Do you agree with Minority rights should be recognised and protected everywhere regardless the fact it would form a big problem if the minority became a majority?
'Do you agree with Minority rights should be recognised and protected everywhere regardless the fact it would form a big problem if the minority became a majority?'
I'll take loaded questions for $500 Alex
First Paragraph
I mean the fact that animals exhibit certain behaviours which would prove that homosexuality is naturally occurring isn't the sole justification for LGBTQ supporters, so framing a question as if they argue that just because other animals do it that its perfectly fine is disingenous. To answer your second question literally, we are an intelligent race - all of the others are far less intelligent - as a counterpoint, I would say that just because other animals do things it doesn't mean that we shouldn't do it - I still intend to eat, drink and sleep following discovering that other animals do it too, people aren't just uncrtitically taking what animals do and then replicating it. As for your third question - LGBTQ rights should be protected for many reasons - I will argue the one I think has the most widespread appeal.
I don't want to be physically attacked or denied rights due to my identity, in order for me to do that I need to make sure that other people aren't attacked or denied rights due to their identity as well. Part of me living in society is an agreeement that I won't do things to other people and that other people won't do those things to me.
Second Paragraph
Useless, it provides no value to the post. People eating animals which carry viruses does not have anything to do with LGBTQ or gay people.
Third Paragraph
I don't think the whole world turning gay and dying out as a result really is on the list for me as likely ways the world will end. I think the depletion of natural resources, overpopulation, climate change, antibiotic resistance and a nuclear war are much more feasible. The whole premise you've set up just shows an irrational fear, gay people and LGBTQ people are a minority - if you could propose to me how they would become the majority somehow I'd appreciate that. Until you can I don't think that point has any merit.
Its nice to see you've ended this paragraph on an absolute banger - zoophilia and homosexuality are not comparable. A non-sentient animal (any non human animal) can't consent, someone of the same sex can (with the caveats of being of the age of consent and having the mental faculties to do so)
I wish I could believe you on that, as I'm pretty sure what you've actually done is post a bunch of ill informed nonsense on a discussions board on a site about giving away Steam games. You could have got some convincing arguments by actually researching things yourself to challenge your own opinion - but you decided instead to make a post here which you know is going to potentially start a flame war.
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Thank you for the post debunking this type of tiresome posts on Steamgifts. They never stop
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The fact that the OP has not responded to you (while responding to dozens of others) is telling.
Yup. The first reply, no less.
OP is clearly craving some drama and not an intelligent, well composed rebuttal.
Edit: Glancing at OP's profile, I wouldn't be surprised if the account is an alt and purposely trolling.
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why are you doubting? was i disrespectfull? if so please point it out.
I made a claim that LGBTQ might cause a problem on the long run, isn't it a valid claim? if not please explian, lets have a fruitfull discussion.
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"Do you think mentally ill inhuman trash like LGBTQ people deserve rights? Please keep the discussion civil ;) <3"
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You're the one who made the assertion that gay people being accepted in society will cause everyone else to turn gay and then cause the extinction of the human race. You would need to set out how that's apparently meant to happen.
If you can't - your assertion can be dismissed out of hand.
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i didn't equate LGBT with Covid 19 but i equated ignoring the bad eating habbits that indicates danger with the unusual sexual habbits that i believe indicates danger in my opinion.
if you think i'm wrong just point it out in a nice way so i can think it over instead of being judgmental.
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thank you for your contribution, i do respect opposite opinion which you stands for and wouldn't call it ignorance, i've been warned about the blacklist thing a few times and i don't really care about it, i wouldn't want a gift from someone who is willing to give in return of my thoughts anyway.
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Because your claim is ridiculous. LGBT people make up 5% of the population. In the US that's 16 million people. Each year in the US 4 million babies are born. In 4 years we have as many babies as the entirety of the LGBT population. The idea that we will face extinction because LGBT folk aren't having babies is clearly ridiculous - nevermind that some LGBT women do have babies.
At the same time, we have over 100,000 kids in foster care in the US looking for adoption, and 20,000 kids age out of foster care every year without a family or any support. Some LGBT people and couples adopt those kids, providing family, stability, and a place to call home to kids who wouldn't have that otherwise.
You want to be concerned about a problem that will have disasterous impact on the human race? Worry about climate change - that's currently on track to kill us all.
