Greetings folks of SG.

I am looking for a new game to play. I do not know if such a game exists (but with our combined gaming experience I am sure we can come up with something) but here is essentially what I am looking for:

I would like to play a 3rd person RPG (or 1st person I suppose) where you are able to build (level) your own castle (not individual house). Kind of like how you can make your own buildings in open world games (like 7 days to die) but having an active world where you go out and quest and such ala RPG style (like the witcher).

The top 3 suggestions (in a first suggested, first credited manner) will be awarded a free game from my trading library, which you can view on my barter page - or I can post your options when the time comes.

Big PLUSES are games that are single player oriented... I do not play mmo's at all or multiplayer often. I will review each and every suggestion - hopefully the game is not super old - or hope it has dated well. I am leaning against game/mod suggestions for this but I am not sure if there is a lot of options available so I will consider them as well.

Thank you for the suggestions!

Edit - I am not looking for an open world game, more like an RPG with open world features. So far I am liking the Mount & Blade suggestion.

I will accept any game that is currently listed on Steam as a qualifier for this event... currently released or releasing in the near future. If you have recommendations outside of that, I would love to hear them but they won't qualify for a gib ;)

The current leaders are:

Skibby with Mount & Blade (prize notification delivered)
LukeMistycrest with Kenshi (prize notification delivered)
Croquemitaine with Kingdom Come: Deliverance (prize notification will be delivered on the 25th contingent on no other new suggestions that are applicable and currently released)

7 years ago*

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Mount & Blade, maybe? Neverwinter Nights 2 has also some castle building portions, but rather passive... well, and of course Fallout 4 (Sci-Fi/Dystopian though).

EDIT: There was a PS2 game called DarkCloud that was very similar to what you describe, dunno if it's available on PC and can't remember if it was any good though. And there's things like Stronghold and Dwarf Fortress, although they don't match 100% what you described... maybe they help putting you in the right direction.

7 years ago*

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I am digging the mount & blade descriptions... do you have any experience with the title?

7 years ago

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Second Hand mostly, didn't get around to play it myself that much since I don't have it on my own account, but what I've played it's definitely fun. There'll be some guys here who can give you a more in-depth description of it, bet you don't have to wait for it too long ;>.

7 years ago

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Ask Tewam if he returns or Khazadson, you'll have answers to questions you didn't even know you want to ask.
But really, both of them loves the game(s) to bits.

7 years ago

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Mount & Blade is amazing, and seems to fit everything you want. If you want a more fantasy-oriented setting, you can always download Prophesy of Pendor (it's a mild fantasy mod).

But really, the game is huge and amazing.

7 years ago

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Extremely recommended. I played it all and most of the titles i've played several times. You can also download all kind of really good mods from the community. I even played a "Middle-Earth" mod that converted the game into Tolkien's world with mordor, events and everything. ;)

7 years ago

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do you recommend the original or warband or where do I start? I have put bannermen on the wishlist for when its released, but I need something before then

7 years ago

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As far as I know Warband is essentially a better version of the original, with updated graphics, a new faction and an option for Multiplayer etc.

7 years ago

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Warband also have the most powerful mods around. I recommend you to get Mount & Blade Warband. If you can get the collections for cheap as i did for steam, and it costs ont a lot more than Warband, i would recommend you to take it. Maybe you would watch some gameplay videos first so you know if it fits what you want. Edited: If you like fire weapons, you can get Mount & Blade: With fire and Sword

7 years ago

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I think there is a demo you can try. I see this on steamdb:

7 years ago

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Go MB Warband first. Then try some mods. Then and only then the expansion(official dlc) Vikings.

7 years ago

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Oh yes, and if you dig fantasy: the Perismo mod.

7 years ago

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Send me a friend request on steam and select any game from my barter tradables list for your suggestion prize

7 years ago

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Oh, that's nice of you, but I gotta decline though, not gonna take anything from you for a mere recommendation ;>. Hope you'll have a good time with Mount & Blade and sorry for the inconvenience, should have stated that in my OP :s.

7 years ago

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ok then pick a game from the list and I will make an obligatory gib using it. That is generally how things work ;)

7 years ago

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Sent you a FR.

