i have borderlands 2, it's a **** , mw2 is more better than all cod's
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CoD 1 + United offensive, I know it's not in the list but, if I was to pay for a CoD game, I'd pick that.
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I'm not gonna vote... I guess that CoD series is the worst thing that happened to gaming industry. And stupid current-gen player children love that. I respect old-school gamers, they at least know what a good game is. CoD is just... it's just HORRIBLE. I don't like games, but I'm not saying they sux or something, I just don't like them, not my kind of games, BUT CoD is really shit. Deal with it kids, you growing up with shitty games nowadays. You don't even know what good game is... You are the reason why we fucking see a fucking FPS shooters everywhere. Copies of CoD, I'm bored... I remember that gaming used to be about quality, not only money and stupid Cod fanzombies.
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Can't even compare Battlefield 3 to any CoD. BF3 is much higher quality game. Don't you see? CoD is same since CoD4, everyone knows that ActiVision is the most greedy publisher. And you keep buying their products, and their just can laugh at you.
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Am, no. Treyarch Cods are actually somewhat innovative and original. They explore new settings and modes, think of better storytelling. Their single player always was and still is better than competitors' (read Battlefield series). So yes, they might not be great games, but at least Treyarch is trying.
And is that Leon from RE6 on your avatar?
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I'm not comparing the games. Just wanted to show that i play actually good games but i like BOII as well, bought it a few days ago and i'm enjoying it, different from BF3 and it's really enjoyable, enough for me.
Of course you can't compare a BIG BF3 to a little CoD, different FPS styles but both fun.
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I know, CoD runs on actual crap of engine, but, on other side, it really is fun to play, either alone or with friends, or just trolling noobs around is fun too. Still no need for that much hate tho, all games have downsides and upsides. Me.. well.. I don't like Indie games, I like only few of them, Super Meat Boy, Limbo, Bit.Trip Runner, because they are hard, I like games to be difficult (not saying other indies ain't hard).
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No. Only with CoD. And there are already a lot of FPS games. But you are current-gen gamer that started playing games in year 200x, you can't possibly understand.
If they improve CoD, like it will be really a NEW game, and stop charging 60 EUR for that crap and 14 EUR for their funny DLCs, I will stop have a problem. Oh and I'm sure another CoD coming this year!!!!!!!!!!!!! Probably MW4? Can't wait for that copied & pasted game. CoD 4 = Cod MW2 = Cod 5 = Cod Black ops = cod black ops 2 = cod MW3 = future CODs = shitiest game series ever made.
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Yeah sure, let's start talking about other FPS, hmm Halo or Battlefield, and let's see what you're gonna say then ;)
As I said, calm down, stop hating, enjoy your indies or whatever you want, WE ain't stopping you to enjoy your games you like, only YOU'RE the one trying to stop us from playing the games we like.
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I'm gonna say that I don't have problem with them, and I don't like Halo. But at least, it's not copy & paste shit like the CoD of yours. And Battlefield 3 was at least very well made. Improved very much. But I know a lot of CoD fanzombies hate BF games, because they are mad that BF fanboys are right about their game being better. Just deal with it.
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Oh, another boosting comment whore. I was wondering how you have 3000 and more comments. It's from all that retarded "thanks" "thanks" when you enter a giveaway. Just to boost your comment count, not really appreciate the giveaway. ;-) Another asshole spamming comments. What about saying thanks to a person when you win? Or post something more than just a simple "thanks" ? No no, you are to stupid for that. Do you thank personally to a Valve for example when they give you a chance to win something? Do you thank someone when you enter a lottery? You are like stuck toilet seat - thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks. Your brain is in critical state. Do something good for your parents and the others - kill yourself. The world will be better place to live.
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WHAT THE FUCK?! Why you CoD retards always bring a BF3 to this?! What the fuck does BF3 have to do with that?! You Cod fanzombies really can't get over it that BF3 is better and higher quality game... You must always say something about Battlefield in a CoD topic fight.
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Problem with me being rude? It's not my fault that you two are brainless kids. Go cry to mum about me being rude. o.O I feel sorry for you, blind retarded sheeps. Keep charging ActiVision with money from your mum's wallet like an idiots. ActiVision can laugh their asses of how much stupid you are, and I'm doing the same. They're just fooling you and fooling you again, and you are just retarded and you always get yourself fooled. You think how much you are right, huh? No, you're not. But it's not possible to explain anything to CoD fan retarded brainless zombies. Enjoy your stupidity, and good luck, you gonna need it. ;-) And yo, go get yourself a 100% functional brain. Your is mentally damaged.