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thank you for refering to those kids in foster which i think desrve a speparate post to figure out what people are doing wrong that causes innocent kids to be thrown in foster, that is gonna have something to do with the abslote freedom that people having.
unaguitarra: is it fair for a kid who is a result of a one night stand to be thrown in foster?
random SG user: who are you to decide if a couple of people wanna have a one night stand and make a baby? of course there is a lot of good people outthere who can take care of the baby., duh
You want to be concerned about a problem that will have disasterous impact on the human race? Worry about climate change - that's currently on track to kill us all.
of course i have so many other concerns but i can't just list them in one topic.
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Well, this thread definitely isn't going to be a shitshow.
I think you're overestimating how large of a group gay people are. It may look like there are more people now but homosexuality was a shameful thing in the past, and isn't as much now, that means gay people can function in modern society without being shunned or even killed. To simplify things. Of course people are still going to have kids! Straight people aren't going extinct lmao. And it can't be compared to a pandemic for gods sake.
If loving someone with the same gender is harmless (it really is), doesn't affect you, and makes them happy, why not just let them do it? Why do you care?
EDIT: Realized I wrote a thing wrong
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someone was eating bats and roachs and i didn't care now my wife is ill because of it and the reason i'm comparing is because we saw the danger of ill behavour of eating habbits and we didn't care now we're all in danger so it caused me to think of unusual sexual behaviour that we also don't care about regardless of the rising problems that is going to be caused by it and if a couple of staight people make 3 babies and 2 of them are not staight that indicates that the amount of straight people are getting lower so there might be a problem if the global orientation became homosexuality cause it means straight people are less therefor birth rate is going to be lower.
also what concerns me is the double standards, why Zoophilia isn't recognised as Homosexuality? who cares about someone having it with his/her pet?
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For the same reason having sex with children is illegal. It has to do with concent and normal behaviour. And if your argument is that homosexuality isnt normal, then thats your problem.
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I'm not defending eating bad animals. I have lost a relative due to COVID-19 myself. But jeez, people aren't dying because gay people are fucking.
There aren't less straight people now than before, they are just now more open about their sexuality. Another couple than you just described may have 5 kids who are all straight, it all evens out in the end.
Zoophilia is illegal because pets don't want to have sex with humans. Having sex with an animal hurts the animal. So we should avoid that. Gay people want sex with each other, and doesn't harm them, so that is a whole other thing.
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i saw a male dog happily having it with his female human owner without her forcing the dog so i'm not sure about that fact that animals don't wanna do it with humans.
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Well you're into some weird shit then. It's still animal abuse.
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lol i'm not into any weird shit it was just an arguement i thought it to be logical and already took it back, i never supported that shit and the post is already edited.
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I would pay to take a look at your browser history.
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for educational purposes only and that was a part of my research in human behaviour
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Wait, you're mixing stuff, you're even purposefully running ahead and building on top of misconceptions to make your narrative work. Let's stop and give each point it's time.
Firstly, people do care and have cared for many years about certain individuals and groups eating animals they're not supposed to, might it be because said animals aren't safe to eat or die to them being from an endangered species. There's multiple laws dealing with that stuff in various countries. The problem here was caused by a serious case of corruption that allowed meat markets to sell animals they weren't supposed to sell and on top of that in very unsanitary conditions. It's a case of a system not working how it's meant to thanks to a systemic moral flaw.
On the other hand, we also failed as a global society to address the issue in time and that helped the pandemic to become global and wreck havoc. Not only at an individual level, like not taking proper care, but also at an institutional level. This teaches us that despite we liking to think of countries as independent entities, the world at large is one big interconnected thing and we're all in the same boat.
I'm sorry to hear about your wife, but the blame doesn't just falls in one person who ate something they shouldn't have, it's on all the safety mechanisms that failed to stop the spread of the disease.
Now, to address the homosexuality part, it isn't rising. It just looks like the number of people that identify as LGBTQ is on the rise because more individuals are free to express their sexuality in the open without having to fear for their lives (or at least less fear since now there's repercussions for the aggressors), you also have to factor in the natural grow of human population and the many whom discovered their sexuality thanks to this things being more in the open. As a simple example is pretty easy for some bisexuals to not notice their attraction for both genders until later in life, since they can be functionally indistinguishable from a straight person when in a heterosexual relationship.
I guess I should also address the zoophilia part too, even if it's a dumb comparison. The problem with having intercourse with animals is consent. Comparing zoophilia to homosexuality is a dirty tactic.
