company of the game (Blizzard, Epic, Riot) decide to withdraw a skin, weapons, pets or whatever you can't do anything about it. Because even if you own it, you own it on server ruled by a company who can choose to do as it wish as the ruler. This is call Centralisation when one entities decide what is possible or not.
Hence the point of NFT is Decentralisation aka DeFi (Decentralised Finance), you own it completly, you own a piece of the games which cannot be takken from you unless you choose to sell it.
"Yeah ok bro but why does it matter to me ? I play the game I like" Yeah but you do not decide on anything on it and that is fine as long as you're okay with it.
On DeFi games, you can own a tokken which bring you governance decision on what should be done or not and with the other users of the games which as well own tokken you choose the future, destination, roadmap of the game.
Every project on crypto has a WHITE PAPER (except scam) where everything about the project is explained if you wanna dive into it deeper to know what you're getting into.
So in these games you can own items, lands, pets, skill and so on. Where you got the privilege to speficaly own it and thus manage it the way you want. Sound complex to understand I know, I'm not very clear sorry.
For example on Axies Infinity you need 3 Axies to start the game which you must bought in the marketplace from the players not the company because they own these Axies (little monsters) as NFT. They've got the KEYS to use or sell it.
In game you own SLP a crypto which allow you to breed your axies to make a new one (you need some AXS as well to breed) for playing with it reselling it for money, your decision, your choice.
You can choose to resell the SLP you earn by playing the game 1SLP(Sweet Love Potion) is fluctuating around 0.15 to 0.29€ it might go lower of higher, welcome to crypto hahaha ^^.
You can earn 150SLP or 200SLP each day if you're good at it. Do the math 150SLP x 0.21€ (the current price 30/07/21) = 31.5€ made in one day (I'm not very good at the game and manage to do it between 2 to 3hours) by playing a game sound to good to be true right ? Yet it is, you're not dreaming or reading it wrong. But remember to get started you need to get started by buying 3 Axies from players. The current price is 0.1 ETH (Ethereum) for the lowest one but the price is climbing. So 0.1 ETH x 3 = 0.3 ETH needed to get started if you've got the money. If not they're still the possibility to play by becoming a schoolar, meaning someone lend you his axies and you play instead of him and both share the revenue made with the SLP earned.
On this link you can check the price for ETH (Ethereum) and do your math https://coinmarketcap.com/
If you want to start on Axies Infinty, below is what to do, be serious, don't joke around, no one will be able to help you if you make any mistake !
"Yeah ok bro sound cool, but how the fuck do I buy this ETH or whatever ?" You need to make an account on crypto exchange such as Binance, Kraken, Coinbase and so on.
Or you can get it from a DEX (Decentrilised Exchange aka Uniswap on ETH network, Pancakeswap on the BSC network, or Quickswap on Matic, don't know well enough about DOT, SOL blockchain) but this is already hard enough to explain, let's not add to many things.
Once you've made an account do a deposit from your bank to the exchange and you're ready to go an buy ETH. After you've got your ETH you need to withdraw it from the exchange but to where ?? To your personal private wallet where you own your keys aka code to your crypto. Metamask is the reference as of now not the best thing, but a tool that does it job. Metamask is chrome, firefox extension that you need to add to your browser. And then create an account.
Don't joke around with your seed phrase don't share it to anyone this your password / key to your money. If you share it your money will get stolen, pictures forbidden, nothing on drive, or internet write it on paper and hide it. Metamask is hot wallet, not the safest one if you want the safest you will need a cold wallet such as Ledger or Trevor.
Brief recap, so far you've made an account on an exchange, did deposit, bought some ETH, made a private wallet.
After that check your ADDRESS of your private wallet, once you find it copy it into the exchange to withdraw your ETH. You MUST always verify is the address you've entered is the correct one if there is one wrong character, boom your money is lost an no one will be able to help you recover it since you send to the void or an other private wallet but not yours. There is no way to cancel it once you've send it so be very carefull with it.
Now you've got your ETH on your private wallet and you're getting closer to buying your Axies to play the game. Since the update Axies Infinity made it's own sidechain where you need to use the "Ronin wallet" same as metamask, this is a private wallet. Write your seed phrase, once again don't joke around do it carefully don't make any mistakes while writing it and don't share it.
So now use the bridge from the Ronin Wallet via Axies Infinity website to transfer your ETH from Metamask to Ronin. Same thing before sending it, check the is the address you're sending your ETH is the correct one.
And there you are last step is to buy the 3 Axies from the marketplace aka players reselling their NFT call in this game as Axies. Once done download the app connect your account via Ronin wallet to Mavis launcher to start the game. AAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNDDDDDDD you're in !!! The only left is to learn how to play the game.
Congratulations on joining us on the metaverse !!!!
If you find this meaningfull or helpful, I might explain how some other NFT / DeFi games works but as of now I need to go back and farm my SLP.
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