Ever heard about EVE online?
i disagree with you cause dying a lot due to lack of experince is way different than greifing, EVE universe is vast for anyone to grief but if you're smart enough you can work your way out in the harsh spacet, EVE is not for carebears you gotta have gutts of steel to play it but i respect your opinion that EVE is boring for you.
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Last time I played there were suicide bombers even everywhere in Hi sec. Didn't really die to them, but saw them blow up some newbs many, many times just for the sake of it.
No offense, but 'gutts of steel' definitely aren't a requirement for playing EVE. Instead, you'd better have a high tolerance for grind and not caring about your lost time if an expensive ship blows up.
Then again, to each their own I guess :P
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i don't think a suicide bombers would sacrifies his own ship for a newbie cheap one but this is a possibility that it might happen, i was a newbie once and i still consider myself one and i know that feeling of losing hard earned ISK but it is part of the fun so worked my way out and learned how to stay alive so i only lose my ship just on two case, first if i decided to enter a battle without intels about the enemy and second if i decide to go for fleep operations with is always insured, the community itself makes it a fun game and the grind is part of every MMO and i don't mind it as long as the atmosphere is good, i find Nullsec(which my corp is based on) is much safer than highsec since you're always protected and provided with intels about intruders in your space of operation.
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golden rules, never fly what you can't afford replacing and never haul to much at once, i always use freight services for hauling, they are professional at it, i also feel safer in my Nullsec space.
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well if you only play on weekends for example then best to pay the subscription but if you have at least one hour to play every day then you won't need so, subscription is affordable wiether with real money or with in-game currency.
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my corp is based on Nullsec which i find safer than highsec actually, we are part of a well established caolition and we have a standing fleet reposding to any rorq or cap tackling withing our space, we also have enough intel tools to keep everybodies safe, that is all on an alliance and a caolition level.
on corp level i'm tryna go on with new attitude and genral orintation to attract some specific kind of gamers to build an ideal community, i'd rather have 10 effictive and motivated players than 100 who is just a fat number (had it before) , more about the corp in this Link
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In many aspects it's one of the very best games on the market. Unfortunately, one major thing, that it brags about is a big lie (or at least it was the case like 8-10 years ago), and for me, it's gamebreaking. BOTS.
They publish a lot about their uncompromising stand against bots; they post nice charts. Well, after playing for a few months, I began to establish myself on the market there (mostly in Jita, becoming one of a few top traders in some selected goods), and I've started to take a close look at my competitors.
EVE has a wonderful API, with which you can trace a lot of things... like interval between someone's price updates on a selected article. If someone every day updates their prices exactly every 30 mins for 12h, then logs off, and for the next 12h (keeping the interval) another avatar does the same, what will you think? And will you need any more proof, that you are dealing with a bot?
Well, actually I've even got some more proof. I've reported. I've escalated. I've even got nice sweet talk from the chief of their game security department.
I could probably proof, that at least 25% of market sales have been done by bots, and also I could find good reasons to investigate another 25% of it. NOTHING has been done. I've also analyzed the proudly posted charts of banned botters... and in the market section of those charts the confiscated amount of PEDs (game currency) during a year has been significantly lower, than earnings of those folks, that I've reported from just a small part of the market.
I was still doing pretty well, and probably could become a major player in a year or 2. But is it fun to grind for 5 hours per day just to keep on par with someone just running a bot? Not for me.
So if you are into flying, shooting, and it doesn't bother you to stay forever as a small fish in a huge pond, then the game may be fine with you. However, if you want to have any real impact on the world's economy, you have to bot or forget about it.
And, yes, they did fight against bots, but seemingly only those involved in real cash transactions. As for trading and mining bots, which generate the biggest income in the game, they didn't care, because each of those bots also generated income for them.
That was my experience with EVE in 2011-2013 (IIRC), and I have no reason to think, that things have changed since. Pity, because otherwise, it would be the game, that I would still play, and probably wouldn't need any other. Because it's a whole (corrupted) world.
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i understand where you coming from and it's extremly fraustrating to tryna compete with a Bot but the world has changed a lot in the last 8-10 years and so has EVE online.
as per my personal experince with the market i agree there is Bots but i think there is so many ways to avoid them, i grabed a couple of nice Plex deals in Jita yesterday which i thought i wouldn't get them because of Bots but i was able to make it so so far i'm not bothered a lot with since i'm not planning to be the richest but if your main activity and income is all about market trading then yes that might be a big problem.
i'm the kind who likes to make a difference not just play and kill sometimes, i'd like to have a success story to be told and leave my signature on the world of EVE if possible and willing to work on plans for 5 years from now, thus you would make a difference i think.
good leadership skills and real life traits is also important to really make a name for yourself, time to give it another try? :)
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Well, then we do understand each other pretty well. As I've said, there is a lot to be enjoyed in EVE, and actually of all games I've played, EVE is one of probably 4, that I miss most, and the only one of them still viable. However, I have no reason to believe, that economy is no longer mostly controlled by people illegally using bots, and that devs have began to seriously fight against this, so economy being my main interest there (money rule the world) sadly I have no reason to try to come back again.
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i do agree that money rule the world but i think there is so many ways to make them unless you only do by/sell trades all the time, in that case Bots win cause they are going to get all potential offers with high profit margin in a blink of an eye, you do have a point and i respect that.
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EVE online is a mind-challenging free-to-play (with limitaions) MMO based on science fiction but not your typical game, monthly subscription is made by either real money or in-game currency.
I fell in love with this game cause it's giving what i have been looking for which it stability and longtivity, something i could grow old playing.
the community is amazing and huge, if it happens that you find this game is for you then let's do it together, i'm very dedicated to it.
It happens that i'm a corporation director in EVE so if you decided you wanna join you wouldn't get a tough start as it usually happens.
think about it like real life relationships, if you're married don't cheat around thus you'd make a difference :) but if you really don't have lots of free time then i don't think this game would be for you.
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