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thanks for contribution.
I guess I should also address the zoophilia part too, even if it's a dumb comparison. The problem with having intercourse with animals is consent. Comparing zoophilia to homosexuality is a dirty tactic.
i just find it a logical comparasion cause i've seen people getting attached to thier pets and getting the relatioship evolving to Zoophilia so i don't understand why it's illegal and most of the answer i get is because animal can't say no nor has the ability to choose then who gave us the right to eat and kill them? i just don't get the logic here and sorry if you see it as a dirty tactics i've never adapted this way, i'm just a logical thinker.
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In my country we call that type of move "embarrar la cancha", it translates to something like "mudding the playing field", that's why I went with dirty tactic.
Also, what type of life are you leading that you've seen human/pet relationships evolving into zoophilia? They're usually more in line with a parent/child relationship, the normal instict is to protect and care for the little furball, not fucking it.
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why Zoophilia isn't recognised as Homosexuality?
Hmm, why is people being sexually fixated on animals not the same as people being attracted to other people? I feel like there must be a crucial distinction between people being attracted to other people and people wanting to have sex with animals...
And the wild animal markets are partly cultural, and partly a socioeconomic issue where poor people have been driven to eating cheaper meat such as bats. Perhaps you should concern yourself with the economic factors that might cause people to turn to eating potentially disease carrying animals, and what we as a society could do to alleviate those issues.
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the economic factors is on my list, that is gonna come out when the reseach is done cause relying on the community wasn't a good idea so next time i'd like it to be nice and clean and well-documented.
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i believe sexual intercourse where it's not supposed to be can have a disastrous impact on our race
population has been increasing nonstop, this is just an excuse to sound educated and blame gays for "destroying the world". ๐
you know what reduces population? sickness and wars.
if it's not medical-related then it's gonna lead to a slow exctintion of our race if LGBTQ became the global orientation due to the very low birth rate that is going to happen because someone don't have appetite towards the opposite sex
yes, force gays to have intercourse with the opposite sex, that's totally fine because gays are known to do this just to "destroy the world". ๐๐
with all respect to all human beings regarldess of sexual orientations
"i think blacks are the source of all evil, but i say this respecting the black community" ๐๐๐
"jews are to blame for all our issues, but i have nothing against them, i even have a jewish friend" ๐๐๐๐
better focus on preventing famine, wars, and diseases, those really hurt people and reduce the population.
stop caring what people do with their private life as long as they are happy and they don't hurt others.
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those are huge claims that i didn't make, i might not getting the whole picture about it so it'd be more helpful to share your thoughts with me about why i might be wrong about it and would you accept Zoophilia as well?
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i wouldn't, cause i'm against any ubnormal sexual behaviour that can be proven unsafe medically, mentally or goes against common sense so untill homosexuality becomes a comon sense and become unarguable medically nor scientifically i have all the right to have my own concerns and thoughts about it and you should respect that instead of calling me names.
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And here I was thinking that bestiality and child molestation are abhorrent because it's raping innocents who either cannot consent (children), or are part of a massively lopsided power dynamic creating an effective coerced 'hostage' situation (animals). But go off I guess.
We can respect your right to hold opinions, without respecting your opinion itself.
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it's already common and unarguable medically nor scientifically, the problem are people like you that don't accept it.
i have all the right to have my own concerns and thoughts about it and you should respect that instead of calling me names.
spoken like a true homophobe, "respakt mai opinuoin" ^^
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Trollbait, sealioning, or bigot? All of the above?
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13 wins and zero giveaway, pretty much sums this "person" up.
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I would say that talking about zoophilia and having a profile pic with a dog in his lap says more.
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i would really give if i can, 0 giveaway doesn't mean that i'm a greedy person but might also means that i'm broke, poor, handicap with no source of income or all of that together, but nice trolling try
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i don't really care, if someone is gonna blacklist me for my personal opinion then again, i don't really care :)
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thanks for sharing your thoughts about it.
this is just personal thoughts there might be things i don't know and was hoping to get to know it here but it looks like it's easier to mock and troll than having a good disscution.
you have a valid point about Zoophilia that i didn't think of, thanks for that.
i don't agree with that we can rationalize anything cause we won't be able to do so if it's proven wrong scientifically, now i'm just giving a logical assumption of low birth rate due to someone don't wanna make a baby might be valid and i might be wrong.