7 years ago

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Obvious answer would be a Minecraft server hosted by yourself with MCMMO.

7 years ago

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Suikoden V fits those desires to some extent.

7 years ago

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This seems a little too jrpg for me ;)

7 years ago

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Any Suikoden ever. You don't actually build a castle but you always get one you can roam around in(except IV, you get a ship instead), recruit the 108 stars of Destiny and follow the plot since it's a typical jrpg. No PC though.
Edit: Ninja'd ;-;

Edit2: And the obvious answer is modded Skyrim. There's quite a few nice castle mods and another mod that allows you to "relocate" characters so you can fill it up with whoever you want. Hell, there's even a mod with a Castle with it's own village next to it.

7 years ago*

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"Planet Explorers" fits your description rather perfectly. Semi-questbased story-progression, in true "build whatever you want" sandbox style world. I'm personally a huge fan of that genre of games, but that one didn't really interest me too much. So i guess it's a half-recommendation.

Alternatively, Minecraft remains the sandbox king, and if you add some mods (or better yet, the modpacks), you've got stuff to do forever, both to build yourself, as well as explore and defeat bosses etc. I'm partial to the Feed The Beast modpack launcher (and especially Agrarian Skies or Monster servers).

7 years ago

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Fallout 4, ARK, Forest

7 years ago

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Possible option. But it is a "standalone mmo" so you can play offline and on your own. I have yet to play it though.

7 years ago

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There's Medieval Engineers on Steam, but it's still in early access.
Although not RPG, I would also suggest The Sims games for house building (The Sims 3 is available on Steam, btw).

7 years ago

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Life Is Feudal was the first thing to come to mind, but it's pretty MP-centric. As others have suggested, Mount & Blade is probably your best bet, especially given the plethora of mods and tweaks. The Forest is a newer title I haven't checked out yet, but it seems to have what you want with a horror bent.

There do seem to be quite a few titles being developed in this genre, I think it's having its "moment." Unfortunately a lot of them are Early Access, so it may behoove you to play an older/cheaper title (such as Mount & Blade) while keeping a close eye on the development of the newer titles.

7 years ago*

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YES! This! But single player lol!

7 years ago

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I know, I originally thought there was a bigger focus on SP when I first played it :/

As it turns out, you need a solid group to survive.

7 years ago

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there is no single player mod or anything huh?

7 years ago

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Perhaps you can get more ideas from here.

7 years ago

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Hi! Well, what I wanted to suggest is already posted so...
There is a serie that my father played a while ago and I know it's on Steam: The Stronghold serie, it's by Firefly Studios it might interest you! I must admit that I don't know that much about it though, I can try to ask him some questions. ^^

There is also a game that looks really promising, but it will come out in 2018 and I really want to play it so I thought that I could just drop the link here: Kingdom Come: Deliverance

I hope you will find what you are looking for! :D

7 years ago*

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Deliverance looks awesome! I have stronghold but its an rts series.

For the sake of the free game competition I will credit you for deliverance even though its not out yet ;)

7 years ago

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Oh you already have it. ^^ It was the last that came into my mind, sadly I don't have anything different from what the others proposed. :)

And indeed, Deliverance seems to be amazing! Can't wait for its release! Thank you, didn't think I could enter with a game that isn't out yet, but it's really nice of you!

7 years ago

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I am going to let the event run for another 4 days until the 25th. If no other titles are mentioned between now and then that are currently released then you will be a winner!

7 years ago

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Kingdom Come looks great but they keep pushing it back, was supposed to be out in March and then August... But, as long as it is good when it finally comes out, the wait will be worth it!

I wasn't aware it was being released on Steam, thanks for the store link! =)

7 years ago

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Dragon Quest Builders is the game you're looking for, probably, but I think it's not on PC, sadly. I think it's only for PS4, PS3 and Vita but I wouldn't rule out an eventual port since DQ Heroes did eventually get ported. Watch some reviews and see if you like it.

7 years ago

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I liked the youtube videos of that game... I don't own any gaming consoles though :(

7 years ago

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I'd recommend getting a PS TV + controller + memory, maybe used. Shouldn't be that expensive. The PS TV is a consolised Vita. Pretty much a Vita with not buttons or screen. Instead, you hook it up to your TV and you play using a PS3 or PS4 controller. There's plenty of great RPGs for Vita.

