Don't bother, you will be wasting your time. Read the info on VAC bans, because they are automatically issued, they are rarely, if ever, taken away. Once you get VAC banned, you're fucked. It is just one of the many ways Valve screws some innocent people over.
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Well then it doesn't hurt to bother Steam support about it. Repeatedly. Don't take no for an answer. And if they still refuse to look into it, stir up as much publicity as you can, writing to every gaming-related and law-related magazine, blog, etc. you can find.
Of course, only do that if you're sure it's a false positive. If it turns out they do have proof, then you'll have done a disservice to the cause of all innocent ban victims.
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Aye. A lot of these "I've been VAC banned, I never cheated!!!!" threads on the internet are full of shit. You rarely ever see anything about bans happening to innocent players. There are websites which take threads like this one, then has devs giving proof of cheating.
But yes, if you didn't cheat, stir up a shitstorm. Or you could take them to a small claims court.
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It doesn't seem related with a VAC ban your lost. Or is it?
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Well, this is without a doubt, the dumbest thing I've ever seen.
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I don't see how removing items of value that you maybe put a lot of hard time in to getting through gameplay or trade, often through random luck-based drops, because you cheated in an online game, is fair. Even if you used a badass aimbot, it didn't help you on the luck of your drops, or to trade better.
The punishment has nothing to do with the crime, in any way shape or form.
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Oh I agree wholeheartedly - I fucking hate cheaters / hackers etc. - come on cxiong dude, you know how much of a "witch hunt" type I am when it comes to rule breakers / immoral behavior ;P. However, screw them in a sense befitting their crime. I.e. - no more online games for you, no more fucking other peoples' games up, no more fun multiplayer times for you, bucko. That should be their punishment.
However, as someone pointed out to you way down below, VAC bans aren't VAC-wide - only applicable to the servers of the game you hacked on (save for Valve games). I think they should be. People scummy enough to try and hack in any online game (save for VAC disabled servers where the intent is crazyness with hacks like "fun" servers back in CS 1.3 days where everyone had hacks and this was the whole idea) to gain an unfair advantage over others like a little nooby bitch, shouldn't be allowed to play multiplayer games, period, the anti-social immoral fucks.
See? I am harsh too! :P
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It has a lot to do with the crime. If a guy steals your car, he doesn't get to keep it if he's busted for it.
Or, maybe a more related issue could be you cheating at a poker game. Do you think the people sitting across you would let you keep the money you just "won"?
Problem here is not the punishment, problem is if he's done nothing wrong to get a VAC ban..
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Wow, you really fail at critical thought.
THINK for a second before you post people, really.
1) "If a guy steals your car.."?? We're not talking about someone stealing TF2 items then having them removed when caught.
2) "..cheating at a poker game.."?? So, cheating in a way that enabled you to have higher, unfair chances at gaining the profits of the pot? We're not talking about someone using hacks that gave higher drop rates for TF2 items. We're talking about people using wallhacks, aimbots, and the like. All of which do nothing to help you get more TF2 items.
Again, the punishment has nothing to do with the crime.
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Are you talking about "aimbot"? What do you think an "aimbot" is?
We're talking typical hacks here - aimbots (that automate aiming at enemies for you), wallhacks, and the like. None of which improve the amount of items you'd get from TF2. 99% of TF2 items are gotten by account idlers, anyway.
Again, have a punishment befitting the crime.
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Ask valve for the reason they VAC banned you and tell us the reason , there is slighty chance that we can help you if you are telling the truth
Edit: saw that you said you sent a ticket, good :) , let us know what they said
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Won't do any good. Valve never removes a VAC ban. He shouldn't have cheated.
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He just said he didn't use any cheats or hacks, did you not read the OP?
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Nobody ever denies it unless they're innocent right?
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You are first time reading such topic? I'm not saying OP is lying, but there were tons of SAME threads in the web and their authors got busted by game developers, who posted proofs for their cheats. It's always like "omg why ban? i didn't cheat, i earned that 9999999999999 credits on my own!".
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Not really. I've seen Valve staff on the Steam forums replying to those "I never cheat" threads telling them the exact cheat they used.
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I used to think computers where perfect till they accidentally banned my SteamID from a server even though they insist I had a different name they still think I did it. lol
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I think nobody here can help you with that problem...
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Well if its on the internet it must be true.
The president is a lizard.
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The earth is hollow, and there's an alien race living inside.
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Explains the screams I heard when digging as a child.