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i don't agree with that we can rationalize anything cause we won't be able to do so if it's proven wrong scientifically
Maybe you and me, for example, wouldn't rationalize everything but there are people who do. If you will give them scientific facts they will tell you it's a conspiracy or something โ there's no arguing after that. Some people believe the Earth is flat or that vaccines are bad, or that 5G causes coronavirus.
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i totally agree but i do believe that raising awarness isn't a bad thing, at the end everybody got own judgment to apply, i wouldn't argue anything actually, i'd say the Earth is not flat for this and that and is up to you to think what you believe is right but at least i did what i beleive is right to raise awarness, we're all learning day by day.
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it means that i believe in science that can be practically proven to be a fact otherwise it's just a theory in my opinion cause thoeries is being recognised as .science and things gets mixed up sometimes.
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A theory in science (as opposed to a hypothesis) is something that is proven. Do you believe in Evolution?
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A minor point. A theory can never be proven. It can only avoid being disproven repeatedly. Surviving such testing is what promotes hypotheses to theories. In that regard, for those who hold that evolution and creationism are mutually exclusive, the two really stand on equal footing.
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this is just personal thoughts there might be things i don't know and was hoping to get to know it here but it looks like it's easier to mock and troll than having a good disscution.
What did you expect? You can't just post any random garbage and expect to get away with it by saying "it's just like my opinion, man". With that standard I could just make a thread about how jews eat children, or about how muslims actually engage in zoophilia - and then I just say that it's my opinion and I'm worried about the longterm implications of it, and that somehow makes it alright to post unjustified claims?
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i was adviced by a support member once before to ignore a topic that i felt ofended with i geuss that also applies here?
i'm not posting a random garbage it's a discussion in good faith and if you ask me about what i did expect i'd say that i expected a fruitful discussion from both parties who agree and don't agree with the idea of LGBT, actually it a good opportunity for LGBT supporters to voice out thier thoughts too and hopefully fill th gap and educate people about why LGBT should not of a concern of anybody, yeah?
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And did you get educated? People gave you a lot of good arguments. Did you change your opinion in any way? Are now in favor of rights for LGBTQ people?
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yea i get mostly mocking and insulting comments that is not gonna help anything but also some good comments that pointed things out i wasn't aware of that is worth mentioning, the research is still on going.
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I think the declining rate of straight people having children and that humans are getting older has much more impact on population than a few gay people.
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"a few gay people" so is it okay as long as they are few?
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You talk like they are are in a majority and will cause the end of the human race. When we have the highest increasing population ever I wouldnt worry about "a few geh".
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i'm a person who likes be a step ahead of any issue rather than waiting for it to happen but you have a valid point.
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"i believe sexual intercourse where it's not supposed to be can have a disastrous impact on our race, "
I hear you, I remember the AIDS epidemic
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yay, someone hears me, i thought i'll just get pew pewed by all because of this post, you and i can form a minority now and ask for our rights.
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Covid 19 is a result of humans eating what they are not supposed to be eating
Humans can digest a lot more than you'd expect, and what's considered "safe to eat" depends on culture and upbringing more than biological risks. Should we ban hamburgers worldwide because a religion somewhere prohibits eating beef? Do we ban bacon everywhere because pigs are considered unclean in parts of the world ? Should we stop eating potatos because the plants grow poisonous leaves ?
The wet markets in asia that you seem to implicitly refer to have a different, bigger issue: They have zero standards on hygiene and animal care, and that makes them an ideal breeding ground for diseases to mutate and spread from one species to the next, which eventually leads to human infections. See H5N1, which spread to humans mostly from chickens, which are considered safe to eat around the world. That has nothing to do with freedom of choice, and everything with a lack of proper care.
(There are other reasons not to eat exotic animals, like said animals being threatened with extinction. But those have nothing to do with Covid-19.)
it's gonna lead to a slow exctintion of our race if LGBTQ became the global orientation due to the very low birth rate that is going to happen
Birth rate will be fine. Artificial insemination exists, and the technology doesn't care about sexual preferences of the donors, so babies can still get made.
homosexuality from the list of mental illness then i geuss Zoophilia should get the same acceptance and recognition or is it double standards
You're comparing intraspecies relations with interspecies relations here. Completely different ballparks.
Better equivalence would be to ask: "if homosexuality should be seen as a mental illness, should being attracted to people of a different skill color me seen as one to ?"
