Not sure what was worse, last years or this years.
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Wtf? Half these are true (mainly the best categories) but tiny tina and clap trap as worst characters? Whaaaat?
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press x to win the award = diablo 3?
You've got to be kidding me. Try playing a wizard on inferno diff on act 3 then come back to tell me how "easy" to do it
Gamebroken award (buggy + unoptimized) and AC3 is only 6 and Diablo 3 is 3rd? watdafaq? People doesn't know know the meaning of buggy and unoptimized.
Diablo 3 may have the worse on all, but it is not definitely PC performance or it is buggy/
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The "press x to win the award" award was for worst gameplay, not simplest.
Although, I agree with the fact AC3 should have been higher up on the most buggy/unoptimised game. But then again, it wasn't so bad on consoles, and this seems to take all platforms into consideration.
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That's the point, D3's gameplay is not that simple. It has some depth on it, but not on the same level of its predecessors. You still need to think and plan carefully your skill build, combination and item stat composition in later levels on how you want to play your character
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For Most Detrimental Force to Vidya- No. 8: High Standards
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reddit award for most hated fanbase
Let there be shitstorms.
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Aren't some of the results contradicting? I guess its to be expected since the results are chosen by voting afterall..
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I liked the Spike VGAs last year. There were little class if you chose to watch the actual show, but if you watched backstage (which also cut to the awards when due), it was a heck of a lot of fun, even moreso than many other award shows.
The /v/GAs on the other hand are utter shit, and will continue to be as long as they keep believing that this is a form of trolling. The first /v/GAs were made because people seriously wanted a better alternative to the Spike VGAs. By the announcement and polling of the second /v/GAs (say, late last year), their motto had changed from "serious alternative" to "shitty Reddit-tier meme spamming" in order to deafen the daily /v/GA hate threads. They posted in the threads, denied it in the chat room, made shitty posts back on the board and then went silent since they had no ground to stand on.
So, why do we even pay them attention?
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And thus, i'm sitting right here... Thinking where could i download this "Tortanic F2P"
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Well, I won't be one to defend (nor support hatred towards) bronies and all, but how the hell is the fanbase of My Little Pony even game related? Some serious failure in logic for me there...
But the real thing that pisses me off is that people actually expect gameplay from visual novels. Fucking seriously? It's in the description: VISUAL NOVEL. This is waaaay the most moronic list I've seen around, but it's always like that when your votes consists of 4chan's traffic, which is mostly trolls.
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Because this is a 4 chan vidya gaem award, and mlp pretty much spammed the most popular threads on the board for most of 2012. I'd say it fits the award nice and it was actually deserved.
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If you ask me, that's a little bit far fetched. But then again, I (thankfully) never browse /v/ so I had no idea about that. I thought it was only a problem when the show started, about 2-3 years ago. And yes, that shit can get really annoying, even for someone who loves it, but still, this is a gaming awards list, so I don't think it's justified to be there. I hate the SHIT out of some idiotic dedicated Twilight fans for example, but if they were to spam a gaming board with Edward's picture, I'd still not put them even on the list.
That being said, it's far from the biggest offense of the list itself. Some choices were allright, some were really exaggarated, and the contradictions as pointed out before me are hilarious. Borderlands 2 appears on both the worst writing and the best writing lists. Common sense is where? The biggest problem is that people seemed to vote on games they hated, even in cathegories where those games weren't even nearly as bad. And it seems like apparently people expect visual novels to have some kind of gameplay. Laughable.
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You're just butthurt. Why don't you defend other communities just the one you belong? And something to think about. Do bronies play games? If so do they belong to gaming community? If they belong to gaming community why are you so butthurt?
Btw you're one of the reasons why bronies are on the list.
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Le nope.
First of all, I am no brony. I keep myself rather distant from that group of people who call themselves that, and I do that because of one reason: they can be really annoying when they force the series into other discussions, thus derailing them, or as mentioned above, spam threads with needless brony shit that don't belong there. They do it only to piss off people like you, and unfortunately, they succeed all too well.