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If it is living inside the Earth it is from Earth, so it can't be alien.An object is alien if it isn't from Earth.
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Because asteroids, meteors, space ships, and cometary panspermia don't and can't exist, right?
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I can confirm what you wrote here. That is how exactly work software like VAC and Punkbuster. They scan memory and game directory using a cheats database and heuristic to find new cheats.
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What i have heard is that they got a library with the most common cheats so they can regonice them. Everytime they find a new cheat, it gets in the library. Thats why there is some cheats that you can't be banned for (yet) ^^ But like the others said, its BULLSHIT :P! Just heard it from a Steam friend, nothing more :3
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Actually, VAC doesn't scan your entire PC. Nothing outside of the steam and / or games' install directory, Windows directory, and maybe environment variable locations (such as "My Documents" etc).
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There's this thing called ToS that let them do it because you agreed to it.
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But if you give them your permission, they are allowed to do it.
Also, companies like Google use policies like "they never said we cannot collect their information, therefore we can do it until they say no". I have no doubt that is illegal, if not, it should be.
And, hey. I didn't know you used this site, lol.
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There is no hack whatsoever in existence that enables you to shoot through walls, for any game. This would mean modifying the map file during gameplay. Do you mean, he could see through walls?
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Then that game was coded like shit, pure and simple. I've never heard of this in other games before. This would mean either a) the data sent from client to server wasn't checked by server (as in - client says "my bullet went through this wall and hit that player", server doesn't check to see if there's no walls in between the players) and / or b) the client was able to override the server-side check.
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Nope. Aimbot, sure, but there were no hacks to shoot through walls around for CS, except for very early on in 1.2 days. By 1.3, this wasn't possible any more. And this has never been possible in CSS - save for people with wallhacks discovering, through experimentation, seams between polygons in levels / wrongly designed walls / doors etc, that they could shoot through anyway, or line shots up through and get headshots through 3 walls or so.
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Why are you telling me? Contact Steam Support and tell them that their rules are stupid. Go ahead.
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Impossible. VAC doesn't ban for nothing. Trust me.
EDIT: Umh, there were a few waves where innocent people were banned in huge numbers but Steam takes care of it. OP's ban is not the case.
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Really? Never looked into it, thanks for the info.
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"Trust me"
34% of the Germans trust the internet.
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VAC doesnt ban for nothing?
Try to play the following mods:
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I don't even know how to respond. Do you believe that OP is saying the truth?
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I can't fucking believe it. Some people are so... short minded.
Whatever. OP is not going to be unbanned.
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I never said he was. But well, guiltiness must be proved.
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This whole thread is just... stupid. I don't understand why people started to defend hackers/cheaters. Hell, I have a VAC ban. Did I created a thread and fucked everyone's brain with "It wasn't me, it was the one armed man"? I didn't.
VAC doesn't ban for nothing. End of story.
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"VAC doesn't ban for nothing. End of story."
You were just told that that isn't true, and it isn't. Some people playing games available off the store itself, no mods, hacks, or anything, also got VAC bans google "VAC Modern Warfare" for some fun tales.
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That has nothing to do with what BernardoOne said. Stop ignoring and trying to steamroll over his post because he makes a perfect point that entirely refutes what you said.
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If I want to ask a question (that is unrelated to my previous sentence) in one comment I have to do what, exactly? I just asked if he believes the OP, for fuck's sake.
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You also flat-out ignored and didn't respond to the point he was making, which entirely refutes a number of annoying super convinced posts of yours about "VAC doesn't ban for nothing. End of story." Your language in all these posts is annoyingly self-convinced and sure, and in a tone of "you're wrong, end of story, shut up and move on" when you are 100% wrong, pure and simple. That's kind of annoying, you know?
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You know, we both have different opinions and I really don't want to continue. I can offer you to agree to disagree with me but what are the odds of you doing that?
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This has nothing to do with opinions. This has to do with you acting obnoxious ("mods only ban people from their servers, nothing more", "end of story", "Impossible. VAC doesn't ban for nothing. Trust me." [I'm a wizard?]) in your posts, getting proven wrong, then not even acknowledging the fact you were wrong after all that "I AM RIGHT, LISTEN TO ME AND STOP POSTING" behavior - rather just entirely subverting the issue with a condescending "I don't even know how to respond" and "Do you believe that OP is saying the truth?" (which has nothing to do with the point BernardoOne was trying to make, a quite good and important one that you entirely ignore seemingly because it makes you look dumb after all your "I'm so sure" type posts).