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The wet markets in asia that you seem to implicitly refer to have a different, bigger issue: They have zero standards on hygiene and animal care, and that makes them an ideal breeding ground for diseases to mutate and spread from one species to the next, which eventually leads to human infections. See H5N1, which spread to humans mostly from chickens, which are considered safe to eat around the world. That has nothing to do with freedom of choice, and everything with a lack of proper care.
of course it's a freedom of choice cause they choosed to be that way and no body cared to correct that.
chicken is good to eat (BTW, who gave us the right to eat them anyway, did they agree to that?) but taking about Animal hoarding, this can cause problems in addition to genetic modification that makes good food a hazardous one.
Birth rate will be fine. Artificial insemination exists, and the technology doesn't care about sexual preferences of the donors, so babies can still get made.
that in case you can guarantee that technology is gonna last forever, can't imagine how forward we could go if Covid 19 was a little more lethal.
You're comparing intraspecies relations with interspecies relations here. Completely different ballparks.
Better equivalence would be to ask: "if homosexuality should be seen as a mental illness, should being attracted to people of a different skill color me seen as one to ?"
i get a common answer to this part that animals can't explain thier desire of willing to have sex with human or not that's why it's illegal, did animals say yes and gave us a permission to eat, hunt, slauter them? if an interspecies is causing no harm to anybody no to the animal, why wouldn't it be legal also? i'm not encouraging this i'm just wondering.
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what i meant with minority is any group of people with any kinda orientation, motivation or goals that is not wiedly accepted or recognised, that includes LGBTQ, political, religous, Ethnic/Racial or even terrorisim minorities.
terrorisim minorities are not accepted cause they are spreading death and corruption and that is agreed upon by the majority and undoubtable is a crime against human beings therefor they have no rights to be reconised. the reason i used terrosim minorities as an example is to explain that not all minorities should get rights and not because i wanted to campare it with LGTBQ cause i know someone lurking around would want to accuse me with that :).
i'd explain more with another question, what would be the criteria that we should follow when considering minorities rights?
should all minorities get rights? or it should be capped with a criteria? if a minority is doubted that might cause a problem in the near future or the long run, should we wait and see or try to be a step ahead?
i'm not trying to force my thoughts i just wanna know how the majority of the community would look at it.
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"Freedom is good but should it be absloute?"
No. "The freedom of one stops where another's begin"
"aren't we an intelligent race and other races isn't? is there any other reasons why LGBTQ rights should be protected and recognised?"
Why do you think intelligent "races" can't have LGBTQ rights?
"now my wife has Covid 19 just because someone felt free to eat whatever he/she wants to eat on the other side of the planet"
Did your wife used a mask? Did she stayed away from people? Did she followed the rules that where given by w.h.o and co.?
"i believe sexual intercourse where it's not supposed to be can have a disastrous impact on our race"
Where is it supposed to be? Only to make Kids? Do you only have "fun in bed" when you and your wife try to get kids?
"someone don't have appetite towards the opposite sex"
and you think that if you don't give homosexuals equal rights they will start becoming hetero? You think heterosexual people will become homo- or transsexual just because of the rights?
"if WHO decided to remove homosexuality from the list of mental illness then i geuss Zoophilia should get the same acceptance and recognition or is it double standards"
Two men or two woman (or trans or whatever they want to be) can decide to love each other. They both have common sense and can decide what they feel is right for them. They don't need your permission if they want to love (or even f*ck) each other.
Animals can't say no. So no, zoophilia is not the same.
What is wrong with you dude?
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thanks for spending some time answering my questions, now it's my turn.
"Why do you think intelligent "races" can't have LGBTQ rights?"
what i meant to say is it's not enough to call for homosexuality reights just because animals are having it we are intellegent and we have comon sense and i was wondring if there any other reasons other than because animals is doing it.
"Did your wife used a mask? Did she stayed away from people? Did she followed the rules that where given by w.h.o and co.?"
my wife worked as a surgical tech for more than 10 years and quit due to car accedent so she studied medicine and followed all the recommendations so getting the infection is no one's fault except for those who started it and those who is in charge and didn't do proper percaustions.
"Where is it supposed to be? Only to make Kids? Do you only have "fun in bed" when you and your wife try to get kids?"
of course not, having fun can be done in many ways as long as it's not harmful nor wierd (common sense and majority is gonna be the criteria)
"and you think that if you don't give homosexuals equal rights they will start becoming hetero? You think heterosexual people will become homo- or transsexual just because of the rights?"
maybe they'd think it over, hopfully, but if not then why legalizing or banning it? it should be a do-it-on-your-own-risk thing at least.
