I noticed that this was 10 hours old without any replies so I figured I'd take a look and lend my suggestions. Except that wall of text is rather hindering my desire to do so. You'd probably get a better response if you significantly shortened your post.
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Well, I read it but: "I don't much care for single players experiences anymore." Unfortunately I don't particularly like multiplayer or co-op, so I don't think I'd be much help. Also, you already have the first thing that came to mind when you said you loved Diablo - Torchlight 2. :p
Sacred 2 is about the only other Diablo-ish game I can think of off the top of my head with multiplayer, however it's somewhat old and the servers are down iirc, and you now have to find people and use Hamachi/Tunngle/etc. Also, I guess its ability to even run is hit or miss. I played for hours without a single crash, but some people can't even start it. On the other hand, it should be fairly easy to get for cheap if you're up for a gamble and has hundreds of quests and loot everywhere.
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Even though you're not much into single player games anymore, I think there are some great indie games you should try out.
La-Mulana and Hotline Miami are two of my favorite indie titles. Both of them are challenging, the former being a metroidvania with tons of puzzles you have to solve, and Hotline Miami... being kind of weird to explain.
If you want a good multiplayer experience... I'd say you should go for RaiderZ. Or Atlantica Online if you're into turn based battles. (Haven't played neither of these in a long time, I don't know if they're still good.)
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Guns of Icarus Online - There's a cosmetics cash store, but everything gameplay-related is already unlocked at the start. You can even get the store items for free by playing in developer matches and other events.
CS:GO - The item drops are all cosmetic.
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Nibbles, eh. I played that game in 1998, i guess. Volfied was another old game i've played.
Good single player games still good and fun, especially if you don't like cheaters (unfortunately you can find them in nearly every game). I can't recommend you anything, you are too specific. You have to try most of the games by yourself; i'm not sure if anybody can lead you to a good game of your appetite easily.
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Here's some information about my tastes and experiences.
I've been gaming for like 27 years... I of course started out on atari, nintendo, etc... but my first PC games were like Oregon Trail, Nibbles, etc. My absolute favorite games over the years have been Quake 2, Everquest 1, Team Fortress Classic, Diablo 1 and 2, 10Six, and maybe some others.
I'll prenote this by saying that I'm a bit cynical about the gaming industry now days; I'm old, I've witnessed a lot of things in the gaming industry and been burned by a lot of them, and I'm entitled to my experienced opinions. :D I am currently playing mainly Dota 2, a little bit of Killing Floor, and as much as I can feel I can tolerate of Team Fortress 2 (details below).
<insert valid rant part for the accuracy of games I don't really care for>
I hate that blizzard seems to be turning into a pure money grabbing company. I enjoyed Starcraft 1, but did not like Starcraft 2 because it was all about who could cheese more. Then this starcraft 2 expansion is nowhere near worth 20 bucks, imo. We all know that world of warcraft turned into this ease and accessibility fun park for the casual keyboard to face rollers to win while afk; now they're selling high level characters like they're hotcakes (pay2win much?) This reaper of souls for diablo 3 is like 2 hours of content and a buy in to grind items, for what purpose? ...and that's worth $40? I was going to go play some Diablo 2 again.. then I realized that they've neglected the servers to where they're horrible and half-way did patches to the extent that people just create whatever items they want now days and cheat to their heart's content, that is when the servers are actually running.
I don't feel like sony is much better anymore. They've always sold pay2win stuff like bags in their Everquest 2 shop and I accepted that for the brief time I played EQ2, but now they're selling geared characters like it's hotcakes (again pay2win much?). I was interested in their new upcoming game H1Z1.. I was excited for a long time, but now months after their supposed release frame I've lost a ton of interest in it and find myself doubting that it will be worth the $20 in the end. They say it will not have any game affecting items in the microtransaction shop, but can I really trust a company that's selling leveled and geared characters in another one of their games? I played DayZ, but got pretty much all I'm going to get out of that... Unless you have 4-5 friends that are online all the time to play with it really isn't worth fooling at anymore.
I recently tried Path of Exile, and I was like.. wow man, I'm really loving this.. it's new content to me, looks like a nice skill system and passive skill system, only pay to win would be the stash space (and who needs that right? wrong.).. good difficulty... loving it.. then I was like... where's the gold? I found out about the currency system, and how you had to stash up masses of items and sell them together in recipe order to get optimal returns on them. I was like, well.. I guess I can deal with that. Then I realized that the game doesn't even have a proper common respec system for skills; don't like the way you built your character? Is it really getting owned because you built it 'wrong'? Tough. Go roll the character from level 1 again and use up some more stash space, we sell that everyday.. all day long. Then I realize how bad their servers and networking code is, and I learn about the desync issues. Should I even mention it doesn't have an auction house or anything? At the end of the day, all path of exile and diablo 3 and other similar games are is a loot grind fest with extremely limited content, right? I don't see the point in playing them past the story really.
Valve is just as bad though really. If I hadn't played a ton of hours of TF2 before it went free to play, I wouldn't be playing that at all. Could you imagine being a new player to TF2 and not spending any money on microtransactions? The drop limits and such... It would take you like years to get a standard set of weapons. I have the standard stuff.. for the functionality, and that's all I care about. I don't have any stranges, I don't fool with keys and crates, etc.
You know what really gets me fuming mad about Valve though? This source engine.. specifically the netcode (networking code). If you've played any games built on the source engine for any amount of time and you have any attention to detail whatsoever (you aren't pretty much blind), you know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about all those instances, example being CS:Go where you shoot someone 5 times point blank and only 2 bullets register.. or in TF2 you're playing a scout and you know a soldier is going to fire a rocket.. and you do a 180 run around to the back of the soldier.. and what does the soldier do? that soldier fires that rocket where you used to be, yet hits you still. No, this isn't lag (for those who haven't noticed it or want to troll about it); this is a publically recognized 'bug' in the networking code of the source engine, that affects every source engine game, that Valve has publically announced their refusal to fix. Incompetence like this just ticks me off with game companies; same thing goes for the roll hack that existed in World of Warcraft for like 5 years.. and Rift being a great game until like the 3rd patch where they handed it off to an entirely different team of developers that introduced 35 major hacks and exploits in a single patch!
</closing tag of rant part>
Modernish games I own/have played:
Ok, so.. that pretty much gives a good deal of information. Hopefully someone can suggest something that's out now, or coming out sometime in the future that I might be interested in. Thanks!
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