Nice of you to accuse me of being one of them, though I won't really blame you for it. Nowadays everyone who even remotely loves the series is a "brony". Truth ot be told, I'm kind of a golden-era Cartoon Network lover, and the creator was a small part of that (i.e. Powerpuff Girls, one of the most entertaining series ever). I like the series, but it's far from being even my favourite animated one. Bottom line, just because I chose an avatar that has a cartoon pony in it, doesn't mean I'm a devoted fan. You'll see me on the Escapist with a different name and my avatar has the Sunn O))) logo in it; and that doesn't mean I'm a devoted fan of either the band or the amplifier brand, I just like the band.
And no, the bronies, as annoying as they are, and as much they are prone to ruining the series to otherwise normal people too, do not belong on that list. The list is about videogames and related companies/events, and bronies are nowhere near them. If you put Saddam Hussein on that list, I'll defend that as much as I defend bronies, because they are completely unrelated. And, again, as I said above, it's not even the thing I'm really pissed off about the list. Next time please read my post before attacking it mindlessly, it kind of makes you look stupid.
That being said, hold your horses. If you attack bronies, you'll do exactly what they want. You give them attention. Nothing kills an annoying attention whore faster than apathy.
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"they can be really annoying when they force the series into other discussions, thus derailing them, or as mentioned above, spam threads with needless brony shit that don't belong there. They do it only to piss off people like you, and unfortunately, they succeed all too well." But that's you. You are bronie you like it or not and you act like on and that's why you people are disliked. No need to read beyond this column. One more thing to think about: if you don't consider yourself a bronie (even you clearly are) why do you defend them? Are you trying to troll or just too dumb to realize what you are and you're doing?
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"but that's just you" - I would like you to point me to any post I made on any board I ever visited where I even talked about the series or bronies in general, besides the few instances where I was asked about it, or where I posted images of it. After you found one (spoiler alert: you won't), I'll let you call me a brony. Besides this site, I usually post on the Jedi Phoenix website under the same name ("The Green Fairy"), and on the Escapist under the name "Johnnydillinger". If you're a 4chan dweller and visit /x/, I also posted there some stuff under the name "~absynthe". Happy hunting!
"One more thing to think about: if you don't consider yourself a bronie (even you clearly are) why do you defend them?" - Neither do I belong to that devoted fanbase, nor am I defending them. I'm simply making a statement that their inclusion on the list is stupid as they are unrelated from videogames in general. If you read even one of my posts, you would have realized that from the first sentence of my first post you replied to. I dislike them, true, but I'm not all out against them. I'm indifferent about them.
"Are you trying to troll or just too dumb to realize what you are and you're doing?" - In light of what both of us posted, I think this goes right back at you. Chill a little bit, will ya? All you do is derail the topic and make an ass out of yourself. I think I explained myself enough at this point, and sorry to disappoint you, but your efforts at creating drama and possibly trolling me ain't going to work. I'm really hard to piss off, thankfully ;)
Have a good day, mate!
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"Tropes vs. Women in Video Games" should not have been on the list. Because of them being on that list I now know who they are and what they do instead of having no clue what so ever of who they are. Should not have given those sexist neo nazis any free publicity.
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Ugh lol....Mass Effect 3 was a great game honestly, Sorry I can't hate a series that brought me 80 hours of enjoyment over a 5 minute ending that most disliked(It was OK, could have been better but to name the game worse then War Z, I don't even...)
But what can I expect from this sort of site...yeahhhhh.
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Compared to the first ME, ME3 sucked. Almost all RPG elements were gone, and the choices from previous games didn't matter at all. Although the game was good.
I also do not believe it deserves as much hate as it got. There are tons of movies out there with shit endings, but you don't have hordes of pathetic fans writing to the directors/writers, etc, telling them the ending sucked, and demanding refunds/a better ending.
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I suppose though I never actually felt like it was much of a depart from ME2, with each new game it left a bit more of its RPG elements, and to be quite honest I didn't see it as much as a big deal because if you ask me it really was never that big on RPG elements, it was more action/3rd person shooter oriented. But I see why some were upset by it...
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Main dev is a dick, but what would I know.
Now back to the spreadsheets. :-D
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Yup. Still moar legit than the VGAs for sure.
clicky link is clicky
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