Also, just out of curiosity - what opinions are you even talking about? What's the topic, and what's your opinion on it? What's mine? You make no sense. There wasn't even anything being discussed between you and me, here, that could be considered a matter of opinion?? You want to agree to disagree that I think you're acting like a bit of a tool, and you don't? Or what?
Or do you mean that VAC bans always having a valid reason is a matter of opinion? Because really, it isn't, whatsoever. What BernardoOne said was fact, and there's many other instances of false positives going on and having happened in the past. Fact - not opinion.
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What part of "I really don't want to continue" you don't understand?
BernardoOne politely told me that I was incorrect and we left that behind. Same story with Deiru. Why are you so butthurt about it? I have nothing against them. We (I) learn from our (my) mistakes, for fuck's sake.
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You never cease to amaze me, again, entirely ignoring THE POINT I WAS MAKING to rant on about your own crap, entirely missing the understanding of what I was saying, as you often do. I seriously think you should get checked out for high-functioning autism / aspergers. Like, not even as a joke / insult. Seriously.
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Its not a matter of if I believe in him or not. You say VAC does not ban for nothing. Im just saying that statement is factually incorrect.
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As everyone said , send a ticket .
Valve is very helpful when it comes to account issues
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Not on VAC bans. They do not remove them, period. He's just wasting his, and more importantly, Steam Supports time.
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I think it's more important how he's wasting Sgifts bandwidth with this - although the thread has turned quite interesting, anyway.
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Yeah....I have been called a cheater before, people get crazy when your much better then them. Its like they never saw a pro gamer video or something...and I am not as good as most of them. Confuses me....
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Usually this is because players yelling "hacks" or "cheater" know not a single thing about hacks, how they work, what exactly they do, how they look or how people using a hack such as a wallhack behave. So, they get killed through some high skillage, start ranting. This also has another far worse side effect - because of noobish fucktards like them yelling at everyone with some skill, people who have seen hacks in action, who do know how to spot, say, a wallhacker, get ignored and / or berated when they spectate and spot an obvious hacker, and ask people to help voteban them. I've played CS since it first ever came out, and back in 1.3 days, there was a prolific emergence of "Fun" servers, where basically, everyone had hacks, and it looked ridiculous and funny to see like, 5 speed hackers, and a few aimbot users, all squaring off, trying to use their hacks the smartest. I also used hacks on these servers (now bear in mind, this is about 14 / 15 years ago), so I know my shit concerning hacks, and don't easily say someone is hacking. But, just like reading people's body language when lying, players using certain hacks have obvious "tells" and behavior patterns. However, when I'm on CSS servers, vote bans never work, because either people are too thick-brained to read chat and type "!voteban", don't know a single thing about what hackers look like, or (you guessed it), as soon as someone even mentions he thinks someone's hacking, they're berated with "noob, you just suck" (even if they're doing quite good at the game - I once had this while I was dominating a server with about 20 players on it in CSS, and calling someone on my own team that was a great asset out for truly obvious wallhacking) or flat-out ignored.
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I could be wrong (please correct me if i am) but i think that it's possible to get banned without cheating, I'm assuming that a modified steamapi.dll running in the background could also be a reason for a ban since they hand out bans based on what your pc is running in the background.
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That does not mean that everyone that gets banned is a cheater.
Please, do try to play the following mods:
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Many people have no time for all that. Starting a shit storm takes a lot of time and effort.
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True. But if you can find enough innocent people, it will happen.
Though, with Valve, everyone seems to think they are a godsend, so it would probably take a lot for one to happen. Unlike Origin, when they were banning people from accessing their games. What I find funny about that, is the fact the same thing used to happen with Steam accounts.
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Would definately make the store and marketplace interesting.
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Its permanent, and out of valves hands, enjoy the ban
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When Valve themselves create a "standard practise" they follow in all cases of VAC bans that says "never reveal the reason, never reverse a ban", I think it's ok to say "it's out of Valve's hands" - as it is out of everyone's hands, really..
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FYI valve can't undo the ban and cheaters deserve to be punished
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Honestly guys, why is everyone being so rude and a dick to this guy? He truly might have done no wrong.
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I'm going to ask, is there such things as random VAC bans? I mean it certainly can fail and bring false positives. But do we have any records or something?
This is an honest question not meant to compromise the integrity of anybody.
