How long do you like giveaways to be?
I haven't progressed much in BL2 to say anything about it, but HK is amazing! It frustrates me to hell, but I absolutely love it. I would definitelly recommend giving it a try, but be patient with it. It takes a while to get used to the game. =)
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I've left Steam for a few days to play some Final Fantasy I on GBA.
But recently i've been playing Glass Masquerade 1 (that i finished) and 2, didn't felt like investing myself too much on a game, i just needed to chill. :)
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I've been wanting to get grim dawn but lots of backlog. I'm kind of working on SD too. How far in are you? PPU is the forever dlc addition game. Another puzzle game I recommend is animated jigsaws
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I just reached Act 3 in Grrim Dawn and I'm on my third farm in Stardew Valley, though I've already completed 38/40 achievements. The last 2 I won't get, due to loathing that mini game.
I'll take a look at the different animated jigsaw titles next sale then.
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Mediocre. I've had it crash twice, but save points are frequent enough that if you take advantage it's not a big deal. The camera is occasionally uncooperative and it's really weird transitioning from third person with melee characters to first person with ranged ones mid fight. I'm also not a huge fan of how for a lot of boss fights they force you to use one particular character, but so far it hasn't worked out too badly (albeit with a guide for strategies). For the most party the story is forgettable, but there is one interesting twist. They could have done much better there, adding more lore and whatnot, and I think it would have made the game much better.
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That might be a genre itself. Have you played She Remembered Caterpillars ?
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Un Epic currently, but I have several others on the go as well
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I was working on an extensive backlog myself; taking a bit of a break from that though. Sticking to 1 or 2 for a bit.
I'm mostly playing Total War: Warhammer I before I segway to the second as I acquired all the DLC for both during the Summer Sale & have been meaning to give it some time for a while. Thus the acquisition, ;)
That & some Gemcraft: Chasing Shadows. Despite it's age & it's limitations I find it strangely compelling to play; likely due to it's math aspects.
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I've put in 2+ hours (to test them out) on the games I wanted most from the Summer Sale:
Neoverse - This has wowed me, somewhat unexpectedly, I'm actually thinking about it when I'm not playing it. To me, that's a sign of a good game. Nice aesthetics, nice gameplay. I often hear that Slay The Spire influenced it, which means that I have to take a closer look at that one soon (although it's already been on my radar).
Pagan Online - ARPG. I need to test out the new skill overhaul, I played it before that came into place. What I have experienced so far has been pleasant. Community is meh though, wow, people are angry about a wipe in an EARLY ACCESS game. Yikes.
Chef - I spent maybe 3 hours just messing around with the ingredient/recipe screen (and looking at Steam guides for it). That took up most of my time so far. The potential of this game intrigues me.
I still play Shadow Of War for certain dailies, I think it's just a habit now, I 100% the main story a few months ago, I'm just missing one legendary weapon though (and then the main Talion storyline will be fully complete).
And I need to get back to Total War: Three Kingdoms. Workshop has just been released, as well as a few other patches.
Need to get back to Crusader Kings 2 as well.
And finally, Gremlins Inc. and Monster Prom are two casual-ish games that are nice to play while I'm multitasking/doing other stuff, so they'll always have a place in my library.
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That's quite a list
I'm surprised how fun neoverse is as well. I think I already did 10+ playthroughs.
First I've seen of pagan and chef. I would probably play pagan since I'm a fan of D2, Titanquest, etc (let's not talk about D3 since I joined during launch)
TW 3 kingdoms is high on my wishlist. CK2 is backlogged and I can't see myself buying all the dlcs
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Ooohweee a fellow Neoverse player! Hai! I reaaaaally love this game but I'm still very early into it. I can see myself sinking many, many hours in this game.
Pagan Online is a work in progress, but ambitious in scope. If they can deliver, watch out! They have active, receptive, responsive developers, which is nice. The little I've played has been fun. Honestly, videos of Valeria jumping above enemies while dual shooting in the air was a big component in influencing my decision, I thought that she looks so cool!
It seems like we have some genres/games in common (besides the above, you mentioned RoTK below), interesting!
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Losing hours of my life playing Three Kingdoms, it's really immersive compared to the previous total wars HAHAP
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i'm currently playing Deadly Premonition, even though I'm "a little" late to the party, lol.
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Well, by that I meant that it's a really old game and I'm just playing it now ;D
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Oh, I remember playing so much of Need for Speed (or maybe it was Need for Speed 2?). I remember driving with a joystick, because I didn't have a controller at the time, but it worked. And then playing Need for Speed Porsche Unleashed on a keyboard - driving with a keyboard was kind of awful, but I loved it regardless.
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Yup, racing in bumper cam view with a CH Flightstick Pro. I couldn't imagine doing it now, but it worked for me then. :)
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Me too. Lego Jurassic World was on the plus side of "meh," but not enough for me to play past the storyline. This, however, is great (despite including a very few bugs--and I have the GOG edition, which is supposedly less buggy than what steam sells)!
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Like the first poster, I'm back to Borderlands 2, thanks to the new free expansion leading into BL3. I've got a bunch of old quests I still haven't beaten, and now that I can start a character at level 30, I might try some of the other character types. I don't wanna build up another character from scratch and play the same quests again, but I wouldn't mind playing around a bit with the other powers.
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Thank you all the SGers for support of our group and curator, here is another train for everyone.
5 car train ends 7/25
Instead of the usual bump, you can say what games you are currently playing.
I'm currently working on Mystic Saga a HOG, Neoverse a rouge lite dungeon crawler, Civilization V a city building TBS , FF XIII
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