"Two men or two woman (or trans or whatever they want to be) can decide to love each other. They both have common sense and can decide what they feel is right for them. They don't need your permission if they want to love (or even f*ck) each other.
Animals can't say no. So no, zoophilia is not the same."
I agree that nobody that they don't need my permission to do what they please but who says that animals can't say no? ok a male human can rape an animal yes but what if the animal is doing it happilly with the owner without focing the animal? at least it's worth a try to study animal behaviour and see if they do it willingly or not?
i've seen it a lot in male dogs doing it with female human owners without any sort of force being applied and if a dog can have a hard on as soon as the owner positions herself for a doggy one then it's a big yes from the dog i think.
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no it's not because a dog can't decide what is good for him or not and also he can not understand what he is doing at all. It's just libido.
I can't believe that we need to talk about this at all.
"why legalizing or banning it?"
It's about rights. Why should it be okay to discriminate a person just because she love people with same sex? Why should this be okay?
Also: I'm a male living together with my female girlfriend. We are in our 30s and we don't have kids.
From your point of argumentation we should not have the same rights as people with kids because "it's gonna lead to a slow exctintion of our race".
have you ever thought about having sex with a men? Have you ever thought "hey, I don't enjoy woman, let's try a man"?
I guess not because you are straight (at least I think you are). Nobody has asked you if you want to be straight or gay. You just are and you can't change.
Guess what: it's the same for homosexual or bisexual (or pan, or trans or...) people. They don't think "hey, let's kill the human race by making love without making kids". They just are. And you try to punish them because they are different than you. Who gives you the right? Who says that it's wierd?
Some thousand years ago people would have found it "wierd" that you only sleep with your woman (at least I hope so) or that your woman only sleeps with you. There are places in this world where it would be "wierd" to not force the woman to sex if she would not want to because it's the "right of the men" to have sex.
Who are you, that you can define what is "wierd" and what not?
Majority should be a creteria? Well I'm from germany... We hat a great majority 60 years ago. Imagine they would say what is good or bad today...
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i've seen it a lot in male dogs doing it with female human owners
Strange watchings for someone claiming proudly on his Steam profile to be a member of a religious group...
By the way you didn't reply to my post a few lines below, should I understand that you agree with my synthesis ?
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Strange watchings for someone claiming proudly on his Steam profile to be a member of a religious group...
By the way you didn't reply to my post a few lines below, should I understand that you agree with my synthesis ?
For educational purposes had to watch this ill human behaviour as part of my research but we're not talking religions here, are we?
i like it when people digs into my profile and try to investigate me more or even call me names as a defesive mechanism cause it proves nothing but a weak arguement that they can't keep up a logical or intellectual conversation not knowing that someone on the opposite side today can be on your side tomorrow but insults or mocks isn't to be forgiven nor forgoten.
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For educational purposes had to watch this ill human behaviour as part of my research
So now you are a researcher ? Can we know in what field exactly ? I'm curious to know what studies / diplomas lead to watch zoophilia scenes "for education".
but we're not talking religions here, are we?
No, we're talking logic and coherence. Or hyprocrisy, if you prefer.
i like it when people digs into my profile and try to investigate me more
Lol, clicking your steam profile from a steam-oriented forum is not an investigation. And your "proud to be a religious guy" group is showed on top on your profile page by yourself and no one else.
a weak arguement that they can't keep up a logical or intellectual conversation
Sure. Or maybe it's you, who knows :-)
but insults or mocks isn't to be forgiven nor forgoten.
I didn't insult or mock you, just pointing you to one of your incoherence.
But now I'm shaking, it must be in fear because of your threat. Or maybe it's laughter.
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Covid 19 is a result of humans eating what they are not supposed to be eating
I must have missed my instructions at birth, I didn't receive any manual with such a clear insight in "what we are supposed to eat".
Or is it just about us being supposed to eat what is the accepted standard in our western cultures? Who are you to determine the standards of what we are supposed to eat (or to do in the bedroom)?
Why shouldn't someone set the standards who opposes pigs being eaten? Oh, haven't you heard the latest news about a G4 swine flu and the looming danger it represents for us humans? So let's ban pigs, they are dangerous and thus we clearly aren't supposed to eat them!