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Yeah I know, I was just asking. I don't really know if you have cheated or not. But that's not the point. If you feel like it's undeserved try to appeal.
I guess it will be hard though. Good luck with it.
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"That was not VAC's fault. Valve forgot to authorize a file in an update. VAC did exactly what it was supposed to do."
In the end, VAC did nothing wrong.
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I am pretty sure there has been cases of mods/things running in the background tht aren't cheats/hacks that have caused it but really am unsure....I just feel like everyone pointing fingers in this thread are being childish...
There really should be like a 3 strike rule and a reason given for the ban, like "so and so program was found" while you were paying "yadayada".
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Yeah I find the lack of banning reasons quite stupid to be honest...
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1) 3 strike rule? It's hard enough gathering binary data on hacks out there, including lucking out as Valve and receiving files from users that have access to private hacks, so VAC stays up-to-date to some degree. It's always a constant struggle to add detection for the newest hacks. A 3 strike rule would slow shit down so much many games using VAC would get swamped with cheaters and would be ruined / start dying off in terms of population. Besides, it's senseless. If you use an aimbot or a wallhack, or some other form of hack such as modified models etc - anything that gives you an unfair advantage over others playing - you should be banned, period, no excuses, no recourse. This isn't something you should get a second chance over, come the fuck on. You're faking your own skill, ruining others' enjoyment of the game, removing their fair chance at winning, and throwing the entire game off balance / ruining the reputation of the game doing so. If it's false positives you're worried about, granted, ok, they need to work on lowering instances if those, but a 3 strike rule is no solution to that.
2) The reason no reason is given for the ban, is obvious and logical. When you gather intel on an enemy, you don't let the enemy know what you've found - just that they've been routed out.
3) Hacks are serious business - there's paid subscriptions you can buy to hack providers' latest hacks, for as much as 20 dollars a month sometimes, offering various packages - some include all hacks for one game, others all basic, non "premium" hacks (often these "premiums" include things like configurable aimbot etc) for multiple games. You be lenient on hack users? You give more incentive, customers and demand to the hack market, which will surely provide supply.
About 2 and 3 - many hack writers come from the same places a lot of scammers come from. A lot of Steam scammers and mult. account TF2 idlers / farmers are part of organised crime, think Russian mob. It's used for laundering money (buying keys with stolen credit cards for example then trading them off), as well as making it. There's many millions in it for them. Same for hack writers. These are some shady fucks, basically. Now picture this scenario; VAC is changed to display ban reasons, like you suggested. Some dude writing hacks grabs a spare account that has a scammed, stolen copy of the game he's writing hacks for (or was just plain brute forced - there's .ru forums where you can buy hacked accounts with specific games on them for as low as 10 dollar cents a pop) and tests out a bunch of hacks he's working on. Plays with them for a while, a night's worth or so. Now, VAC does both heuristic and signature based detection. He logs off of the account, leaves it sitting for a while, goes on other acocunts / tests other hacks, etc. He only has to log on again a month or so after a few play sessions to see if he got VAC banned, and a neat little pop-up which exactly specifies which of his hacks were detected would come up. Good to know, right! Now, he knows exactly which of his hacks is good to sell, and which isn't! Heck, if he modifies certain specific strings of data or calls to memory in his hack, he could even figure out exactly which part of his code caused the ban through a process of elimination! Neat!
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Moron. This isn't anything "anti-Russian", this is simply the facts. More than half the world's virii and game hacks come from there, simple. That doesn't mean I am saying "boo Russia", that means exactly what I said, nothing more. Think about how big a country Russia is, how many people live there. It's LOGICAL that a lot of shit comes from there.
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Read some more of the thread and see that many people have been banned for playing certain mods or even using skins...
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I knew this long before this thread, dear Clinton. And I have also defended that concept ("VAC makes fucked up mistakes and false positives") in other posts in this thread, too. That's a separate issue from what I posit, above, though.
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I know, we came to an agreement after that post was written, no harm done.
VAC's are handed out to willy nilly, it should only be for cheats/hacks only but the system is very imperfect and makes mistakes(Mods/Skins), OP might be one of those cases...
Sorry if I came off as rude.
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You didn't, hope I didn't, either. Maybe a little frustrated as hackers piss me the fuck off - they've ruined CSS beta, and CSS itself is also rampant with them, to the point of finding a decent server to play on being a ritualised process of elimination before you actually sit down and play properly. Maybe some of that frustration came out, too, just a little.