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Yeah, now he adds "bro". "Umad bro?" I cant say how retarded you are with that... All of you saying that. Please, PLEASE!!!! Grow UP!!!!!!!! just please... for your parents's sake. and for the others around you. Typical internet piece of shit kid saying "Umad bro" You aren't even original, and this is what really internet assholes are saying. No lifer detected.
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I wasn't typing them how they were coming out, but OK, i was just saying they are all same. But your brain is unable to understand. Sux to be you too. Yes, I'm forced to look at it on almost every fucking gaming website and forum, also at fucking youtube in comments. Because you cod fanzombies are everywhere. you are something like Justin Beaver fangirls -.-
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I have a problem? hohohaha. Go get yourself a real game. You know shit about games I'm sure, you dumb current-generation gamer -.- And I can't see any improvent in COD BOII, im sorry. put down your pink glasses and open your eyes. gaming is worse, it used to be better, much better, now its only about money, DLCs. But you cant know. Since you are current-gen gamer, with no idea. Sux to be you. Go play some SNES, PS1, PS2 and other games, (if you have even idea what SNES, PS1 and PS2 is...) Well, of course you don't. You are only baby playing FPS shooter games on PC (CoD). Yeah... You COD fanzombies think that you are some PRO players, only because you play COD. But sadly, you're not. I hate when some current-gen (new-gen gamers) fuckers arguing with me about games. Shut the fuck up please, both of you... I played MANY MANYYYYYYYYYYYY games you have no fucking idea about. You know crap about games, so stop arguing with someone who's playing games since 1980's. I'm not gonna argue with CoD kids anymore. It's useless. Jesus... Stick with your CoD and enjoy your shitty games, because you dont know anything better. Yeah, most of the current-gen gamers sux. including you. and you are the reasons, why we fucking see a FPS shooters everywhere and golddigger publishers and developers. cos you are fucking blind sheeps that are easy to fool. Thanks for ruined gaming industry, assholes. Enjoy your overpriced same games every year and your cosmetic DLCs and additional maps and all of that crap. Losers.
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uumad?umad?mad?umad? Please, make your profile not private, let's see what games you have. And tell me please, Snes,PS1 and some PS2 games ain't copy paste? I have Snes emulator on PC, and they all look the same, especially super mario, tonssssssssss of it, how about that? And do you know the prices of games in that time ?
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umad? Heh, only retards like you are saying this, what about being original? HAHA, why you think my profile is private? Because I dont wanna assholes like you watching at it. Oh this is it! this is it! Now he insults SNES, PS1 and PS2 games! Typical current-gen retarded gamer playing CoD! hahahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You fucking motherfucker, go fuck yourself. They all look the same? what the fuck are you? Such a pussy gamer. I should stop calling you a gamer, you are a insult for a gaming industry. Yeah, you are the reason why games aren't that good how they used to be. One of the many. Yeah, I know the price, but you dont, so shut the fuck up and stop checking a internet for informations. That time is already gone, how the fuck you can comparing it to today. And games I have on Steam are nothing to what I have on retail discs you asshole. You know, Steam is not the only one source of the games. But you don't know... Because the first time when you saw a game, was on Steam... SNES, PS1 and PS2 games copy & paste?! WTF?!?!?!?!!? Shut the fuck up you ignorant piece of shit, you dont know anything. If you would ever played a PS1 games in 1990's for example, you would know that games on it were always something new, something that surprised. But you never did, so shut the fuck up when you dont know anything. How the hell dare you to call them a copy & paste. You are just current-gen COd fanzombie. You have no idea about older / old games. Now, go play your precious Cod, little kiddo:) Hurry, and dont forget to watch your Kills / Deaths scoreboards, hahahahahah. Dont even think about yourself like about a gamer. You are just a funny and stupid joke compare to a gamer, like all of you Cod fanzombies. I'm done here, kiddo. I have better things to do than just talking to little children.
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Yeah, CoD gamaes older than CoD5 were fine, but now, they are just the same, horrible games, games made for money. But CoD fanzombies (fanboys) can't admit it. How? Because everyone knows CoD, and children want to be IN, they need to be cool between their friends etc... So they need to play it too. And they don't know anything else. Or the hell I know, they don't know what's good.
Justin Beaver is popular too, and sux anyway. It's just those little kids you know? Why is Justin Beaver so popular even when he sux? Because of stupid little fangirls. Why is CoD so popular even when it sux? Because of stupid little children. Hmm, I played many games that I can't even say how much CoD sux and how much these children are annoying. But I get it hey. They are growing up with CoD, so they don't know anything else. Something really good. They are growing up in this age.
What else I hate? Children crying about the graphics in games. Graphics doesn't make a game good.
These 2 assholes above don't have even idea.
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Good day or good night people.
Poll - vote please.
Thanks and write a comment - who game you buy and why?
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