I got a foil card just now and I was wondering if I should hang onto it or sell. It's the Wraith card from They bleed Pixels and it currently sells for about 7.50$. I only paid 2.25$ for the game so I'm inclined to sell it but I was wondering if you guys think the prices are going up or down. What do you guys think this card will be worth in a year or two?

11 years ago*

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Every thing will go up in a few weeks, months, etc. Just give it time until the newbies that are selling their items for cheap will end up with 0 cards and the market price will go up.

11 years ago

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Personally I'd sell now.

11 years ago

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In my experience in the Steam Market, I have seen all items has decreased its initial value. If I was you, I sell it soon.

11 years ago

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Once enough badges are made, prices will rise as supply drops

11 years ago

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The demand will also drop.

11 years ago

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Unless there is a compelling reason to keep crafting badges, increasingly less people will be prepared to spend the time and [more importantly] money required to so.

11 years ago

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Everything's going down unless they implement another reason to craft badges, which is presumably what the mysterious cards are. Look at the price history for any foil, and you'll see a pretty steady drop. I'd sell ASAP, unless you're a speculator and you think Mysterious cards will reinvigorate crafting.

11 years ago

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if i had it, i'd probably try selling it now

11 years ago

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I'd sell. I have a HL2 foil. When i got it, i thought prices would rise. They dropped like a rock. Could have sold at around $7. Now the card is down to $3. Waiting for it to go up again, to what i could have initially sold it for. No one is going to pay $20 for a foil like some were in the beta.

Boosters also have foils in them. Some foils are down to $1.70.

11 years ago

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ohhh, i sold an hl2 foil card at 10 bucks about 2 or 3 weeks ago :S

11 years ago

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I'm willing to hold on to it for a couple years even if it means that I could get a decent return. I'm not into Team Fortress too much but I imagine that some of the older rarer items are worth a lot more today than 2 years ago. Am I right? and if I am can I assume the same return will be there for foils?

11 years ago

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For some things yes, so long as there is a good demand for it. As more games get trading cards there might not be though.

11 years ago

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Two different things. It's a foil card, it's not a brick of gold. Some are starting to see that they are pretty pointless. Only gives 100XP.

11 years ago

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Did you mean to reply to mine?

11 years ago

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It is risky either way. But what it comes down to is demand. Do you think people will want to buy a foil card for that game in a few weeks/months/years?... Also, you can see on the card's market page how well it has been selling (price vs how many sold), so that should help a bit.

Personally, i wouldn't think it would sell for that much later (or even now), not to be mean to that game, but it isn't like it is Portal 2 or some other major title. The people who want that badge(s) for that game are most likely getting them now, and i doubt that there will be an increase in demand later. But, as everyone has been saying, it all on you. This is your card, so you have to decide what to do with it.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

11 years ago

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Lolz, what about me? I'm so pissed I crafted like 20 badges last week. I essentially lost out on $20-$40!

11 years ago

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There are already 5000+ of some individual cards on the marketplace. Even some foils are into the 90s, and that's with speculation on the mystery card holding back sales. So, the market is already flooded with way more cards than it will ever need. Unless Valve injects some sort of value to having cards with the mystery card, or via some other means, current market value is at its peak.

In other words, if Valve doesn't decide to alter the system again, the cards market is about to enter a DOTA 2-like wasteland.

11 years ago

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You can never predict what will happen in the next few months or years. In my opinion you should sell now (also can getting $$ for summer sales). Even the price rise it won't rise much, at least not worth the time you spent to wait.

But just my opinion and I may wrong, as I said, no one can predict the future

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by BeeFarm.