Did you see my reply to you further up btw, where I explain why I know my shit about hacks / am annoyed by noobies yelling "OMGWTFHAXXX0RSZZS" when they die?
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I understand the frustration, I usually have to exit a server when I see a hacker, annoys me a lot. I get yelled at sometimes also...its annoying, I have been kicked from servers, luckily never VAC banned for any of it.
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I assume you mean because of people claiming you cheat? Yes, that's annoying, but no, that's not the main reason I fucking hate those types of noobies yelling "HACKER!" Please read my other reply to you, up above some.
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Because sometimes there are errors, 1 mess up isn't enough, not everyone with a Vac ban cheated. Maybe 3 is to much but...1 is way to little also.
Wow way to compare apples and oranges.
Its not lenient, its just not jumping the gun, not everyone does that btw...
I am not going to write paragraphs to argue opinions. Why are people here always attacking Russians here? I am part Russian, come lynch me....ffs.
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See my reply to JMJqueseyo above here, minus the rude tone (as you're not acting like a butthurt tool but just asking nicely). Also, I didn't single out Russians, I used them as a quite valid example due to past history of the country and what its' produced digitally.
Also, I just edited my post and added "If it's false positives you're worried about, granted, ok, they need to work on lowering instances of those, but a 3 strike rule is no solution to that." You don't give people more chances at circumventing security measures (by lowering the penalty on all users, including genuine abusers [hackers in this case]) because those security measures might fuck up once in a while - you fix the security methods.
I don't even understand what you're saying with your response to 2. How does that not make sense? There's a constant struggle against hacks and hackers going on, it can be seen as an online game of cat and mouse. Intel is very important, it's what it's all about, really. How can you say "apples and oranges" on that? Did you even read my whole post?
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Sorry for thinking you were singling out Russians, I guess I assumed since I see a lotof hate threads here about them and it gets on my nerves a bit, my mistake.
Agreed, but they need a better detection system. You are correct, I just feel like they should at least give you a "Hey you did this with this program" kinda message and maybe a "If this was a mistake, please email support".
I guess I thought you were comparing cheaters to someone giving intel to an enemy which I guess doesn't make to much sense to me, I think I see where your going with it but it seems unfair on the of chance the guy didn't do anything and was just caught maybe using a Skin/mod.
Life is unfair thats that :-/.
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My point of "intel" had nothing to do with comparing cheaters to giving intel to an enemy?? I don't even see how you could read that in what I said - maybe read it a little more attentively.
I was saying, that giving out reasons for bans was like catching a spy (someone circumnavigating security) then telling him exactly what he got booked for, how much you know about his network, who he deals with, who else you're on to / watching, and what communication routes he uses, then setting him free again so he can clean all that up and come back with a new method to not get caught.
Again, did you read my whole post? The last paragraph explains this quite nicely through an example of what may happen if VAC gives reasons for bans.
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I read your whole post I just happen to disagree with the whole "You did something wrong, lets punish you and not tell you what you did" method.
Nothing more, nothing less, just a different perspective/opinion then you. No reason to get snippy(You might not have been, probably just frustrated.)....
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There's no way to have a record because Valve are very shady about it. They will never tell you the reason you were banned and, as you can see from this thread, when someone claims to have suffered a false positive people won't believe him. Until it happens to them, and then nobody believes them either. And so Valve gets away with banning whoever they want with or without reason.
To be clear, I'm not accusing Valve of banning people without solid proof. I have no way to know if they do that. I'm accusing them of not revealing their proof and not allowing people to defend themselves. This leaves me with the impression that they are hiding their own incompetence.
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Read my 2 posts just above here. Nothing to do with wanting to hide anything other than valuable intel. in a never ending online war.
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That does shed some more light on things. But I still disagree with Valve's extreme policy. Obviously providing full details on everything you were caught using is too much. Do it one at a time instead. If a user can't prove one reason wrong, he doesn't get to see the rest. And he still gets banned without info at first, no strikes, and has to write a support ticket to get the details of what program caused the ban. And even then, the whole point is that some human at Valve must look at the ban and think about it. That's very different from an automatic irreversible ban, because software is well known to not be perfect.
This is so important to me that I'd be willing to pay a slightly higher price for VAC-enabled games, just so I can have peace of mind that nobody is getting falsely accused by faulty software.
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That would be nice but it would take probably more employers.
They might indeed have to charge more for VAC games.
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Sad story bro, one of my best friends got VAC banned for no reason a few days ago, you're not alone.
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