I hope you get how presumptuous and simplistic your approach is. Best wishes for your wife nevertheless.
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i thought that we should all go against eating food that can help diseases to mutate and affect us but now that you have put me in my place, i have no option but to take it back and thanks for your best wishes.
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if WHO decided to remove homosexuality from the list of mental illness then i geuss Zoophilia should get the same acceptance and recognition
So for you, homosexuality is a mental illness, and it is comparable to zoophilia. And your main point is that homosexuals don't reproduce and, for that reason, put mankind into danger. Did I understood you correctly ?
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homosexuality was consedered a mental illness till WHO removed it from the list so why Zoophilia is not treated the same just a logical question.
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How about answering my question instead of repeating your original post ?
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" if WHO decided to remove homosexuality from the list of mental illness then i geuss Zoophilia should get the same acceptance and recognition or is it double standards?"
there is something wrong with you if you think there is anything related between lgbt and beastiality.
blacklisted for being an ignorant. You've provided this community with nothing.
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Watch your step, everyone. There's bullshit on the ground.
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Do you think tomorrow would have been better suited? :)
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no that wasn't intended but why do LGBT needs a whole pride month? a one day to honor thier reunion wouldn't be enough?
birthday, independence day, memorial day, mother's day so what makes LGBT so special to receive that special treatment if i might ask?
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I believe humanity fucked itself when they made human cloning illegal, and turned their sight away from the skies to favor petty squabbles in here. Race should not be an issue by now, we supposed to concentrate on mining mars from everything its worth and colonise some rock. I wont respect any right movement because what they want is simply power to slow humanity's progress for their own gain. Gay,black,doglover doesnt matter, you already have the same right as others if you dont make a fuss, but thats never enough for them
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i believe sexual intercourse where it's not supposed to be can have a disastrous impact on our race, if it's not medical-related then it's gonna lead to a slow exctintion of our race
Yeah ban anal and oral unless doctor ordered it!!!
Also 0:13 leechers aren't a minority.
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nevermind i'll find someone other than you (with Adele's voice)
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I'm not part of the LGBTQ community, but I met several and not one of them made me feel that they will be the (next) Skynet. Actually I had more "normal" conversations/interactions with them, compared to many so called "normal" people, Don't want to sound arrogant, but I guess you are very superficial in categorizing things. Nothing wrong with not knowing about certain things, LGBTQ community in this case or anything in general, but it starts to get wrong when you don't try to educate yourself before having opinions. One big problem on this flat Earth is that people try to raise awareness on things that never threatened humanity, but ignoring real problems like throwing plastic in whale's dinner. Beware the days when aliens looking like dogs will come and see you walking your dog with a leash.
In all seriousness, as Mully summed it up earlier, "stop caring what people do with their private life as long as they are happy and they don't hurt others".
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Freedom is good but should it be absloute? is mocking people out of freedom is acceptable act? is telling people things they hate to hear about themselves a fair use of freedom? Am i free as long as i don't hurt anybody? how about LGBTQ, is it a fair use of freedom?
LGBTQ supporters claims that it's a natural behaviour that is not happening only in humans but in animals too and therefore we should accept that but question is, is it enough that because animals is doing it we humans should do it or accept it among our race? aren't we an intelligent race and other races isn't? is there any other reasons why LGBTQ rights should be protected and recognised?
Covid 19 is a result of humans eating what they are not supposed to be eating and if you wanna know the crieteria of what we should eat safely you can at least eat what is known to be safe. now my wife has Covid 19 just because someone felt free to eat whatever he/she wants to eat on the other side of the planet.
i believe sexual intercourse where it's not supposed to be can have a disastrous impact on our race, if it's not medical-related then it's gonna lead to a slow exctintion of our race if LGBTQ became the global orientation due to the very low birth rate that is going to happen because someone don't have appetite towards the opposite sex,
if WHO decided to remove homosexuality from the list of mental illness then i geuss Zoophilia should get the same acceptance and recognition or is it double standards?with all respect to all human beings regarldess of sexual orientations, i'm just wondering about things hopefully i'll get some convincing answers.
let me know what you think, fellow human :)
Edit: #2
due to the considrable amount of awesome comments finding it irreasonable for Zoophilia to be recognised for it's not consensual -which i'm totally convinced with and it's totally different than LGTB- i had to take it back but talking about consenst, why
polygamyPolyamory isn't legal when it's totally consensual?Comment has been collapsed.