7 years ago

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You can't build. But you gain one and then further customize:
Divinity 2
(not original sin but same devs)
Its a quite good rpg, well regarded as a less know jewel, with some neat original ideas (come on, an rpg where you can deeply read minds of anyone- even finding quests- AND turn into a dragon AND own a flying castle- come on!).

You don't build anything, you own and customize it a little. Also its not a castle but an evil lair tower.
But come on- we're talking one of the most amazing fantasy games ever. Plus a evil lair is way more cool.
Overlord 2 has even more customization- still no real building.

Not exactly what you're looking for but there isn't a single player medieval engineers or the likes of it that i know of, so you will have to settle with the closest varieties you can. Some will feature more building or customization, others more on the rpg/story.

PS: Skyrim have some home mods that are castle sized. Most come without real customization but i know theres home mods made for 're-shaping' or re-theming as you like. If you can have fun with RPing then its a good direction to search for- it made a savegame with a crazy mage more fun for me (he lived in a tower with goats. Was my joke character). Not to mendion hearthstone dlc for building homes (not castles)
I bet oblivion have even more choices if you're into something older.

PS 2: Fallout 4 and Divinity Original Sin (1 & 2) are the only sp rpgs i know of that try 'build your place' style but one is a wasteland community o shacks behind walls without dragons and the other is house, no castle.

7 years ago*

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Metal Gear Solid 5 and Dragon Age Inquisition maybe but both are more of collecting stuff/people to upgrade

7 years ago

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I don't have any experience with it, but Kenshi might be worth checking out. It looks to still be very much in development. Single-player, open-world, RPG elements, structure building. M&B is still probably a better first pick.

7 years ago

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Send me a friend request on steam and select any game from my barter tradables list for your suggestion prize

7 years ago

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Alright. Firstly, I would recommend Life is Feudal: Your Own, which is almost exactly what you're looking for, except it is multiplayer only. However, you can create your own server and play alone if you want. I can also recommend Life is Feudal: Forest Village, which is not exactly 100% what you're asking in your post, but it may interest you, and it is single player. There's even this game called KINGDOMS, which you may like.

7 years ago*

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What about Fallout 4? You can build a castle for your settlements and level your castle up as you upgrade it. Plus this game also is a singleplayer 3rd/1st person open world RPG with an active world.

7 years ago

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State of Decay (Originally release Nov. 2013; Year One Survival Edition release April 2015)

Play as a survivor in a zombie apocalypse in third person perspective. There are 8 home sites in total throughout the single player story that can become your main headquarters. You have the ability to upgrade defenses, build stations to repair your tools and heal your fellow survivors, safe keep resources, etc. Outposts can be established around the main base to extend protection outside the boundaries of the home site.

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I was looking forward to this game, is probably everything you are looking for but it didn't hit it's kickstart goal and no news from it.

Probably best video:

7 years ago

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By the way, Mount and Blade: Warband is one of my favorite games and I think you would enjoy it, but alas, no castle building sadly. Still, as others have stated, you will probably really like it.

7 years ago

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Divinity II: Developer's Cut

7 years ago

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The two titles that immediately spring to mind are Mount & Blade: Warband and Kingdom Come: Deliverance, but both have already been mentioned. If you want something that is more RPG and less open-world, you could try Pillars of Eternity. There is an entire section of the game devoted to "building" your keep. Basically, you quest for money and items, and then you decide when and where to invest your wealth in refurbishing the abandoned keep you have secured. (Rebuild the library? Or outfit the battlements?) Eventually, the ruins you begin with are transformed into a fortress. Then, the siege comes....

7 years ago*

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Mix of crafting, hand-crafted world with stories and RPG elements... that's a tough one.
Making it a 1st/3rd person rules out great RTS and turn-based games.
So basically, you want to build your own hub, adventure to upgrade it.

If you do find the game, lemme know. Sounds interesting.

7 years ago

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I have been playing Kenshi from a previous posters suggestion - kind of what I was looking for but not anywhere near the idea I had when I started

7 years ago

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Subnautica.. how did i not think of that ?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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