Although I didn't like him. Still gotta pay respects. RIP
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RIP of the finest technological minds of this generation
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I've never been a big fan of Apple products personally, but I can certainly respect the work that he did. It's sad to lose someone who has had such a large impact on modern technology.
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Even though I am not an apple, I respect how much he has contributed in the world especially in the last 5 years or so. Hope he is in peace and that his technology opens new areas for us to explore.
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5 years? Try 20. Do any of these ring a bell
*Mouse and GUI driven interfaces were pioneered by Apple (though yes they were invented at Xerox Labs)
*Wolf3D/Doom were made on NeXT computers.
*The first webserver and browser were made on NeXT computers
*An entire generation of kids raised on Pixar films :P
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"*most parts of windows 95 were copied off mac"
That is incredibly false.
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Steve Jobs, was more than a single person, a living human being, a technological innovator, Nay, he was far more than all of that. He along with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne helped shaped Apple in the past, and without it we would probably be clinging to our own non-apple stuff. He is one of the greatest men on Earth who changed not just an industry but of a culture as well.
It is so sad he had to die at 56 and at such a young age as well. We must not forget this man, what he has done for us all, what he has achieved in this world, and most of all to never forget his motto “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”
“I have always wished that for myself,” he said.
My only regret is that cancer(pancreatic for Jobs) results in so much sorrow, and sadness to all the families that are associated with. In Job's life he has since been battling this since 2004 when he was diagnosed with it.
And my heart goes out to his family for their loss, I only hope they can recover without the pain of this :(
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by who? he was an absolute tyrant to work for. he was such a precious baby that he complained about being given employee number 2 behind his "friend" wozniak to the extent that the board gave him number 0. he never gave to charity, produced products that were hazardous to the environment and he worked his chinese slave labour so hard that they were killing themselves in droves yet somehow convinced his latte sipping hemp trouser wearing fanclub that they were part of some groovy hippy tech movement. the man was a massive cock.
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He made the iPad as a placeholder for his animal slaughter machine.
And millions of people bought it.
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Not an apple fan, but he was a great innovator back in the days. RiP
P.S Woz is an asshole
Keeping family dinner despite the disturbing news. (@ Outback Steakhouse)!/stevewoz
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He was an ass, He and apple are were both terrible, Overpriced crap and suing every single company that makes anything slightly similar to apples products.
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Lol, why so mad? Disable caps. Almost every big corp owns you, just remember EA or Activision. Why do you hate Apple exactly? Too stupid to use Mac or too poor to buy another iPhone? Then, just don't buy it and don't bitch about them. Nobody forces you to buy their stuff, "don't like? don't buy!" is a simple policy. I don't have iPhone, N900 is pretty enough for me, and i agree iPhone is a rip-off shit which doesn't worth its money. But still, i don't bitch and i don't inslult a dead man. Just shut up and think all what yo want.
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Oh, i compared. So what? Funny. I can offer you to compare not gifts but accounts. Anyway, it doesn't make a sense, many of our giveaways were on sale. And i didn't say you're poor. I asked. See a question mark?
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Really people, if you don't have anything nice to say...
I understand why someone would not be a huge fan of Apple products, or Steve himself, but don't forget that, even if you did not agree with that person, he still was exactly that. A PERSON. Show some respect to his family, they lost a father of four children to cancer.
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Yes... it's pretty easy to compare a genius man (who got money because of his mind and has over 230 inventions) to a nazi douchebag who killed 62 million people by starting a WWII.
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hitler was a genius in his own right, his blitzkrieg warfare style was revolutionary, and for a time he controlled most of europe. he had ideas way ahead of his was his megalomania and solipsism that led to his downfall. his preoccupation with fighter bomber production damaged germany's war efforts whereas today they are the cornerstone of modern defence policy. the guy was a visionary.
in a similar way steve jobs was a pioneer of shiny things and convincing people they needed them when they didnt. his arrogance was to believe he could beat cancer with alternative medicine. yeah real fucking genius.
so you see the comparison wasnt too silly. its just differences of degrees. i mean yes in his lifetime hitler killed millions of people while steve jobs can only be directly credited with several dozen chinese factory workers, but if he had lived a little longer he could have seen the fruits of his heavy metal dumping in china labour take root.
ps it wasnt really a comparison. it was my way of helping you to realise that saying that since someone was a person and was once alive but is not dead automatically exempts them from any criticism whilst demanding we all bow our heads in collective deferential sympathy is one of the most fatuous things you can say.
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But why Jobs? Bill Gates had some charity, but he isn't much better. Have you ever heard of "code monkeys"? Look at Indians from Microsoft. Almost every billionaire has some greed, some fads, extravagant lifestyle, etc. At least Jobs deserves some respect. There are not so many people who know market's conditions and can promote their shit (for example, 3dfx couldn't do that so they lost to Ati and Nvidia) well enough to get so much money. You can say "i don't like it" but please don't insult him. Hitler was a combat and economical genius but still he was a crazy nazi scumbag. He deserves "fuck, i hate you"-style comments much more than Jobs. Rip-off is an ok thing in our modern world. Supply creates demand, nobody forced people to buy this shit by aiming at their heads with a "beretta". If they buy the shit, it's their own fault. Jobs just offered, that's all. I don't like Apple products so i just didn't buy them, so no problems with that.
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Apple with Steve Jobs: Huge company with amazing technologic products
Apple without Steve Jobs: Fruit
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R.I.P He made an inspiring speech imo I saw it about 5 hrs ago it had 6mil hits now 7mil.
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I may have had my differences with his products, but he was a true genius. RIP.
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